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The Dream Machine
Chapter 8: Coincidences

“Zero,” Dr. Sky approached Zero stepped out of the recharge pod, “This, Dr. Cain… you can trust him, right?” Zero nodded slowly, curious as to why Dr. Sky suddenly asked about the old scientist. “If it’s okay, with you, I’d like to consult with him about this project.” Zero looked slightly worried.

“Is that necessary?”

“I think I’m getting in a little over my head.” Dr. Sky said cryptically, not wanting to alarm Zero about Wily. If she told him right now, he would probably insist on hopping back in and confronting Wily about the subject. Before Dr. Sky finds out about what glance was all about, he didn’t want Zero going back. “It would help a lot if I could consult another scientist. So if we can trust Dr. Cain, then…”

“I trust you.” Zero insisted. “There’s no need to tell Dr. Cain.”

“But Zero…” Just then, Zero’s communications device, now equipped with a range booster, started to beep. Zero heard Alia’s voice broadcast through his ear.

“Maverick HQ to Zero. Come in Zero.” Alia didn’t sound urgent as she does when there was an attack happening.

“Zero here.”

“Zero, we I’ve found something interesting about the Zero Virus. You should come and take a look at them. Can you report back to HQ within the hour?”

“Yes, I’ll be there shortly.” The motorbike Zero rode to Dr. Sky’s lab runs much faster than Dr. Sky’s buggy, so heading back to HQ wouldn’t take twenty minutes, much less an hour. “Zero out.” Zero started for the door. “Dr. Sky, I have to head back to HQ. Alia’s found something new about the Zero Virus.”

“Wait!” Dr. Sky caught up to Zero before he went out the door. “I’m coming too!” Zero stopped in his tracks when Dr. Sky stepped in front of him. “If it’s about the Zero Virus I should be there as well.”

Zero thought for a moment but come up with one reasonable excuse to why she shouldn’t.

“But what about the reason you left in the first place?”

Dr. Sky looked away for a several seconds, but then looked back up at Zero with determined eyes. “That’s not important anymore. It’s not just you… the world is riding on this. If I can help, I think I should go. And don’t worry, I promise I won’t say anything to Dr. Cain or anyone else about the machine.”

“I really don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Zero blinked, and in the time it took to finish opening his eyes, about twenty of Dr. Sky’s assistant bots emerged out of nowhere and seemed to stare accusingly at Zero, emulating their creator, who was giving him an equally annoyed look.

“How exactly do you plan to stop me if I decide to go by myself?”

Is it just my imagination, Zero thought nervously, or did the room get darker and are their eyes glowing?...

“Uh, well…” I can’t believe this! I’m being manipulated by a scientist who does cat impressions and her army of elfin assistants...

“I suppose it’s alright.” Zero finally said, which sent the assistant bots and Dr. Sky jumping for joy around the lab. Zero stood still as the cheering went on, trying to find the bit of sanity in this scene. He failed.

“How will you ride the motorbike? The suit you have wouldn’t survive.” Zero was fine with his armor to ride the bike without a special suit through the sand storm, but from what Zero saw of Dr. Sky’s suit, it probably wouldn’t survive the high speeds through the sand. Dr. Sky leaned slightly backwards, acting as if she was offended by Zero’s comment.

“Do you think this girl owns only one environment suit? Tut, tut.” Dr. Sky waved her index finger at Zero. “Please! I’ve got one for every occasion! Don’t worry about that! Let me go get the suit and I’ll meet you outside!”


The two arrived at one of the official entrances to Cove-01. Since the entrance was official, it meant it was better maintained than the sewer that Zero had to trudge through during his first visit.

After riding the elevator down, and Zero explaining about Dr. Sky to the guard, they were on their way to the lab.

X, Alia, and Dr. Cain where already inside the lab when they arrived. Zero took a moment and introduced everyone. Dr. Cain seemed to recognize the name.

“Sky...” Dr. Cain said thoughtfully. “Did you know Abigail and Frank Sky?”

“Yes, they were my parents. Did you know them?”

“I’ve only met them once, at a conference where they presented a talk on nano-technology.” Dr. Cain rubbed his chin. “Interesting stuff they presented, but I don’t think they ever completed their work before that unfortunate incident.” Both Dr. Cain and Dr. Sky looked downwards, while Zero, X and Alia glanced amongst themselves, curious as to what they were talking about. “They never did find the killer. They caught her on surveillance, but she seemed to have disappeared completely after that. It’s been seven years, so now the trail’s gone cold.”

“So they never caught her.” Dr. Sky said in a tone more bitter than anything Zero has heard her say.

“Do you mind if I ask where you have been since your parents died?” Dr. Cain asked softly. “The entire scientific community was very worried about your whereabouts. You basically dropped of the face of the earth! All the police would reveal was that you were safe.”

“Oh me, I was fine!” Dr. Sky madly waved her hand in the air. “I just had to get out for awhile. Anyway, don’t worry about that anymore! I’m here to help with the Zero Virus research!”

