
She turned from her conversation with the bartender to the man addressing her. She smiled as she recognized him. “Vivian!” The woman stood and walked toward them. The rest of the band watched as Viv hugged the tall woman with fiery-red hair.

“I heard you were around here,” he held her at arms length and looked her over. “It’s great to see you again.”

“You too.” She placed her hands on his arms and lowered them. “Didn’t expect me to rot in Belfast the rest of my life, did you?” The woman looked behind Vivian, to the four Englishmen staring at them in wonder. “I heard you’d hooked up with that lot,” she grinned.

Suddenly remembering the rest of the guys, Vivian slipped his arm around Siobhan’s shoulders and turned to introduce her. “Vonni, I’d like you to meet Joe, Rick, Phil and Sav. Guys, this is Siobhan Halloran.” They all shook hands and exchanged greetings.

“I take it, you’re old friends with Viv here,” Joe said.

“Once upon a time,” she smiled over at Viv with a wink. “We grew up together.”

Malvin entered the club, barking orders to someone via his cell phone. He snapped the key cover shut and looked up at the crowd staring at him. “You look like you’ve never seen a man work before,” he said, almost defensively. He then looked over at the woman. “Siobhan. How are you, my dear?”

“Just fine, Mal,” she hugged the tour manager and all around ‘zoo keeper’.

“Jesus Mal,” Joe didn’t believe the scene in front of him. “Is there anyone on this planet that you don’t know?”

He looked around to the tall singer. “There aren’t many,” he replied with a smirk on his face. “This lovely lady happens to be the owner of this fine establishment.”

“You’re the one sponsoring this whole charity gig?” Sav asked, a little surprised.

“Guilty,” Siobhan nodded. “I’m glad you lads were able to be a part of this.” She had put together a fundraising concert for the local children’s charities. Quite a few bands had agreed to participate.

It had been a coup to get the Leppards to be part of the show. They had only been off tour a few months, and they are VERY particular about what causes they lend their support to. She knew several of them had homes in the Southern CA area, and she could always count on Malvin for a favor. She was also looking forward to seeing her old friend again.

She gestured for them all to sit at a table. “Would any of you care for a drink?” She turned to the man she had been speaking to earlier. “Andy, this is my friend Viv and his mates. Get them whatever they want.”

They sat around the table, discussing the show and how it came about. Over an hour later, Malvin and Rick excused themselves, needing to leave. Phil went to the rest room, which left Vivian, Sav and Joe at the table with Siobhan. “So Viv, how’s the family doing?”

“Fine. You should stop by sometime. We’ll have dinner or something. You haven’t seen my little girl yet.”

“I’m sure she’s adorable.” Siobhan smiled at him. “We’ll have to do it when Aaron is visiting.”

“How is Aaron?” Viv asked. “It’s been what.?”

“Just over twelve years,” Siobhan said with a sigh. “He’s getting to be quite the young man now. You wouldn’t recognize him if you saw him.”

“And Aaron is?” Joe interjected into their conversation.

Siobhan looked at him as if she hadn’t noticed him before. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to exclude you two,” she apologized. “Aaron is my son. Vivian here is his godfather.”

Sav did a double take, looking at her as if she’d just recited ‘God Save the Queen’ backwards. “How old is your son?”

Siobhan looked at Viv. He smiled to her and tilted his head, as if to say, ‘It’s your call’. She turned back to Sav, answering his question. “Nearly twenty.”

“Jesus!” Joe choked on his drink. “You’re not old enough to have a kid that age.”

“I’m as old as Vivian.” She raised her eyebrows at him. “You’ve just met me, and now you’re an expert on my life?” Joe sneered at her. She chuckled at him in reply. “We were teens in Belfast when I had him.”

“Aaron’s dad was one of the gang we used to hang out with,” Vivian explained. He turned back to Siobhan. “Heard anything from him lately?”

She shook her head. “Aaron got a card at Christmas. That’s been about it. Breaks my heart that he doesn’t do more. He really wanted to get to know his father.”

“Well,” Vivian rubbed her shoulder. “If he’s half as determined as his mother, I’m sure Aaron’s doing just fine without him.”

Siobhan smiled at him. “Thanks Viv.” Andy called to her that she had a call and she excused herself to take it. The men stood as she left them, then retook their seats. The evening’s work crew was just beginning to mill into the club.

Sav finished his drink, then turned to Vivian. “What was all that about Aaron’s dad?”

Vivian first shook his head. He looked over at the bar, and saw that she was taking the call into her office. “He left. When Vonni told him about the baby, he bolted.” Vivian’s expression showed the hurt he had felt for his friend at the time. “He would come back for a while, then disappear again. She had a rough time getting over it.”

Phil rejoined the table. “What did I miss?” he asked the guys.

“Viv’s friend is a woman of many surprises,” Joe answered him. Intriguingly so, he thought to himself.

* * *

“So, what do you two want to do now?” Sav asked Joe and Malvin after dinner. They stepped out of the restaurant and walked out to the car. “Last thing I wanna do right now is go back to the hotel.”

“Well, Joseph?” Mal asked, looking up at him. “Any suggestions?”

Joe thought a moment, trying to decide what he really wanted to do. “We could go back and check out Siobhan’s club,” he finally replied. “She did invite us to see the show.”

Sav nodded in agreement. “Sounds good to me.”

Malvin looked at them. Grinning, he shook his head. “You two…” He unlocked the doors and they got into the car

* * *

They passed a line of people that snaked its way around the building for nearly a block. “Look at this queue!” Joe said in amazement. “This is ludicrous!”

They walked up to the door, where a large, burly-looking man stood guard. “Malvin Mortimer, Joe Elliott, and Rick Savage,” Mal gave him their names. He checked a small book, then looked back to Mal and nodded. The three entered the building, hearing the protests of those still in line behind them.

They managed to find a small table. The men ordered drinks and observed the scene around them.

“Siobhan does pretty good business I see,” Sav commented.

The club was packed. People of all backgrounds talked and drank and mingled. The stage area was set for the band that was booked to play. Siobhan had told them earlier that they were the best local band in the area.

Strobes flashed over the stage, catching everyone’s attention. The spot came up, focusing on the woman at the microphone. “Good evening!” rang out in an Irish lilt. “Everyone enjoying themselves?” The crowd cheered. “I’m Vonni, and I wanna thank you all for coming.” She smiled to several regulars in the crowd who shouted out to her.

“So,” she shouted. “Are you ready to rock?” The crowd roared. “I can’t HEAR you!” The volume rose as they yelled even louder. “Then let’s hear it for Agony and Ecstasy!”

The band took the stage, ripping into their set like wild men. Lights, music, the cheering crowd, all melted together for an incredible show.

“These lads are good,” Malvin said after the first few songs. “Maybe they’re in need of an experienced tour manager.”

Joe looked at him in mock horror, then smiled. Don’t even think about it!” Malvin laughed.

“Hey!” Siobhan came up to the table between Joe and Sav. “Glad to see you made it.” Joe and Sav both turned to smile at her.

“Wouldn’t have missed it, luv,” Mal told her. She nodded at him.

“Well, enjoy your evening,” she said then turned to walk away.

Joe grabbed her arm. “Would you care to sit with us?”

“Yes,” Sav added. “Stay and watch the show with us.”

Siobhan looked at the two men who were asking her to join them. She wondered if either of them knew the other was thinking the same thing. “Sorry boys, I have work to do.” They looked crestfallen. “Tell you what,” she smiled, “Tonight, your tab will be on me.”

They watched as she walked to the bar, said something to their waitress, and disappeared back into her office.

* * *

The band gathered at the rehearsal hall the next day. As they waited for the crew to set up their equipment, they sat around and talked, hashing out their set list for the show.

They were to be the ‘headliners’ of the gig, closing the show. Siobhan had asked that they play for at least seventy minutes, but could go the full hour and a half they would normally play.

“Let’s not play our usual set,” Rick suggested. “Yeah,” Viv agreed. “We could mix it up a bit. Maybe play a couple of covers or something.”

“What? You think I know the words to every song ever written?” Joe snapped.

“Just about,” Sav came up from behind, poking him in the ribs. “We don’t call you ‘Know It All Joe’ because of your IQ.”

Joe glared at him, breaking into a smile at the same time. “Let’s keep it in the realm of what we’re familiar with playing, shall we? The show’s in two days. That isn’t long enough to work up a new song.”

“Joe’s right guys,” Phil interjected. “Let’s keep it simple.”

They finally decided on a set that included a few obscure tracks from their repertoire. As they ran through the lesser-played numbers, they began having technical problems with their gear. After starting and stopping the current song three times, Joe walked away from the mic stand. “Will somebody fix the bloody problem?” he asked a small group of techs who were watching them rehearse. “We do pay you lot to do that, don’t we?”

The six men scrambled, more to get out of the way of Joe’s temper, than to actually fix the problem.

It was decided to break for lunch, since the repairs were taking longer than hoped. “Mal said you guys checked out that band last night,” Phil directed to Sav and Joe. “How were they?”

“Pretty good,” Joe mumbled, still upset about the technical glitches from earlier.

