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.No . Ordinary . Angel.

You follow Fali to meet Nad'abath'klis. Fali calls out, "Klis? Klis! Come meet a visitor...." Fali whispers to you, "She's a little shy, a bit self conscience about her looks...though me and just about everyone who has met her loves her. She's so adorable."  

"Do I have to come out Fali?" a soft voice that could only be described as angelic replies. Fali says, "Yes, dear.. we came to see you. Come on.. this visitor won't bite, and neither will it make fun of you." "Oh,  okay." A small form appears from behind a tree. She's a small winged painted unicorn...but unlike the others she had fluffy fur. And her wings...unbelievably beautiful. You stare at her in open mouth awe. Fali gives you a polite bump. And you close your mouth and try to stop staring.


She ducks her head and blushes. Though it's hard to tell since she is all ready a deep pinkish color. Not wanting her to feel offended, "Forgive me for staring. It's just that you're so pretty.." Fali chuckles.

"See hun? Everybody likes don't need to be shy." She goes over to Klis and gives her a nuzzle. She smiles shyly, "Thank-you for being so kind to me Fali. And thank you for the compliment." She says to you.

Fali chuckles, "Nonsense, you don't need to thank me for that. Only a fool would be mean to you. *nuzzle* You just remember that Klis." Klis smiles again, "K I will Fali. I promise." All through that little conversation you keep wondering if her fluffy fur was as soft as it looked...You wanted so much to reach out and touch her to find out. But you didn't want to offend Klis, nor Fali. Unicorns are not meant to be touched without permission they have a lot of pride. Klis seeing you looking at her knew what it was you were thinking. She walks up closer to you. "You want to see what it feels like don't you? Go ahead the spot at the base of my horn feels a little itchy..." She lowers her head slightly careful not to get you with her horn. Tentatively you rub her forehead amazed that she would let you. It's softer than it looks and so fluffy! Once you had relieved her of the itch she moves away. "Thank-you." Is all she says.


The next minute you think you hear the jingle of many bells. Looking around you try to find the source of the sound. Klis giggles, "That's Creslaht she's just arrived here Christmas Eve. And braided into her tail are many brass bells. One always knows she's coming because of all the ringing and jingling. A few minutes later sure enough a tiny paint mare of blue and white arrives leaping out of the trees.

"Hello!" she calls to you in a jolly sweet voice. "It's a Beautiful Winter Day don't you think so?" If it hadn't been before it was couldn't imagine any day not being pretty with this joyful little mare. "Oh you think every day is beautiful Cres..." a masculine voice comments. Cres giggles and replies, "And you think everyday is made for love songs Verana'cyr'rin." The chenai stallion chuckles, "Well, what else can one expect from such as I? I was born on Valintines day."

Cres laughs, "Not much else I must say!" They both laugh. The pink stallion shakes his mane. "I don't think you truely object Cres, or I'd be very hurt. And I know you like my love songs." He smiles, and Cres blushes and with a swish of her tail turns around. "Yes, well...don't let it get to your head. I'm already in a charity and I know you're thinking of starting a completely different one." The Verana nods, "Yes, I know...I'm just using you for practice before I go charm the other ladies." he winks. "Though...paints like me aren't really supposed to join charities and such, but Silvanon said an exception could be made for me if I wanted to enough." Cres smiles, "Yeah...of course Lumi had to be an annoyance first. But hey...who wouldn't want more little babies like you eh?" She gives Verana a nudge, that he returns fondly. "Not you." he says dead pan. He bounces away laughing as Cres nips him. "Oh you!!" She squeals at him.

Fali gives you another bump.

"Well, come on you got lots more to see." She chuckles, "Farewell Klis, Cres and Verana!" You wave to the friends still laughing over the foolery between the two chenais.

Klis and Cres waves their tails, "Farewell!" *Bells jingle*

You continue on your way.

All Paints are from The Silver Unicorn
BG is from Red.