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Rockman EXE Manga Cover. Cute! ITEM: Rockman EXE Manga, Volume 1
Author: Takamisaki Ryo[Homepage]
Series: Rockman EXE
Source: E-bay
Offical Merchandise: Yes (Chinese Release)
Description: 188 pages of main story manga with characters from the Rockman EXE series. Character design and story follows fairly close to those of the Game Boy Advance game series. Several new characters are introduced for storyline. Pages 6-172 contains chapters 1-5. Chapter 1: "New Age Battle!! Rockman" A fire threatens the students of Net's school! Chapter 2 "Rockman Attacked" Net receives an offer from Fireman EXE's operator to join in an attack on the school's education department on the net. To EXE's surprise, Net accepts! Chapter 2 "Stop the Out-of-Control Bullet Train!!" Net's class is going on a field trip. To make the trip more memorable for his departing friend, Net decides to use Rockman EXE to make the train go really fast. Unfortunately, net viruses make the train really go out of control! Chapter 4:"___ Flame Sword" (I apologize, I can't read those characters) Someone is trying to brainwash all the children at school! Gutsman EXE goes tries to stop the culprits, but quickly finds himself in trouble. Can Rockman EXE and Net arrive in time to help? Chapter 5 "The Power of Full Syncronization!!" The Net police chief tells Net about full syncronization with your Net Navi can bring about great power... then the station is attacked! Net and Rockman rush in to help... and as the danger rises, so does their sync rate. Page 173 on brings a specail chapter "Net and Rockman's First Meeting" which tells the first adventure Net and Rockman have when they first met at age 5. It also offers your first look at Lan's dad. (Can you say "Bishounen?")
Comments: Very cute storyline! Fans of the GBA series will like this manga very much, as the story content and style is very close to the game series. The manga consisits of a series of short adventures, with the WWW villians as the culprits each time. The fact that the manga uses drawings of the chips is a nice tie in with the game. Net is a bit more mischivieous than in the game, but EXE tries to keep him in line. Definitely a good first manga for the series.
Exe looks tired!  Net, don't work him too hard!
EXE trying to take a break after a match

Net's showing off to friends
Net posing

Net's dad is Bishounen! Whee!
Net's dad explains something to a disgruntled Net.

Manga contents on this page copyright CAPCOM, Takamisaki Ryo. All rights reserved. Contents displayed for crituque and product review purposes only.
Best Thing About This Item
The art is very nice! Close to the character designs of the game.

Worst Thing About This Item
I'm still waiting for the story to get deeper, which it does (I've seen the later Coro Coro comics stuff.)