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Yeah, I know, I got lazy and used the same banner here as the main banner, with more words slapped on top.  This is the most wordy of the non fan fiction pages.
A couple of thanks for people who've inspired works on this site:
To: Capcom
Thanks for making the Megaman series and all the fun spin-offs. For awhile there it seemed like lights out for the blue guy, but you guys kept making the series! Thanks! All the work in this site is dedicated at the people at Capcom!

To: Sonic no Miko
Your whole obsession thing with Sonic brought me renewed interest in my favorite childhood videogame series! I actually dusted off the old Nintendo and played the Megaman games after talking with you about videogames. Gagged at 8-bit grapics (I mean after Final Fantasy 7, everything looked bad ^_^), but it was fun either way.

To: Gamer Girl
I lost track of where your site is located, but should you ever find this site, please contact me! Your site was the first to host my first fan fiction :) It made me very happy that someone was willing to host my work on their site.

All graphics used for banners (except fan art and fan comic page banner) and main background on this site are works by artists at or affilated with CAPCOM, and are their official artwork.

Menu, Prev and Next Buttons, and comment bar background art is from the Rockman EXE manga published by Coro Coro Comics and drawn by Takamisaki Ryo.

Graphics used in Sprite Comic section are credited there. Of course, the actual sprites themselves pre-editing are works by artists at the repective gaming companies, CAPCOM, NINTENDO, SEGA.

Banners used in links section are made by the linked site's author unless otherwise stated. Any official graphics used in those should be/are credited by that site.

Scanned/photographed merchandise (including manga) are for critiquing purposes only! Any covers/pages of scanned media are used for identifying and to accompany my review on the product only, and are are not uploaded with intent to violate copyright laws. I will NOT upload complete booklets or manga, so please don't bother asking. I usually mention where I got the product in hopes that you will support the companies by buying lisenced goods.

Head icons used in various pages of this site are all made from works by artist at or affilated with CAPCOM, except for the Kobun head at the GUESTBOOK link, which is made by me, and the EXE head at the GUESTBOOK link, which is made from Rockman EXE manga, published in Coro Coro comics.

Pages in the Manga Translation section are English translations of stories/manga already copyrighted by Capcom and their respective manga artists. More specific copyright information is located on the Translation page as well as the pages containing the translations themselves.

Works listed in my Fanart section are by me. Do not post on your own site unless I've provided you with written permission or have sent you a letter begging you to publish it in your magazine (AHEM PSM!) or asked you to critique it on your site (Art Corner), or you are writing a meaningful crituqe about the piece.

Names of characters from the Megaman/Rockman universe are Trademarked by CAPCOM. Names of characters mentioned from the Sonic Universe are trademarks of Sega.

If I forgot anything else, please don't hesitate to drop me a line. Click on "E-MAIL" on the menu bar to contact me.
Amount of time it took to credit artists
30 minutes

Projected amout of time wasted if you got sued for copyright infringement
Five years. Any questions? No? Good.