“The crowd went wild for them,” Sav said, more enthusiastically. “I can see how she packs the place, if everyone she books is as good or better.”

“Vonni’s always had an ear for talent,” Vivian commented. “She’d drag people in off the street to hear you if she thought you were any good.”

“I’m goin’ outside for a smoke,” Joe growled and left the table.

The rest of the men watched as he walked out of the room. “What’s with him today?” Phil asked.

Sav shrugged. “Don’t know. He’s been like that since we left Von’s last night.”

* * *

“Hey, Joe,” Vivian called out as he joined his friend outside. “Mind if I ask what’s wrong?”

“As a matter of fact…” Joe trailed off, deciding it would be better not to piss off his friend by saying what was on his mind. He shook his head.

“If it was the gear, I’d tell you not to worry. It’ll be fixed soon,” Vivian sat on the little half-wall next to Joe. “We both know that’s not what’s bothering you.”

Joe turned to look at Vivian. “And just what do you think is?”


Joe stared at Vivian a moment, then looked down to study his cigarette. “And why do you think that?”

“Come off it Joe. I’ve known you long enough to tell when you’re attracted to someone.” Viv grinned when Joe glanced back at him.

“You know her,” Joe turned to face Viv. “What is she like?”

“Vonni is a great girl. She had a rough go of it for a while, but you’ve seen how she turned that around.” Vivian lit his own cigarette and took a drag. “It’s been a few years since I’ve had a chance to sit and talk with her.”

“I wanted to talk with her last night,” Joe explained. “I’d like to get to know her.”

Vivian watched as Joe took the last drag off his smoke and tossed it away. “You’ll have to give her time Joe. Vonni can be very friendly, but she doesn’t warm to relationships easily.”

Joe stood and paced while Vivian spoke. He stopped and turned to him. “Would you talk to her…” he began.

Vivian shook his head. “No way, Joe. If you want to ask her out, you are going to have to ask her out your self.”

“Ask who out?” Sav asked as he joined them.

Joe looked at Sav. “Someone I met recently.”

Sav nodded. “Oh.” He leaned against the wall. “Viv, do you know what kind of food Siobhan likes?”

“I believe she’s a vegetarian. Why?”

“I’m thinking of asking her out.”

* * *

"I really don't have time to discuss this," she said into the receiver. "I'm not going to argue with you right now..."

Joe peeked his head in the office doorway. He was about to knock when he noticed Siobhan was on the phone.

"I will talk to you later," she said, then hung up. Siobhan began sifting through the stack of papers on her desk. She was muttering softly under her breath.

"Have I come at a bad time?" Joe asked.

Siobhan looked up at him, shaking her head. "Just having the normal row with my son. Nothing to worry about," she smiled. "Please, have a seat." She motioned for him to come in and take the chair opposite her desk. "Your band just might get to meet Aaron after all. He's flying in for the weekend."

"From where?"

"Oxford." Joe's eyes widened in surprise. Siobhan's grin broadened into a full smile. "I'm very proud of him. That's why I work my butt off to pay for his school."

"Did you go to University?"

"No. I didn't even finish school," she told him. "There just wasn't a way to attend classes and take care of a baby." Joe nodded his understanding.

Siobhan glanced down at the papers in front of her, remembering all the work she still had to do before the concert. "To what do I owe your visit? Is there something wrong?"

"Every thing is fine, luv. Really." Joe had caught the change in her tone, having suddenly become very businesslike. "I wanted to invite you to dinner tonight," Joe said, a little more hastily than he’d intended to.

"I already have plans. Sorry."

"Oh," he looked at the papers on her desk. "Working late?"

Partly, she thought. She picked up one of the piles. "Contracts," she said as if it were a dirty word. "I have to go through all of these to make sure every thing gets taken care of properly."

Joe groaned sympathetically. "The near impossible task of catching all the clauses to keep everyone happy," he smirked.

"I'll remember you said that when I come across yours," Siobhan chuckled. Joe nodded his concession. "I'll make you a deal," she sat the papers down.

"What kind of deal?" Joe asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I’m going to be here late. If you want to come back about an hour before close and help me out, I'll have some food brought in for us."

"If I want you to have dinner with me, I have to work for it?" he gave her a quizzing look. Siobhan nodded. Joe stared at her a few more seconds then smiled. "Why not?"

* * *

"You're early," Siobhan said as she opened the apartment door. "I haven't finished dressing yet."

"You look fine," Sav said as he stepped into the tiny, one room flat. He looked around the room. "Geez, this place is little."

Siobhan spun around to scan the room. "I only ever sleep here. I practically live down at Von's. I'll tell you, owning a nightclub is a never-ending venture."

"I believe you," Sav said. "From what I've seen, you're good at it."

"Thank you." She patted the back of an overstuffed chair as she passed behind it. "Have a seat. I'll be right out."

* * *

"Mal," Joe pounded on the hotel room door. "Open up!" Malvin opened the door, standing clear of Joe as he plowed his way into the room. "You have a copy of our contract for this show, don't you?"

"It's in the hotel safe," Mal replied.

"We don't have any unusual riders on it, do we?"

Malvin's brows drew together as he thought. "Just the usual stuff,” he shook his head. “There are a few concessions that were made with this being a charity gig. Why do you ask?"

Joe shook his head. "I was just wondering." He sat at the table. "What are your plans for this evening?"

"I'm going to finish reading my book. Then, I'm going to bed. I've a busy day tomorrow, herding you lot around between sound check and press."

Joe had forgotten all about the press meetings the next day. "You really know how to spoil a man's mood, Mal."

"How do you mean?" Malvin asked.

"I have a late date tonight," Joe explained. "With any luck,” he added with a grin, “I won’t be getting much sleep."

* * *

Dinner went fairly well. Sav actually found something on the menu he liked. Siobhan had laughed when he first offered the waiter a twenty to sneak him a hamburger. The man looked like he was going to be ill, until Siobhan ordered for both of them.

They talked as they walked toward the club. Siobhan's arm was linked with Sav's as they made their way down the street. "I really enjoyed our evening," she told him.

"Me too." He smiled at her. "I wish you didn't have to go back to work tonight."

"I have to. I've got too much to do to take the whole evening off." They had arrived at the club all too soon. Siobhan looked up at the green neon sign. "Tomorrow is going to be a circus, and I'm still not completely prepared." She turned to face Sav. "I'll see you tomorrow at the run-thru."

Sav leaned over and gave her a quick kiss good-bye. "I'll see you in the morning then. Try not to work too hard."

Siobhan laughed. "Night." She watched as Sav grabbed the cab that had pulled up to the corner and rode away.

* * *

Andy whistled at Siobhan as she walked toward the bar. She rarely dressed up to come to work, but tonight, she wore a short black skirt and an emerald green top that was cut to show just a hint of cleavage. "Lookin' hot there, Vonni," he cracked.

"Stuff a cork in it, Andy!" she quipped back. She maneuvered around behind the counter, getting herself a glass of ice water. "Did you make that call for me earlier?"

"Of course." He glanced at his watch. "Should be here within the half hour."

Siobhan gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "You're a dove, you know that?"

"I believe I was the one who told you that when you hired me," the bartender smiled.

Siobhan rolled her eyes. "You know where I'll be," she said and went back to her office.

* * *

"Working hard?" Joe asked as he entered the office. Siobhan glanced up from her reading, pushing her glasses back up on her nose.

"Always," she smiled. She moved a stack of papers to the opposite side of the desk. "You'd better get over here and get busy," she said. "I don't plan on being here all night."

Joe cocked an eyebrow at her, then took a seat at the desk. "So, Siobhan," he asked, leafing through the first folder, "What am I looking for, exactly?"

"Anything out of the ordinary," she replied without looking up from the document in her hand. "I don't want to hassle with some prima donna who's upset that their water isn't cold enough."

Joe let out a small laugh. Siobhan now glanced at him over her wire frames. "Hey, I put this together to help out these kids. It's important to me." Joe looked at her very seriously. "If a problem comes up, I have to eat it. I'm just making sure my ass is covered."

"Isn't anyone helping you with this?" Joe asked. "I thought these sort of events had a group of organizers."

Siobhan placed the contract aside and picked up another. "I did," she said bluntly. "He bailed on me three weeks ago." She waved the papers at Joe. "He was supposed to have done all these when they were signed."

"Oh no," Joe pushed his hair back from his face. "Left you high and dry, so to speak."

Siobhan smirked. "I guess he planned on scamming everyone out of the proceeds. This was all dropped into my lap -- contracts with the bands, the venue, catering, security, you name it."

"I have had a little help from the organizations involved. They are so busy, though. I really hate bothering them to help out with something that had been brought to them in the first place."

Joe smiled at her. "I guess we better get to work."

* * *

Nearly two hours later, there was a knock at the office door. "Hey Vonni!" Andy peeked his head in. "We're ready to lock up out here."

Siobhan checked her watch. "That late already?" She glanced up at her chief bartender. "Time flies when I'm working too hard." Andy laughed. "I've some more to finish up here. I'm sure Joe will stay to walk me out. You all go ahead and leave. I'll see you tomorrow."

