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Painted Unicorn Meadow


Fali'hutan trots over to yet another part of the meadow, here the grass is crisp and smells sweet. She trots over towards two new paints, they greet her each with a nicker of glee. One looks up at you it smiles and spreads its large wings. You step back in shock as the paint trots over to you, Fali'hutan follows happily. The large-winged paint whinnies at you gleefully to see another visitor.

"This is Ayr'valista, Ayrandan'hala son. He has grown in to a very handsome stallion, and has joined a Very fine charity with two absolutely Gorgeous mares who are very happy to have him."

Ayr'valista blushes and hides his face under one of his beautiful green wings.

"Auntie Fali you don't have to say that," Ayr'valista grins proudly at his Aunt. Knowing that he is quite a stallion. He swishes his long black tail, and looks around.

"Hey where did Fali'silva go?"


He looks around but the other paint is no where to be found. Fali'hutan looks as well but the other paint seems to have disappeared. Suddenly the sound of hooves galloping through the field can be heard. You look up in time to see a strong looking paint charging at Ayr'valista.

"EEEEEEE Gang way!"

The other paint charges forward then leaps high in to the air, only to land gracefully on all four hooves. She smiles happily at the reaction she gets out of you and the other paints. The paints body is white, with a large purple splotch that lines its back.

"Ah there you are, I was becoming worried about where you went." Fali'hutan turns to you and smiles.

"I'd like to introduce you to my daughter, Fali'silva, Sweet Rose. She's a bit of an energetic mare, but I guess most of us still have a little foal in them. Plus she is ~my~ daughther and I haven't slowed down one bit have I?"*laughs*


Fali'silva giggles and nuzzles her mother affectionately. She looks back at Ayr'valista and pokes him gently with her nose, she giggles lightly trying to start a new game with him. Ayr'valista smiles sideways at Fali'silva then spreads his enormous wings and takes off across the field Fali'silva chases after him giggling all the way. Fali'hutan chuckles and walks alittle further along, "You'll love this new fellow that just moved here, his name is Li'Filan." Smiling you follow her eagarly to meet another Painted Unicorn.

Fali'hutan stops and nodded her head to a white unicorn with a violet horn, hooves and feather markings on his flank. He bows his head, "Sella li, Fali'hutan and traveler. Wonderful day isn't it?" Agreeing that is was you fall silent not at all sure what to say to this beautiful creature with a mane of the palest silver moonlight. Surely..he couldn't be from the same place as the others?

Li'Filan turns a kindly look on you, "If you are name means Of Heaven." ponder if he really is from heaven...if so wouldn't you love to go there? You ask him, "Are you really?" Li'Filan smiles, "Perhaps...perhaps I am." He turns away, "Fare thee well...I won't keep you any longer. There are many more to meet." He walks...almost floating, away toward a misty hill.

Fali'hutan looks back at you, "Well, shall we go visit Ril'lire'oliwi and Filana'lisen?"

You nod your head and the two of you start back on your way towards the next meadow.

You move on

All Painted Unicorns Are from The Silver Unicorn.
BG is from Red.