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The Dream Machine
Chapter Two: Sky

I was glad he woke up. I had no doubt he would, since I fixed everything properly. His self-repair system was functioning again, so that should speed up my own repairs on Zero much more.

Even before he woke up I could tell he was a sad Reploid. Something about his face told me he didn't smile much. My suspicions were confirmed when he said his first words three days after he woke up. His voice was heavy with burden, but I think even in his condition he was trying very hard to hide it. He asked about his friend X again. I told him that it would be necessary to send scouters into town to find out about X and the Maverick Hunters. I sent out scouter bots to look for the nearest town, but they came back and reported nothing but desert, even at the exact coordinates Zero supplied me.

“The towns nearby must have been buried under sand as well, like my lab.” I explained to Zero. “They’re looking for some sort of way inside. The humans must have moved underground regardless, since the pollution makes it impossible to live above ground for some time.” Survivors did exist, even though the conditions are terrible from the crash. I’ve seen several of them in air-tight suits, scouting the area where I found Zero. That was good enough for me, I guess. I felt no need to investigate any further until Zero started to ask about the survivors.

I had hoped he could tell me about that blue light I saw. He went very quiet when I mentioned it. He knew something about the blue light. Oh well, he could tell me in his own time.

The faces of Zero consist of varying degrees of concern. Sheesh, was he always like this? I try my best to cheer him up with my overwhelmingly optimistic personality, but he only offers me weak smiles. If I did not talk to him, he would probably spend the entire day staring at the wall, deep in his own thoughts. He claims it helps his self-repair system when he doesn't move. I’ve seen the blueprints, and know he’s lying, but I don’t call him on it. If he needed time, then so be it. From what he told me about what happened to him in the last 24 hours before he was blown up, he probably needs centuries to get over what’s going on.

So he is a Maverick, or was a Maverick. From what he told me, he seemed to have a separate personality. I couldn’t believe that the Reploid who is so concerned about X could, at the same time, be trying to kill him. He didn’t seem dangerous now, and I didn’t find any trace of the Sigma Virus in him.

After three weeks, repairs for Zero were finally completed. He busied himself by testing out his weapon capabilities. They’re not anywhere near full capacity, but my resources were limited, and I don’t think he needs to defend the world anytime soon. At around the same time, one of my scouter bots came back with some disturbing news.

The good news was that some of the humans and Reploids have survived on earth, and are living in underground colonies called “coves.” This was good to hear. However, communication between neighboring coves was not well established, as their move to this new home was rather hasty. It was difficult enough for the people of one cove to contact another, so it was going to be even more difficult for me to reach any of them.

Poor communication aside, it seems that a virus was named after my new friend, Zero. When I checked the readings myself I confirmed that the article was telling the truth. This might explain why he went Maverick but had no traces of the Sigma virus. This would also explain how he was “cured” of being a Maverick. The virus’s readings being identical as his own, there is a possibility that his virus and his own systems are equally powerful, and arefighting each other for control. Or, stranger still, Zero could be controlling the virus, whether he understands how or not. In any case, many of the survivors believe the Zero Virus to cause Reploids to go Maverick, and that Zero is behind the spread of the disease. Since Zero’s death during the battle with Sigma could not be confirmed, some people think Zero is still alive and was plotting to destroy the Maverick Hunters.

From the older newswire articles, we also found out that Zero’s friend, the Maverick Hunter called X, is also alive. At the moment we read this news, I saw a strange expression on Zero’s face. He didn’t look happy or relieved, as I expected him to look. He looked undecided. Was he still planning X’s death?

After Zero finished reading the newswire, he immediately headed for a door in the room.

“Where are you going, Zero?”

“I have to head back to Maverick Hunter’s Headquarters.” Zero said.

“Maverick Hunter’s Headquarters location isn’t even confirmed! Even if it were in the closest cove, that’s still a thousand miles away. You have no transport. It would take me a week to upgrade the buggy to make that kind of a trip.” Zero must be nuts, because his expression did not change. He still looked like he was about to go out that door. “Not to mention you’re not exactly outdoor weather safe either. I have to upgrade your armor so it can withstand the sand. I didn’t exactly have your original titanium alloy on hand when I fixed you up, so your armor wouldn’t survive the sand storm. You’d probably have more luck surviving a fall off a ten-story building as Humpty Dumpty.”

I finally changed his mind and he agreed to stay a couple more weeks so I can upgrade the buggy and his armor. I had to take apart several of my existing inventions around the lab and be a little creative to make a metal alloy close to the durability to his original armor. Zero looked about ready to jump out into the sandstorm, armor or no armor, as soon as I was done with the buggy. I almost had to tie him up and remind him again about how his armor still was not done.

It would take two more weeks to finish his armor. I wonder what he will find in town when he gets there.

Town… I wonder if she is still around.

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