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undefined When I changed to Angelfire from GeoCities, I considered shutting down this site and moving some of its sections to a different site. I don't have the heart to do it, though. Apart from Harry Potter, very little is kept current on this site. These pages are marked with an asteris (*).

Okay, I've been trying to figure out why I had decided not to open this site right away. I think it was just because I needed to fix the links. But they all seem to be working. Huh, go figure. So anyway, enjoy and sorry about the delay. :-)

A random request: Does anyone remember the Disney show that aired in 1998 called Bug Juice: Our Summer At Camp? If you have episodes from season one, session two that you're willing to trade for epsiodes from session one, please e-mail me with the subject "Bug Juice." Thanks!

About Me
* TV Shows
My Favorite Things
* Princess Diana
I hope to work on this again soon
Harry Potter
Straight from the Horse's Mouth
And you thought you had strange conversations

My Jukebox
Listen to midi files while you look around
Jaime's Wedding
Writen by my chat buddy, Meg
My Other Pages
E-mail Me

+ 868
Visiters since November 30, 1997

This page was last updated July 8, 2006
This page was relocaoted February 20, 2002
This page was redesigned January 15, 2000
This page was created September 6, 1997