“You can start by looking at these new readings we have over there.” Alia, who was sitting in front of the monitors, motioned at the screen. Dr. Sky moved to stand by Alia and studied the screen. “I don’t know if you’re familiar with the software we’re using, but you can read the standard frequencies here, the outputs here, and you can toggle the other displays by using this button here.”

“Thanks.” Dr. Sky began to press the toggle switch. “Looks normal…wait!” She stopped at one of the screens and looked very concerned. “This reading; it’s unusual, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s what we thought.” Alia agreed. “This setting for output waves is just plain strange…. How anyone could have gotten it to transmit on this setting combination is beyond me.”

“It’s a fingerprint.” Dr. Sky said slowly. “All of my equipment generate this output as a fingerprint, so I can identify when and where my equipment has been used.” Dr. Cain, X, and Zero all huddled over Alia’s shoulder to see the readings. “These three number chains here, here and here.” Dr. Sky pointed. “It takes a very specific code to follow these chains for the output signal to even work! It’s virtually impossible to replicate unless you know a special method of generating them.”

“Could anyone else know how to generate these codes?” Dr. Cain asked.

“No. My mother was the one who came up with the method, and our parents used it exclusively on their equipment. They kept it secret for a reason.”

“So how could the virus be putting out these readings?” Dr. Cain turned to look at Dr. Sky. “Is it also programmed to leave traces on other things that the equipment has affected?”

“Yes, that was the other function, so we know what things the equipment has affected. There’s no way it could be my parents’ equipment, the entire lab was destroyed the day my parents died… so it must be….” Dr. Sky trailed off. “My equipment….?”

“Dr. Sky?” X leaned closed to the Doctor. “What is it?”

“My equipment… That bastard!” Dr. Sky’s face grew red with anger, and she stood straight and turned to leave the lab. “I have to get back! Zero, can you give me a ride?” A call came in on Alia’s headset, which disrupted the current conversation. After a series of nods, Alia addressed the group.

“There’s been another attack, at Cove-03, at one of the mines. It’s another Zero Virus outbreak.” Alia brought a set of new data on the screen, showing the location and status of the area under attack. “How does it do that?! We just swept that place for any sign of the Virus this morning and it was clean!”

“Maybe someone is planting the virus.” X said.

“Everyone,” Signas popped up on the adjacent screen. “Two units are there already, and they report that it’s been difficult to use their projectile weapons in the narrow passages. X, Zero, bring your swords, you’ll need them!”

Both Zero and X nodded, and Signas signed out.

“X, you go back to the lab with Dr. Sky.” Zero ordered. “I don’t exactly know what’s wrong there, but from your tone” Zero nodded towards Dr. Sky “It’s urgent. I’m better at sword fights than X, so I’ll handle the Cove-03 mine.” X nodded in agreement, and the three of them ran out of the lab. Dr. Cain sat down at another terminal, while Alia spotted for some of the hunters already in action at the mine. Moments later, Aya, of the 13th unit, walked through the doors.

“Alia, Dr. Cain. Commander Doyle asked me to bring these data files back to you, and to thank you for sharing them with him.” Aya set down the files down on a desk to the left of the doorway, and approached the monitor screens. “How are they doing?”

“Not good.” Alia typed something else on the keyboard, and winced. “One of the hunters just walked into a trap! Sever! Sever! Respond! Good, you’re still in one piece. Can you move? Okay, I’ll send someone to get you. Stay safe. Fade, please go to 03-48-29, Sever is immobilized. Get him out. Attention all hunters: beware of booby traps. Whoever the maverick is, he’s set up some very dangerous traps. Report coordinates of any traps you do find to me.”

“I know you’re busy, but Commander Doyle also asked to see the new readings.”

“I’ll fetch them for you.” Dr. Cain brought up the data on the screen in front of him, and downloaded them to a small digital pad, and handed it to Aya.

“Thank you, Dr. Cain. We’ll let you know about any new findings we get from this, of course.” Aya skimmed the data, and stopped at a screen. “This, output… It’s strange.”

“Yes, that’s what Dr. Sky said before she practically bolted out of the room.” Dr. Cain laughed. “Apparently it has something to do with her equipment.”

“Dr. Sky?” Aya’s voice lingered on the name.

“Do you know her?” Alia turned her attention briefly to Aya.

“No… I’m just surprised she’s still alive…. After that whole business of her parent’s lab blowing up many years ago.” Aya recovered from her shock. “What was she doing here?”

“Zero brought her to help with the investigation.” Dr. Cain replied. Aya made a noise acknowledging the answer and nodded.

“I should let you both get back to work.” Aya smiled and slipped out of the doorway. When the doors closed, she looked at the data on the pad again, a noticeably darker expression on her face this time. “Zero’s just a chick magnet, isn’t he?” She laughed, switched off the pad. “No matter, this is getting more interesting already.” She started to stroll down the hallway, humming a soft and cheerful tune.

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