Andy winked at her. "Sure thing Vonni. See you tomorrow. G'night Mr. Elliott."

Joe turned toward the door. "Good night Andy."

He turned back to Siobhan. "Your bartender is, how should I put this..?"

"Odd?" Siobhan replied for him. "Andrew is a sweet heart, even though, he can be a bit theatrical. I don't think I could run this place without him." She set her glasses on the desk and rubbed her eyes. "I've been at this for too long. I need a breather." She looked at Joe. "Since we're just about finished, you wanna go to the kitchen and get some food?"

"Sounds good," Joe closed the folder in his lap and placed it on the desk. "That was the last one I had. Anyhow, you did promise me food," he grinned.

Joe watched as Siobhan stood from her chair and came around the desk. She smoothed her skirt as she walked to the door. He was taken aback at her attire. Had she dressed up for him, he wondered. She had worn jeans on the other occasions he had seen her.

Joe was staring at her legs when she stopped at the door. "Are you coming along?" she asked him, trying to hide her grin.

"Um…sure...yes," he mumbled as he rose from his chair and followed her to the kitchen.

* * *

"What is this?" he asked, looking at the trays of food she had pulled from the refrigerator.

"That's couscous and dried currents, and this one is assorted fruits." She chuckled at the look on his face. "Sorry, I guess I should've told you before, I don't eat meat."

"You're one of them," he said, playfully sneering at her. "What is it about California? Do they make it a requirement for residency? Seems like everyone who moves here becomes a vegetarian."

"It's the water," she replied with a straight face. They both began to laugh. "I had a Middle Eastern room mate once. It's all she ever cooked. I just got used to it, I guess."

"What do you have to drink in this place?"

Siobhan gave him a funny look. "What did you have in mind?"

"I'd love a scotch," he replied.

"Grab that one and come on," she instructed, picking up one of the plates and carrying it out to the bar.

She slipped behind the counter and poured Joe's drink, leaving the bottle on the bar. She retrieved a bottle of juice for herself and came around to sit on the stool next to Joe. "So," she began, pausing to look over the tray for what she wanted. "Why did you want to take me out?"

Joe stared at her. "Very direct," he stated. "I thought I would enjoy talking to you."

Siobhan raised her eyebrows. "Haven't heard that one before," she muttered. She took a bite of the couscous as Joe watched her. "What? You’re supposed to eat it with your fingers." She stared at him. "You've traveled all over the world. Don't tell me you haven't had this before."

"I never said I haven't," he smiled. Siobhan turned away from him as she ate more. "C'mon, luv, I didn't mean anything by it."

She looked back at him. "Then eat something! I hate having others watch me."

Joe tried to eat without creating too big a mess. He wasn't very successful. "I'm not used to eating something like this with my fingers."

"I am. I hate utensils. Too much to wash up." She chose a slice of mango from the plate. She took a bite, wiping her chin with her free hand. "This is good. Here, try it."

Siobhan held out the piece of mango to Joe. He looked at her. Tilting his head forward he took the fruit in his teeth. Joe held Siobhan's wrist. He took her finger into his mouth. His tongue rubbed along the length of her slender digit, tasting all the juice that clung to it. His eyes darted up to her face. He watched as her lips parted, letting out an inaudible sigh. Joe swallowed, releasing her hand. "You're right. That was very good."

They stared at each other, neither sure what would happen next.

Siobhan turned back to the bar, releasing the breath she was holding. She sipped her drink, aware that Joe was still watching her.

He could tell she was shaken by what he had done. "I'm sorry if I..."

She shook her head and turned to look back at him. "There's no need to be. I should've expected it."

Joe gazed deeply into emerald green eyes. His voice was a seductively low whisper. "Then, I shouldn't apologize for wanting you?"

She leaned into him, his mouth claiming hers with an animal-like hunger. His hand slipped around her waist, drawing her off the barstool and onto his lap. Siobhan closed her eyes as she felt the heat of his body against hers. She gripped his shoulders, clinging to Joe as if she were drowning and he was her life preserver. She moaned softly as his tongue traced over her lips.

Joe slid his fingers under the hem of her top. He slowly began to work the thin knit fabric up her back. "Your skin is like silk" he growled as he caressed her bare flesh.

His touch was setting her body on fire. He could cause her to forget everything, Siobhan thought. "Um…Joe," she sighed heavily as she opened her eyes and looked into his. Jesus, those eyes of his were seductive. "Joe, I don't think we should do this here."

He pulled back slowly, still holding her at the waist. "What do you mean?"

Siobhan cocked her head toward the door. "The windows," she said. "People can see in here from the street."

Joe looked over at the six narrow panes of glass that framed either side of the main entrance. "I see what you mean."

Siobhan tugged her shirt back down into place. "We should probably both be going. I know tomorrow is a busy day for me."

Joe didn't want to go. At least, not back to the hotel. "Sure, for me too," he conceded. He picked up the bottle and refilled his glass as Siobhan cleared up their dinner from the counter and took everything back to the kitchen.

He saw the lights go off down the hallway. Soon after, Siobhan came back out, wearing a duster-length jacket. "Ready to walk me home?" she asked him. From the innocent tone of her voice, Joe could have sworn she was a different woman than the one he had just kissed. The fiery spark of passion between them seemed to have evaporated.

"Walk you home," he repeated. "Where do you live?" He stood and moved toward her, taking her arm and leading her to the door.

Siobhan looked up at him and smiled. "Across the street."

* * *

Friday at the venue was chaotic for Siobhan. She needed three or four clones of herself to get everything done. Luckily for her, Andy and several of the club staff had come down to lend a hand.

Sav managed to find her among the crowd. "Siobhan," he reached out, grabbing her hand as she passed him. She turned to see who had accosted her, then smiled warmly as their eyes met. "Just wondered if you'd want to hang with me after the show tomorrow?"

"Sure," she replied. "I'd like that." She turned and hollered out to Andy, who was calling for her from one of the press tents. "I have to go," she flashed Sav an apologetic look. "We'll talk later." He released her hand and watched as she walked away.

"Hey, mate," he turned to find Joe moving toward him. The dark glasses and heaviness of his gate told Sav that Joe was suffering a hangover. "I take it your date didn't go well last night."

"Date went fine," he mumbled. "Ended too damn early, but went fine."

Sav raised an eyebrow as he looked at his friend. Joe didn't make it back to the hotel ‘til nearly five that morning. "Since when is sunrise considered an early ending?"

Joe snarled. "Don't go there, Sav. I'm not in the mood." He looked around at all the people meandering about. "Where are the rest of the guys?"

"Mal took Rick and Viv to the press tent. Phil went looking for coffee. I'm just hanging around, taking it all in."

"These festival type things always are a bit of a zoo, aren't they?" Joe asked, scanning the crowd over the top of his shades. He did not find who he was looking for.

Sav nodded in agreement. "It's for a good cause, Joe. That's what matters."

"I know." Joe clapped his hand on Sav's shoulder. "C'mon, let's go find Phil. I could use some coffee myself."

* * *

As the morning moved closer to noon, Siobhan took the stage to make her announcements. She tapped on the microphone to gather everyone's attention. "Everyone, we are just about ready to get started," echoed over the P.A. system.

"First off, for those of you who don't know me, I'm Vonni Halloran, and I'd like to than you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to be part of this show. I'd also like to let you all know that, as of nine a.m. this morning, this event has sold out." A cheer went up among the performers and crews.

"Each band will have a half hour for sound check and to get familiar with the stage," Siobhan explained. "What is important for us today is to make sure the change overs of equipment go smoothly. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask either myself or Andrew," she pointed to Andy, who was standing at the edge of the stage.

* * *

Vivian caught up with Siobhan backstage. "Hey, Viv!" She gave him a hug. "Great news, Aaron is coming in for the show."


"His plane is due in just after midnight. Would you want to ride out to the airport with me?"

"Sure," Viv nodded. "Malvin will kill me for breaking curfew on a gig night, but it sounds like fun. We can catch up with one another."

Vivian watched as Sav come up behind Siobhan, slipped his hand around her waist, and kissed her cheek. "Hi Vonni. Viv," he nodded to his guitarist.

Sav leaned against the van they were standing next to. "What were you two discussing?"

"Vonni's son," Vivian answered. "She's asked me to tag along when she picks him up."

"Really?" Sav eyed Siobhan. "When?"

"Tonight. Late," she told him. "If you want to come with us, you're more than welcome."

Siobhan was called away by a member of another group. Vivian turned to Sav. "You looked awfully cozy with Vonni."

"We went out yesterday," Sav told Viv. "It wasn't much of a date, per se, but we did talk quite a bit. Started to get to know one another." A soft smile formed on his face. "I really do like her."

* * *

Siobhan was chatting with members of another band when he approached. "Looks like you're needed elsewhere, Von," the other singer commented, looking to Joe.

Siobhan glanced over her shoulder at him. "A word, please?" was all Joe said.

"Hold on a sec," she told him. She gave each of the men a friendly hug. "Thank you, guys." She placed a kiss on the singer's forehead. "You too, Brett. Give me a call next week, and I'll see what I can do."

