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As you enter, you take one look
around and instantly realize
that this person must really
like blue. The walls are a dark
blue marble. The floors are covered
in a deep blue plush velvet carpet.
Around the room you see several different items.

An oak dresser, with several
different items upon it rests
against the left wall,
while on the back wall a
huge oak canopy bed rests.
The large bed is also done
up in different shades of blue,
and looks big enough to
allow 20 people to
sleep upon it. Big light
blue fluffy pillows nearly
cover the entire headboard,
while the dark blue comforter
covers the rest of the bed.

A long oak desk rests against
the right wall. Upon close
inspection one can make out
small runes carved delicately
in to the wood. Upon the table,
large stacks of papers, and other
assorted things rest.

Sitting infront of the desk,
you spot a woman, her long
hair falling down her back.
She doesnt seem to notice you at
first, but turns quickly to
stare at you a moment, before speaking.

"Welcome to my humble abode.
Please feel free to wonder
around a bit. I'm sorry
I cant really tell you more
about myself. I'm a bit busy.
There is a little information
about me here if you are really
curious. Oh, make sure you dont
touch anything though.." she says
to you giving you a stern look as
she hands you a piece of paper.

She smiles at you lightly, and
then returns to her work.

You look down at the paper in your
hands, and begin to read.

Name: Kaelin

Age: 24

Birthday: May 25th

Birthstone: Emerald

Zodiac: Gemini

Flower: Lily of the Valley

Likes: Books, Music, Outdoors, Friends

Dislikes: Mean or rude people, people that like to
argue thinking they are always right, evil things, and
evil intentions

Favorite Food: Fettucini Alfredo *gotta love the
italian food! ^_^*

Least Favorite Food: Peas *YUCK! ~_~;*

Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Singing,
Dancing, Playing Sports, Hiking,
Hanging out with Friends

Personality: What can I tell you? Let's see. Well
first off, I am generally a very nice person. I try to
show respect to everyone I meet, and expect to get the
same respect in return. I am usually a pretty funny,
laid back type person, though I do have a temper, but
it rarely flares up. Only when you really make me mad.
I can be stubborn, bull-headed, and willful, but hey,
if you don't know me, you dont have to live with it so
*shrugs*. I'd do anything for my friends, and family.
Oh and I can be rather blunt when it comes to speaking
my mind.

Favorite Stone: Sapphire

Favorite colors: Blue and Green

Anything Else?: Erm... no.

You place the paper back on the
table. You look around a bit more
before turning and leaving this huge
room. You arent for certain, but
as you leave
you swear you hear Kaelin say,
'May the wind guide you.'
