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Qualiron's Sanctuary

You follow Andradi a short ways to meet the other Qualrilons. All the time your eyes keep returning to Andradi's blood red coat. It was captivating surely no other creature could possibly be as lovely as her. She stops just before a large den like space in the grasses. "Just to warn you, Aanya is abit proud...her manners aren't very friendly toward travelers." With a wry shake of her head Andradi walks into the Den. Following her in you are both confronted with a green mohawked qualrilon who looked unpleased at the trespass into her Den.

She looks displeased at Andradi. "Did you have to bring the human here? I prefer not to have every web traveler know where I sleep you know." Andradi rolls her eyes. "It's not like you aren't perfectly capable of taking care of yourself you know Aanya. You got teeth and claws same as the rest of us. And what do they have? Nothing much I can tell you that. This one is no threat." Aanya looks you over and snorts slightly extending the claws of one paw. "True enough Andradi. Very well I suppose I can tolerate this one's visit just like the others." Swallowing nervously you were glad she wasn't about to eat you. Dispite her unfriendly mien she was a very pretty qualrilon. So green and shiny. Andradi looks around and raises an eyeridge. "So where is Tashir? Off hunting roans again?" Aanya looks amused. "Of course? Does he ever do anything else in his spare time?" A deep voice breaks in at this point. "Occassionally I do pretty Aanya." The two mares look up to see the dark colored Qualrilon stallion make his way to the den. Like Andradi he was avian headed with dragon wings. The difference from the two mares was his dark black coloring paired with bloodred, and a lion's tail.

Aanya smiles at the stallion. "Ho Tashir has decided to come and visit with us for awhile Andradi. Taking time away from his presious hunting. Should we be honored?" She teases the stallion. Tashir laughs. "I fear you place how important hunting is too me alittle high Aanya, as what kill could possibly compare to such lovely company? It could not let me assure you." Tashir winks at them. "And who is this traveler? I thought you were not letting them come around anymore Aanya." He eyes you with alittle interest, as if wondering what you taste like. Aanya shrugs, "Andradi brought it over and told me it was not like it could do us any harm anyway so I let it stay." Andradi noices what direction Tashir's thoughts were going and warned him. "You can't eat travelers, Luminaire would get really upset if you did." Before Tashir makes a reply to that and before you can get too nervous, there is a sudden cry of. "Mommy!" And little red qualrilon cub dashes out of the grass and huggles Andradi.

Andradi laughs, "Baby! Hi, sweetling...did you have a good time with daddy?" Andradi snugs the cub close to her. She looked just like her mom only no horns. Also dragconic wings and legs. "Yes, I did! Daddy, let me watch him hunt today and he took me fishing too!" The little cub bounces excitedly.






All Qualrilons are from Sirah's Realm

BG from Red.