The men wandered off, leaving Siobhan and Joe by themselves. "What was that about?" he asked.

She turned around to face him. "He wants to book the club for a night. I have to check the schedule to see if it's available." Joe's shoulders visibly relaxed. "What did you need?" she asked.


"Joe!" she glanced around them. "I see you spent the rest of the night with a bottle," she commented just loud enough for him to hear.

"And how would you know?"

"I recognize the signs…dark glasses, finger-combed hair, surly attitude."

"Oh, so, you're an expert on me now." He took a step toward her. "Do you make a habit out of teasing all the men who show an interest in you?"

He was angrier than she thought he’d be. Siobhan took a step backward, away from him. "Why didn't you say something last night?"

"I was being a gentleman," he stepped closer to her. "And, I was still sober then." Joe brushed a lock of hair back behind her ear. His touch betrayed his churlish demeanor. It was as tender and gentle as it had been during last night's embrace.

Her eyes flickered shut against his caress. "The press will see us," she whispered.

"I don't care," he whispered into her ear.

Siobhan put her hand on his arm. "Joe," he took a step back and looked at her. "The headlines will read: Event organizer in tryst with headlining singer." Her eyes begged him to understand. "I've put too much into this."

Joe's arm dropped to his side and he walked a few paces away from her. "Not here," he nodded in understanding. "We will discuss this later."

"Of course," she smiled to Joe. If she could help it, much later.

* * *

It was late when Joe passed through the hotel lobby. He walked several feet beyond her before he turned in a double take at the woman sitting on a couch. "Siobhan?" he moved back to stand in front of her. "I was on my way to see you. What are you doing here?"

"Picking up Sav." She stood to face him. "Viv just went up to get him."

Joe gave her a puzzled glance. "Viv and Sav?"

"They're going to the airport with me to pick up my son. Remember?" She watched as the realization washed over Joe's face. "You want to come along?"

It took Joe all of two seconds to say yes. Sav and Vivian were just walking off the elevator. Viv looked at Joe and smiled. "The more, the merrier," Viv quipped and they headed out to the car.

* * *

They were soon on their way. Siobhan drove, with Vivian riding shotgun. Joe and Sav sat in the back listening, as the two Irish ex-patriots caught up on old times.

They were laughing over a tale Viv brought up. About how he and Siobhan had gotten caught in a place they weren't supposed to be, doing something they shouldn't have been.

"My God," Siobhan was trying to catch her breath. "I'd nearly forgotten about that." She glanced over at Vivian and began to chuckle again. "I thought for sure they would forbid us from seeing each other after that."

Viv nodded. "I believe they did."

Siobhan shook her head, as if to say she didn't recall. "Didn't listen very well, did we?"

Joe leaned forward in his seat. "You mean," he pointed between the two. "You two...dated?"

Viv looked back at Joe. "Her parents hated me," he said, smiling.

Sav's brows drew together in a question. "Then, the both of you have..."

"Oh, come on fellas!" Siobhan said, slightly irritated that neither of them could actually say the word. "It was a long time ago. We were what…15? 16?"

"It's just," Sav began, "it's hard to believe. Most old flames don't get on so well together."

"We were friends from the time we were kids," Viv told him.

Siobhan agreed with a nod. "We never had a huge breakup," she explained. "Viv and I just knew we were better friends than lovers, that's all. We've never had a hang up about it. Why should any one else?"

"Well," Joe muttered. "As long as you're cool with it."

She had heard the undercurrent of sarcasm in his voice. Siobhan glanced back at him in the rear view mirror. She found him watching her. Joe had the same look in his eyes that he'd had when he walked up on her that afternoon. Oh, God, she thought to herself. They had only made out once, and he already showed signs of an over-possessive lover. That was something she definitely did not need.

Siobhan lifted her right hand to ruffle her hair, blocking his view of her face.

"Oh," Viv remembered. "Jewels said Sunday afternoon would be fine."

"Perfect. Aaron won't leave 'til Sunday evening."

"You get along with his wife, too?" Sav asked.

"Of course." Sav shook his head at her reply. Siobhan rolled her eyes. "All right you guys. We will now stop this conversation and move on to a new topic."

"Gladly," Joe said before she even finished the sentence.

* * *

Sav had gone for coffee, and Siobhan was waiting at the gate for Aaron's plane to be brought to the terminal. Vivian and Joe were in the waiting area.

"What is it now, Joe?" Viv asked, taking the seat next to him.

"You could have told me," Joe tilted his head to look at him.

"So you could get angry about it like you are now? Look, it's ancient history." He studied Joe for a moment. "Jesus, Joe. You've only just met the woman."

The look Joe shot Vivian told him, he didn't want to hear what he was about to say. Vivian tipped his head and gave Joe a pat on the shoulder. He then rose and went to join Siobhan.

"Vonni, what are you doing?"

She turned from the window to Viv. "What?"

"I know you and Sav went out. I'm guessing that something has happened between you and Joe."

"Nothing has happened," she turned back to the window. Aaron's flight was being readied for passengers to disembark.

"You're seeing both of them," he was careful so they wouldn't overhear. She didn't respond. "Does either of them know?"

Siobhan shrugged. "I don't know. Do they?"


"Relax, will you?" She rolled her eyes. "Geez, Viv. It's not like those two haven't gone out with the same woman before!"

"They haven't in the time that I've known them!"

"You worry too much."

Vivian pushed a stray curl out of his eyes. "You're not drinking again, are you?"

Siobhan looked at Vivian as if he had just accused her of murder. "NO!"


"Honestly, Vivian! You should know me better than that."

"I do," his stern look softened. "That's why I'm worried."

Siobhan glanced over at the passengers who were passing through the gate. "Viv, I've been sober for six years. I value that too much to risk everything I've worked so hard for on one drink."

"Then, why are you doing this?"

"They both asked me out, and I like each of them." She waved at Aaron when she saw him step off the gangway. "I'm just getting to know them, Viv. I'm not going to do anything stupid."

Vivian cautiously eyed his friend as she embraced her son. He wanted to believe her. He just didn't want to see any of his friends get hurt.

* * *

"How was your flight?" Siobhan asked Aaron.

"Nothing out of the norm. Usual turbulence over the North Atlantic," he looked over at the man standing next to his mother as he answered her question. "Uncle Vivian? God, it's been years!" The two men hugged. "It's great to see you."

"And look at you, all grown up. Doesn't seem possible," Vivian grinned over at Siobhan. "I remember the day you were born."

"Please," Aaron blushed. "Not here in the airport. Spare me some decency."

"Joe, Sav," Siobhan called out. "Come meet Aaron." Aaron was a tall, well-built young man with dark brown hair and eyes as deep green as his mother's. "Aaron, these are Vivian's band mates, Joe and Sav."

He exchanged polite greetings with them. He then looked back at Siobhan. "I don't mean to be rude, Mum, but I'd really like to get some sleep."

** ** **

The concert went pretty much as expected. Things ran fairly smooth, with only a couple of minor glitches.

Leppard went on around half past ten. Sweaty and exhausted, they left the stage after playing a ninety-minute set. The crowd continued to cheer for more.

After he showered and changed, Sav headed out to find Siobhan. He found her standing behind the administrative tent. "I didn't know that you smoke."

She looked at the cigarette in her hand. Siobhan took another drag from it before dropping it to the ground and grinding it out with her toe. "Only when I'm stressed." She shook her hair out of her face and looked at him. "It's the only vice I have left."

"I see." Sav straightened his glasses. "Are you ready to go?"

"Sure. Give me a second," she smiled and disappeared into the tent. She returned carrying her jacket over her arm and a briefcase in her hand. "Okay. Where are you taking me to?"

"It's a surprise."

* * *

They pulled up in front of a small beach house. Sav helped Siobhan from the car and led her up the walk. "What is this place?" she asked as they stood on the deck.

"Well, it's mine," he said with a shy grin. "I normally stay here when I'm in town. I thought you might enjoy getting away from everyone for a while." He let her into his home.

The entry opened into a sunken living room. The far wall was a series of large windows, looking out over the ocean. Siobhan gasped at the beauty of it. "What a wonderful view."

"That's why I bought the place." Sav went to the kitchen and came back with two bottles of water. Siobhan thanked him and sat on one of the sofas in the room. He seated himself beside her.

Several minutes passed by in silence. The couple looked around the room, avoiding eye contact with each other. Siobhan finally let out a nervous laugh. "This is silly," she looked into Sav's blue eyes.

He smiled at her. "We could watch a movie, if you'd like?" She nodded, so he searched for the remote. He pressed the power button and handed it to his guest. "Your choice."

Siobhan clicked through the movie menu. She found just the movie she was in the mood to watch. "I love this one," she told Sav as she set the remote on the table. She slipped off her shoes and curled her legs up onto the sofa.

"Penny Serenade," he said, reading the opening credits on the screen.

"Cary Grant and Irene Dunne." She propped herself up with one of the throw pillows. "I haven't seen it in a couple of years."

Sav removed his own shoes and snuggled in behind Siobhan. He slipped one arm underneath her and folded the other over her hip. Quietly, they watched the black and white tale of a couple whose love was severely tested.

Near the end, Sav felt Siobhan quiver slightly. Placing his hand on her shoulder, he carefully tilted her back. "Vonni?" he whispered.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. She smiled weakly, gazing up at him. "This one always makes me cry."

He gently wiped her face with the back of his index finger, caressing her at the same time. She tilted her chin upward as his mouth met hers.

Siobhan slipped her fingers along his cheek and into his hair. They effortlessly tangled in his shaggy mane of curls. She turned in his arms, pressing her body to his. Siobhan sighed softly against his lips.

Sav drew her closer, wanting to feel every part of her. As she wrapped her arms around his waist, she heard the growl that emanated from deep within him. Siobhan slipped her hands into the pockets of his jeans. She pressed him down as she raised her hips to meet his.

He lifted his face to look at her. Sparkling eyes observed him as he traced his thumb over her kiss-swollen lips. They parted slightly. Her tongue darted out, following the trail of warmth his touch had generated.

The intensity she saw in Sav's eyes mirrored her own desire. The corners of her mouth turned up in a wicked grin.

* * *

Joe knocked on Siobhan's door. He waited as he heard Aaron call out. The door soon opened. "Morning Aaron. Can I speak with your mum?"

"Sorry, Joe," the lad shook his head. "She isn't here."

"When do you expect her back? Or, is she over at Von's?"

Aaron shrugged. "Hard to say. She didn't come home last night."

Joe's eyes widened in shock and concern. "Do you have any idea what could have happened to her? Anywhere she could have gone?"

"She was pretty frazzled after the gig yesterday," Aaron said. "If she went on a bender, she could be anywhere." Joe stared at the young man a moment. He didn't seem too worried about his mother.

Siobhan had been a little distant when he'd last seen her backstage. "When you hear from her, will you have her ring me?"

Aaron nodded his head. "Sure thing," he said, and closed the door.

* * *

Aaron was sitting in the armchair, thumbing through a magazine when she came in. “Thanks for ringing,” he said without looking up. “I was about to phone the police.”

Siobhan shut the door, setting her things on the table beside it. She shot a look at her ‘all too grown’ son. “I don’t recall having to answer to you.” She went to the kitchen, raiding the fridge for something to eat.

“I hope you enjoyed yourself, whomever you were with.” Aaron tossed the mag on the table and rose from the chair. He walked over to his mother, leaning against the counter. “Your boyfriend popped by this morning. He was looking for you.”

Siobhan stopped her search to stare at Aaron. “My boyfriend?”

“That singer, Joe.”

“Joe isn’t my boyfriend.”

“Isn’t he?” Siobhan shook her head. “Well then,” Aaron’s expression grew serious, “don’t you think you should tell him that?”

* * *

Joe arrived late to Vivian’s that afternoon. He had spent the day worried, waiting for the phone to ring.

He was led out into the back, where everyone had gathered. He said hello to several of Viv’s friends before he saw them. Siobhan was seated next to Sav, his arm around her waist, looking very cozy with one another. “What the…” he muttered under his breath. Sav leaned over and gave her a kiss that let Joe know they were more than just friends. The question of where she had spent the night was resolved.

Sav saw him and waved him to come join them. “Wondered when you were gonna show up,” he told Joe. He lifted Siobhan onto his lap, making room for Joe to sit. Sav didn’t see the tense look exchanged between the two. “How’s your day been? I thought we were going to play golf this morning.”

“Something came up,” Joe mumbled. He looked up as Viv held a bottle out to him. “Thanks,” he said, taking the beer and downing most of it in one swallow. From the corner of his eye, he caught a disapproving look from Siobhan. What the hell should she care, he thought.

The afternoon that followed for Siobhan was not a pleasant one. Being at Sav’s side, she could feel Joe’s eyes constantly on her. The more he drank, the deeper they seemed to drill into her. She was extremely uncomfortable and could not wait until it was time to go home.

* * *

She had excused herself to the restroom. Coming back down the hall, she saw Joe, waiting for her.

“You and I need to talk,” he told her with no humor in his voice.

“Joe,” she shook her head. “Vivian’s house is not the place for this.” She tried to walk around him. He stepped in front of her, not allowing her to pass. There was a dangerous fire in his eyes. “Please let me by,” she said calmly.

Joe took her by the arm and pulled her into the nearest open room. It happened to be a small study. He left her to stand in the center of the room, while he walked over to the desk. “You went out with Sav after the gig,” his comment to her was more of a statement than a question.


“He’s your date for today?”


“You know he’s my best mate?”

“Yes.” Siobhan was getting tired of playing the question and answer game with him. “What is the point of all of this, Joe?”

“What’s the point?” he yelled, pacing back across the room. “The point,” he turned to face her, “is that you know how I feel!” He saw the puzzled glance she shot him. “God, Siobhan! If you didn’t notice the other night at the bar, you surely could have figured it out at the show.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “Do you have any idea how hard it was to spend the rest of those two days away from you…without touching you?”

“I didn’t know you felt that way,” she lied. “Sav had already asked me out, before you found me talking to Brett.”

“So you went out with him, knowing I wanted you.” Hurt and anger began to surface in his voice. “Did you fuck him?”

She stared into his eyes. “You’re drunk,” she avoided the question.

“Answer me!”

“I’m not going to talk to you like this, Joe.”

Joe raised his voice to a yell. “Did you FUCK him?”

“Yes!” she yelled back. The silence that followed her reply was deafening. Siobhan saw what she thought to be betrayal in his eyes. It tore at her heart, even though she knew she had done nothing wrong.

“Why Sav?” he asked.

She was angry now. He had her pushed to the point of losing her temper. She shot him an icy stare. “Just to piss you off!” she said sarcastically. “Jesus, Joe! I can’t believe we’re even discussing this!”

“You wouldn’t fuck me, but you fucked my best friend the first chance you got,” he shouted at her in a somewhat drunken slur. “How long were you going to string me along before I found out? Or were you gonna do both of us?”

“Fuck you Joe! My sex life happens to be NONE of your business!!”

“What a fucking slut!”

“You arrogant son of a bitch!” Siobhan slapped Joe’s face.

Joe grabbed her wrist as she drew her hand away. Pulling her against him, he pressed his mouth hard against hers.

She pulled away from him with tears in her eyes. She stepped backward, toward the door. “If you come into my bar again, I will have you removed.” Siobhan then turned and ran from the room.

In the hallway, Siobhan bumped into Aaron, who had come looking for her. She glanced at him as she quickly ran from the room. He saw the tears that streamed from her eyes.

Aaron looked into the room his mother had come out of. He saw Joe standing in the room, rubbing his jaw. He stepped into the study. “What did you do to my mother?” he asked, eyeing Joe with contempt.

“We were having a friendly little discussion.”

“Like hell you were! What did you say to her, man?” Joe simply stared at the young man, not about to tell him anything. “I’m warning you,” Aaron pointed a finger at Joe. “You do anything, and I mean ANYTHING to hurt my mum, you will answer to me. Understood?”

“Think you can take me on?” Joe asked.

“In a heartbeat, pretty boy.”

Joe smirked. “Look who’s calling who ‘pretty boy’.”

Aaron turned to leave the room. “Bloody fucking musicians,” he muttered aloud.

“Sorry, what was that?” Joe called out to him.

Aaron turned back from the doorway. “I don’t like you. You think just because you’re famous you can have any woman you want at the drop of a hat. I’m serious about this. You stay AWAY from my mum.” He walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

* * *

"Are you going to be okay, Mum?" Siobhan smiled as she nodded to her son. Aaron hugged her one last time and picked up his bag. He held his hand out to Sav. "Thank you for coming with us."

"No problem," Sav shook his hand. "Have a safe flight." Aaron smiled, raised his eyebrows then turned to board the plane.

* * *

They pulled up in front of Siobhan's apartment. She turned to Sav, "Would you mind coming up for a while? I really don't want to be alone right now."

He brushed his fingers along her cheek. "Of course. I'll stay as long as you want me to," he said, his voice as soft as his touch.

Siobhan let them in and turned on the light. She checked her machine for messages. Seeing that the only on the machine was from Joe, she hit the erase button without even listening to it. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Anything you have is fine by me," Sav smiled. He made himself comfortable on the sofa and waited for her to come join him. "If you don't mind my asking, what exactly upset you so much at Viv's?"

She sat next to him and he put his arm around her shoulders. "I just realized Aaron was leaving, and I hadn't really gotten to spend any time with him."

"You don't see him very often?" he asked, looking at her.

"Not as often as I'd like," she said. "He's at university in England. I run a business here. The distance doesn't make it easy." Leaning her head against his shoulder, she asked, "Are you headed back, now that the show's over?"

Sav heard the sadness in Siobhan's voice. He gave her a squeeze. "We're on holiday for now. I think I can stay a while longer."

Siobhan placed her palm against his chest and nuzzled her face against his throat. "Good," she murmured, closing her eyes. Sav sat and held her as she fell asleep in his arms.

* * *

She was startled awake in the middle of the night by what sounded like a knock at the door. She opened her eyes slowly. Sav had reclined himself on the sofa, so that she was cuddled against his chest.

She inched herself upward, carefully pressing a kiss to his mouth. He looked up at her and flashed a sleepy smile. "Is it morning?" he whispered.

"No," she shook her head as she sat up. "Let's go get in bed. This thing is bad for your back." She took his hand and led Sav over to the bed. They each quickly undressed and slipped under the covers. Snuggling each other, they soon fell back to sleep.

* * *

Siobhan sat at her desk, going through the monthly invoices. The phone rang and she picked it up. "Von's, this is Siobhan speaking."

"It's me," came the male voice over the line. Siobhan dropped the receiver back onto its cradle.

It rang again. This time, she let it ring, hoping Andy would pick it up at the bar. After the tenth ring, she gave in and picked it up.


"Don't hang up," he begged her.

"I have nothing to say to you, Joe." She again hung up the phone.

It rang a third time. "What?" she shouted into the mouthpiece.

"I want to apologize," he said quickly, afraid she would disconnect again. "I was a royal ass yesterday."

"Yes, you were," her reply was clipped.

"I'm sorry about that."

"You're not forgiven. Now, if you'd stop wasting my time, I'm working." She hung up a third time. This time, the phone remained silent.

What nerve, she thought, after what he had said, to just ring up and expect her to kiss and make up. Siobhan pushed her glasses up onto the top of her head. She rubbed her eyes. God, what she wouldn't give for a drink right now.

"Jesus!" she pushed herself away from the desk. "I have to get out of here for a while." She picked up the phone and gave Sav a ring. "Hey hun, it's Vonni. Wanna spend the afternoon at the beach with me? Be there in a few." Siobhan walked out of the office, leaving her problems with Joe, and her bills behind her.

* * *

The guys met up at Phil's to kick around new song ideas.

"That band, Agony and Ecstasy, is playing at Von's tonight. Any of you want to go?" Sav asked.

"Is it that band Mal liked so much?" Phil asked. Sav nodded. "Cool! Count me in. Joe?" He snapped out of his daze and found two faces staring at him. "How 'bout it? You wanna go?"

'Come in my bar again, I will have you removed' Siobhan's words echoed through his brain. She obviously hadn't said anything to Sav about their row. She had managed to avoid him since that afternoon. Whenever Joe had needed to see Sav, she was conveniently out or at work. God how he wanted to see her again. If it weren't for Sav being his friend...

"C'mon," Sav said, once again bringing him back from his own thoughts. "It's been over a month since you've been down to Von's. Come with us."

"I'll pass."

"What?" Phil said, shocked. "Joe's turning down a chance to get shit-faced drunk?" He held his palm to Joe's forehead. "You feelin' okay, mate?"

Joe pushed Phil's arm away. "Sod off!" he growled. "I don't feel like going out. And for your information," he looked pointedly at Phil, "I can get pissed just fine without having to go out to do it."

Phil and Sav both tried not to laugh. Joe looked so serious. "Just thought you'd like to go," Sav commented. "You liked the band the first time we saw them.”

"I still do," Joe said defensively. "I just don't feel up to it tonight."

Sav shrugged and began to put his bass away. "Okay, but if you change your mind..."

* * *

Joe clicked off the telly and tossed the remote down. Glancing at his watch, he swore softly to himself. It was still early, and he was alone in his room. He knew where he wanted to be, which was the one place he wasn't welcome. Joe stared at his reflection a long while as he ran through his options. Stay here and be bored to tears, or go out and risk being thrown out on his ass. "Fuck it!" Joe grabbed his jacket and headed out the door.

* * *

The band was in full rocking mode when Joe arrived at the club. He approached the table where three men were sitting.

"I knew you'd make it," Phil called out, seeing Joe as he neared.

He pulled out a chair and sat. "It's about time you got here," Mal said, slapping his shoulder. Joe smiled at him.

Sav called the waitress over and ordered a new round for the table. "Glad you showed up."

Joe looked up at the stage. "New set tonight?" he asked, not recognizing the current song from their previous show.

"Yeah," Sav answered him. "Vonni said they're about to go in and cut an album. They wanted to try out their new material first."

"I understand why you three liked these guys so much," Phil chimed in. "Maybe we can get them to open for us next tour."

Malvin laughed. "At the rate you lot work, you could open for them next tour." The three men shot him dirty looks, which only caused Mal to laugh harder.

As they sat and listened to the second set, Siobhan appeared at their table. The look of worry on her face immediately caught the attention of the men. Mal, Phil, and Joe watched as she leaned over and whispered into Sav's ear. He rose from the chair and followed her back to the office without a word. The remaining three could only stare at each other and shrug.

* * *

Sav placed the last of his clothes into the case. He scanned the room, making sure he hadn't forgotten anything.

Siobhan walked over to him. "I've got your flight booked. The plane departs in two hours." She wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her head on his shoulder. "I hope she'll be all right," Siobhan said softly. His mother had been admitted to hospital, and they didn't yet know what was wrong.

"Me too, Vonni." He turned around and put his arms around her. "I wish you'd come with me. I'd love for everyone to meet you."

Siobhan sighed. "You know I can't. Not on the spur of the moment." She pushed a stray curl back behind his ear. "I'd go with you in a heartbeat if it weren't for the club."

Sav smiled softly and kissed her forehead. "You need to get a partner. Someone who can look after the shop for you."

Siobhan grinned at him. Slipping he hands around his neck, she laced her fingers together. "If I did that, I might never come back." They kissed, Sav gliding his tongue over her lower lip, tasting her mouth one last time.

The bell rang. Sav pulled away from her reluctantly. "Must be my cab." He picked up his bag, quickly brushed his lips against her cheek and left her alone in the flat.

** ** **

Siobhan looked up from her paperwork as Andy stuck his head into the office. "Vonni, you need to come out here."

"What's up?" she calmly inquired.

"We've got a guy out here getting a little irate with people," he replied.

"Can't you or Tom take care of it?"

"Vonni," she looked up when Andy didn't continue. "I think you should be the one to handle this." Siobhan saw the unusually serious look on Andy's face. She pulled off her glasses, laying them on the desk, and followed him out into the bar.

The scene that met her was not what she was expecting. Occasionally, they dealt with a rowdy drunk, or a minor trying to pass a fake ID. Standing toe to toe with Tom, her head of security, was Joe. They were both yelling loud enough to be heard throughout the place.

"What the fuck do you mean I can't get in? You've always let me in before, you bleedin' arsehole!" Joe pushed on Tom's chest. He had to be drunk, she thought to herself.

"As I've told you Mr. Elliott, I can not let you in." Siobhan could see that Tom was about to lose his temper with the Englishman.

Andy gave her a nudge forward. "You'd better get over there before Tom hurts him."

Siobhan sneered at her bartender before crossing the room, approaching the two men. She raised her voice to be heard over them. "Is there a problem, Gentlemen?"

They both turned to look at her. Tom's expression showed his relief that she'd finally come out to step in.

"Yeah," Joe began. "This wanker of a door man says I'm not allowed in here anymore."

"That would be because you aren't." Her smile was polite and businesslike, but void of warmth and sincerity. "If you'd like to continue pressing the point, I'm sure the LAPD would be happy to help resolve the matter."

Joe looked at her, realizing she was serious. "Fuck that!" He ruffled his hands through his hair, seeming to calm a bit. "Look, I just want to talk to you for a few minutes." His eyes were begging her to believe him.

She crossed her arms over her chest. Her gaze darted from Joe to Tom. The burly man just shrugged at her, then continued to allow the waiting patrons into the bar. "Oh, all right then." She turned on her heel, heading back to her office. Joe quickly turned to smirk at Tom as he followed her.

* * *

Joe closed the office door behind him as he entered.

"That wasn't a very smart thing to do out there," Siobhan commented.

"What wasn't?"

"Messing with Tom," she explained. "I may have let you in, but he's the one who will throw you out on your arse if I change my mind. And he doesn't care how famous you are."

"You're good at that, changing your mind, aren't you?" he snapped. He caught the death-glare she shot him. "Jesus, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"No, you shouldn't." She motioned for Joe to take a seat, but he declined. "So, what did you need so desperately to talk with me about?"

He looked at her, rattled for a moment. "Um," he tried to think of something to ask her. "Talk to Sav recently?" Joe wanted to kick himself as soon as the words left his mouth.

"He rang me three weeks ago last Friday. His mum is better…and no, I don't expect him back any time soon."

"You don't?" his question was so soft, he wasn't sure he had asked it aloud.

Siobhan dropped back into her chair. She shook her head. "No, I don't." She watched as he sagged his shoulders against the wall. "C'mon, Joe. I'm not a fresh-faced innocent with delusions of bagging a rock star. I knew that once Sav went home, I'd never see him again."

"And you're okay with that?" Joe was surprised by her attitude.

"Oh, please!" She rolled her eyes. "I'm rapidly approaching forty, never been married, have a grown son, and the only relationship I've ever had that lasted longer than six months was with Vivian." Joe walked over and sat in the chair across from her. "Don't get me wrong. I really do like Sav, and I would never do or say anything contrary to that. I just know I'm not destined to live 'happily ever after'."

"And how do you feel about me?" he blurted out.

Siobhan picked up her glasses, toying with the earpieces. She felt Joe's eyes upon her, as she avoided his stare. She again shook her head.

Joe leaned closer to the desk that separated them. "Look at me, Siobhan," he demanded. He waited for her to slowly raise her head, her eyes focusing on somewhere other than his. "I asked you how you felt about me, Siobhan. Answer me."

"I can't Joe," she nearly shouted at him.

He slammed his hands flat on the desk. "Damn it Siobhan! You just sat there and told me things between you and Sav were over. Why won't you give me a chance?"

His out burst upset her so much, she didn't realize she'd said it until she'd finished. "Because I don't know whether to hate you or fall madly in love with you!" She could actually see Joe holding his breath as her words sunk into his consciousness. She glanced quickly at her hands before looking into his eyes. "Unfortunately for me, that is a dangerous combination," she added softly.

"So, you'd rather play it safe than take a risk." His unspoken commentary on her relationship with his friend came through loud and clear to Siobhan.

She lifted her chin, continuing to lock gazes with him. "These past few years… yes." She rose from the chair and paced around the side of her desk. "I don't have to explain myself to you, or anyone else, for that matter." She perched herself up onto the corner of her desk. "As I told you a while back, who I sleep with is none of your business."

Slowly, deliberately, Joe rose from the chair. He took the couple of steps to his left, to stand directly in front of Siobhan. His fingers fanned out against her cheek. "That, luv, is my problem. I want to make it my business."

Siobhan breathed a sigh of relief, as with those words, Joe turned and exited the office.

* * *

Siobhan stepped out of the tub and quickly dried off. She slipped the nightshirt over her head, and pulled the plug on the drain. Switching off the light, she entered the main room.

She lit the candles that lined her dresser and nightstand. Snuggling under the covers, she picked up the new romance novel she had bought. Siobhan wanted to immerse herself into the story and forget about her own life for the evening.

Drifting off to sleep as she read, her own voice came back to haunt her dreams. "...I don't know whether to hate you or fall madly in love with you…” God, why had she said that to him? "...I want to make it my business." Didn't he understand the word NO? She was very thankful he hadn't tried to kiss her. His touch had almost been enough to make her break.

She was startled awake by someone pounding on her door. "Who in the..." She squinted to focus on the alarm clock by her bed. It read 4 am. Who ever it was pounded again. "Hold on!" she yelled, throwing the covers back on the bed. "I'll fucking kill you if this is some kind of prank!" Siobhan warned, not liking to be woken up so soon after getting to bed.

She shuffled over to the door. It was dark, and her eyes hadn't adjusted enough to see through the peephole in the door. She cautiously opened it a crack. "What in hell do you think you're…"

Joe flashed her a sheepishly intoxicated smile. He glanced at her, noticing she was clothed only in her nightclothes. "You weren't expecting me?"

Siobhan shook her head at the man. "Honestly, sometimes I think men de-mature as they get older." She glared at him as he stood out in the hallway. Rolling her eyes, she grabbed the lapel of his jacket and pulled him into her apartment. "If my neighbors phone the police, I'm letting them take you," she told him as she shut the door.

Joe stood in the center of the room and looked around. He had never been in her flat before. "Tiny little doss hole, ain't it?"

She looked around the flat. It was small, being a studio, but it suited her needs. "I only ever sleep here. I live over at Von's," she told him. Siobhan turned to look back at Joe. "Would you please tell me why you are here?" She crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for him to answer.

He wandered around the room a little. He noticed the burning candles and the open book on the bed. He picked it up and read the title and author. "Susan Johnson...is it any good?" he asked, looking back at her.

"Yes, it is," she said curtly. "I'd appreciate you not going through my things."

Joe set the book on the nightstand. He then slowly made his way back to where she was standing. "You still haven't told me why you're here."

"I couldn't wait to see you again." Siobhan let out an exasperated sigh and turned to walk away from him. Joe reached out, grabbing her arm and pulling her back to him. He pressed his mouth against hers as his free arm snaked around her slender waist. "I'm not letting you get away this time, luv," he breathed against her skin. He kissed her again as she pushed against his chest. Sliding his hand under the hem of her shirt, he rubbed his hand up along her thigh to her bottom. "No knickers?" he said into her mouth as she began to soften in his arms. "I like that."

She had to be dreaming, Siobhan thought to herself as she felt his hands on her ass. Why else would she be letting him do this to her. His tongue hungrily stroked hers, tasting of tobacco and whiskey. "Are you real, Joe?" she begged. "Please tell me I'm dreaming."

He cupped her rear in his hands and pressed her against him, his erection growing even harder at the contact. "I'll tell you what ever you wanna hear luv." A moan escaped from low in his throat. Drawing his hands up her back, he lifted the shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. He gazed at the naked woman in his arms. "God, I've dreamt of seeing you like this." His hands slid from her shoulders to her waist and hips.

He took her mouth with his, assaulting her with his tongue. He moved along her neck, nipping gently as he moved downward. Siobhan pulled at his jacket, trying to remove it from his body. She gasped as he took her hardened nipple into his mouth and sucked. She buried her fingers into his hair, holding him to her as he flicked his tongue back and forth over the taut nub. She could feel the flames growing inside of her.

Joe picked her up and carried her over to the bed. Carefully, he lowered her onto the sheets, never lifting his head from her body. He trailed lower, tasting her smooth skin and feeling her muscles contract under his touch. "Oh, God, you have to stop," she cried out as he reached the valley of her womanhood.

He raised his head to look at her. Wanton passion had taken over her completely. He smiled to himself as he placed his hand between her legs. Gliding a finger over her throbbing clit, he slipped it inside her welcoming passage. Another finger quickly joined the first as he watched her react to the invasion. "So wet," he said in a harsh whisper. "You're ready for me so soon. I wanted to make this last." He lowered his head, and replaced his fingers with his skilled tongue.

Siobhan grasped at the sheets. Joe was driving her insane, making love to her with his mouth. She knew she was about to go over the edge. "Oh, fuck!" she cried as the first wave hit her. She shut her eyes, as she tried to regulate her breathing.

Joe moved up on the bed to sit beside her. He gently brushed the damp hair from her face. "Like to talk dirty, huh?" he grinned at her. When she opened her eyes to look at him, he laughed softly. "Trust me, I don't mind."

Siobhan stared at this man who had intruded on her sanity. He had refused to leave well enough alone, and now had made himself part of her life. "You know," she said to him, wrapping her arm around his hips and rolling over him, "You talk too much."

She pushed him down onto the mattress as her legs straddled his hips. Her hands tore at the buttons of his shirt. Finally giving up, she yanked at the openings, ripping the garment from him. Siobhan stroked her hands upward from his abdomen, over his chest, to his neck.

She leaned forward, sucking his lower lip into her mouth. Her eyes glittered as she bit him. She slowly rose up, looking into Joe's eyes. Siobhan smiled at him, pulling her tongue across her lips.

Moving lower on his body, she unfastened his pants and pulled them free of his hips. Joe watched as she went down on him. Shutting his eyes, he concentrated on the sensation of her hot mouth on his hard shaft. He absently rubbed her neck and shoulders as she brought him to the peak. Joe tried to pull her up before it was too late, but she wouldn't let him. He felt her suck harder, swallowing as he spilled into her. "God, Siobhan," he breathed.

Taking her by the arms, he brought her up to lay on top of him. Her emerald eyes bore into Joe with their piercing gaze. Her breath was heavy with the scent of him as she whispered. "Is this what you want from me, Joe? You want me to fuck you like the whore you think I am?"

Siobhan's words registered in Joe's brain. Their meaning did not. He was too far lost in his desire for it to matter. He wanted her. He wanted her now. ‘How’ and ‘why’ were things he would worry about later. Joe lifted his hand to her face. "I want inside you, Siobhan. Please let me in."

An attack of conscious briefly hit Siobhan. She had fought against wanting Joe since they'd met. She couldn't deny him any longer, but not like this. She'd had enough late-night, half-drunken tumbles to last her a lifetime. It would break her for Joe to become just another "fuck".

"Siobhan," he whispered, breaking her from her trance. Looking into his eyes, there was no mistaking the need he felt. Chances were, she thought to herself, he wouldn't even remember in the morning. Joe lifted his head, kissing her softly on each cheek and on her chin. "I'll beg if I have to," he said, just before his tongue traced the contours of her neck from her earlobe to her throat. "Fuck me. Please, Vonni? I need you," his whisper was barely audible.

Siobhan pushed herself up into a kneeling position over him. She could now feel his erection against her rear, ready for another round. She reached behind her, slowly stroking upward, his cock between her palm and her body. She watched as Joe's shoulders jerked the slightest bit forward as he gasped at her touch. "Oh, God, Vonni...please...I...let me...uh...don't do…" She briefly grinned as she pictured him cumming on her back. You are so cruel, she thought to herself. Yet, the fact that he was unable to verbalize a coherent thought was amusing.

Joe reached up, taking her breasts in his hands. He now teased her, caressing and pinching and tugging them with a practiced touch. Heat traveled through her body, pooling in the junction between her legs. "My payback..." she mumbled aloud as Joe continued. She deserved it, she knew, turnabout and all. It was finally the moment of truth...everything would change from this point on.

Siobhan took hold of Joe's arms in her hands. He looked up at her, wildfire burned in his eyes. Slowly, she gave him a wicked smile. She only hoped that she was about to make a decision she wouldn't live to regret. "How do you want me?"

* * *

Joe woke late the next afternoon. Pulling his hands through his hair, he looked around the unfamiliar room. It appeared that he was alone. "Hello?" he croaked, his voice hoarse.

No answer came back.

He tossed back the covers as he sat up on the bed, swinging his long legs over the edge. Noticing his jacket lying in the middle of the floor, he padded over to it, retrieving his cigarettes and lighter from the pocket. Joe tossed the coat onto the chair and lit a smoke as he looked about the room.

It was plainly decorated and sparsely furnished. The bed, the dresser and nightstand were in the far corner. A small table, chair and sofa were clustered together. Another small table stood next to the door, and two stools were at the kitchen counter.

"Jesus," he muttered aloud, "this place would make Thom Thumb claustrophobic."

He walked back to the bed, bending down to pick up his clothes from the floor. He held up his shirt, inspecting it. The front seams were shredded and buttons were missing. "This one's rubbish now," he mumbled, throwing it onto the bed. Tossing his jeans over his shoulder, he went to take a shower.

* * *

The phone was ringing when Joe came out of the bathroom. He rubbed the towel over his hair as he crossed the room to answer it. Just as he reached the receiver, her machine came on:


"Hey, Vonni! It's Sav. I'll be back in town on Friday. I can't wait to see you. I'll talk to you later, luv. Bye!"

Joe felt like someone had just kicked him in the chest. He momentarily lost the ability to breathe as he listened to his friend's words. Siobhan may have thought things were over between her and Sav, but it was obvious to Joe that Sav didn't feel the same way.

What am I going to do now, Joe thought. He didn't want to hurt Sav, but now that he had Siobhan, he wasn't about to let her go. Joe quickly finished drying himself, dressed, and headed over to Von's.

* * *

"What do you mean, she isn't here?" Joe yelled at the bartender.

Andy looked at Joe in frustration. "Exactly what I said. SHE IS NOT HERE!" He tried to resume his task of inventorying the counter. "Vonni was in early, then she cut out a few hours later."

"Did she say where she was going?"

"Look man," Andy had grown impatient with Joe and wanted him to leave. "I am not Vonni's baby sitter. She doesn't have to clear her comings and goings with me. All I know is that she said she'd be back."

Frustrated with not getting the answer he was looking for, Joe turned and left the bar.

* * *

Her key turned in the lock. Siobhan entered her apartment, not bothering to turn on the light. She laid her things on the table, then walked to the kitchen. The light from the refrigerator illuminated her body in the dark flat.

"You know, it's dangerous to enter a room without first switching on the light," he drawled.

Siobhan jumped. Her heart racing from fright, she turned and looked at Joe. He was sitting, bare-chested, in the armchair. "What are you doing here?" she asked, finding her voice.

"Waiting for you." He looked down at himself. "Can't very well go anywhere like this. You ruined my shirt."

"I'll buy you a new one," she shot back, having caught the fury that was under the surface of his calm facade.

Joe pushed himself up from the chair and moved toward her. "Where have you been?" he asked her, slowly and deliberately. "I have been trying to reach you all day."

Siobhan could feel her own anger starting to build. She hated being treated like a possession, and that was how Joe was making her feel. She took a deep breath and made her voice as calm as his. "I don't have to answer to you, Joe. You don't own me."

"Fuck!" He rubbed his brow. "We aren't going to do this again, are we?"

"You started it!" she yelled back at him.

Joe's shoulders dropped, his arms going limp at his sides. "Why do I always seem to be apologizing to you?" he asked softly. "Bloody hell!" he exclaimed, frustrated at the tension between them still. "I care about you... I worried about you...I was scared..."

"Scared? Of what?"

He reached out, caressing her cheek. "That you had changed your mind about me. Afraid you might wish that last night had never happened."

Siobhan shut her eyes, unable to look at him as she spoke. "But, I do wish it never happened." She felt his hand pull away from her, and she reopened her eyes. The pain she saw in his expression cut through to her soul.

She motioned for him to sit. She moved over and leaned on the sofa across from him. She hemmed around a moment, not sure exactly how she should broach the subject. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly.

"Last night brought back some really unpleasant memories for me," she told him. "You showed up here, drunk and horny, and wouldn't take no for an answer. And for some reason, unknown to me, I reverted back to behaving in a way I wish I hadn't."

Joe could recall bits of the previous evening, but as a whole, the night was a blur. "I'm afraid I don't follow."

Siobhan wiped her hands over her face. "Joe, I'm an alcoholic."

Genuine shock appeared on his face. "I didn't know..." he began, shaking his head.

"Few do. People tend to look down upon a bar being owned by a drunk. Doesn't matter how long they've been sober." He nodded.

"Any way," she continued, "when I drank, I would give myself to any man who showed an interest in me. I behaved in a way I never thought I would if I was sober, and I hated myself for it."

"At one point last night, I realized what I was doing." Siobhan paused to catch her breath. "I was too afraid to stop by then. You'd already accused me of being a tease. I didn't want you to hate me."

Joe recalled the words she had said to him. '...,i>the whore you think I am...' "Oh, God, Siobhan," Joe knelt down in front of her. He wiped the tears from her face. He wanted to say or do something to make her feel better. He just didn't know what.

"I wanted to drown myself, to forget how much it hurt. I had the glass in my hand before I realized what I was doing." She glanced down at Joe when he picked up her hands from her lap. Tears streaked his face. She continued with a sigh. "I told Andy I'd be back, and spent the rest of the day with my AA group."

He took her into his arms and lowered her into his lap. "I am sorry Vonni. I am so, so sorry. I never meant to hurt you," he cried into her hair as her tears fell onto his chest.

Joe carried her to bed, carefully removed her clothes and tucked the blanket around her. He gently kissed each of her eyelids, before turning to leave. He stopped when he felt her grab his arm.


Her voice was the barest of whispers. Yet, it echoed throughout the room. Joe looked over his shoulder at Siobhan. The emotions he felt at that moment were in turmoil after what she had told him. So many things he wished he'd known beforehand. So many things that now made sense. "I don't think I should."

"All I'm asking, is for you to hold me," Siobhan said, looking into his eyes. She could see he was torn. "Please, Joe? You begged me. Now, I'm begging you."

Joe slipped off his shoes and went around to the opposite side of the bed. He quickly stripped out of his jeans and crawled under the covers. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her against his body. Siobhan snuggled into him, almost without thinking. She wiggled a little, finding a comfortable spot in the pillow for her head. She closed her eyes, placing her arms over his with a contented sigh.

Joe held her, knowing when she was asleep by the slow rise and fall of her chest. It was only then, that he allowed himself to close his eyes to fall asleep with her.

* * *

Joe stretched out in the bed to find he was again alone. He sat up to look around. The faint strains of music came from the closed bathroom door. Quickly thanking God that she hadn't deserted him, he got up and went to say good morning.

He quietly opened the door to enter the room. He could see Siobhan through the glass doors of the shower. Her eyes were closed as she massaged the shampoo through her hair. She leaned back into the water, rinsing her hair as the soapy bubbles ran down her body.

Joe watched her with interest as she lathered her body. Her hands caressed her skin as she ran them over her arms, shoulders, breasts, stomach, and legs. She seemed to be entranced by the music she had playing. He looked on, leaning back against the door as she turned to face the water stream. Her hand moved between her legs.

Joe shifted uneasily, as he realized what she was doing. He glanced down, finding himself excited by the sight. He held his erection as he looked back at her. Her hips moved against her fingers and he wished it were him between her long, shapely legs. His grip tightened as he matched his speed to hers. Her head hung back, letting the water rain over her breasts, trickling down her body to pool in the palm of her hand. Siobhan fondled herself, pinching her nipples and moaning at the sensation.

Joe bit his lip. He wanted to cry out to her. He wanted to join her, replacing her hand with his hard cock. He knew he couldn't. He didn't want her to feel 'used' when she was with him, ever again. She would have to come to him when she was ready.

He heard her gasp and looked at her. He watched as her shoulders convulsed from the spasms, and she hung her head forward. Stepping into the water, she let it wash over her body.

Quietly, Joe stepped out of the bathroom and into the outer room. He looked around, finding the first thing he could, his torn shirt, and finished jerking himself into it. He hurried to don his jeans and tossed the shirt into the garbage bin in her kitchen.

He had started the coffee and was smoking a cigarette when she came out of the bathroom. "Good morning," he calmly smiled at her.

"Morning," she smiled back. She walked over and took two mugs down from the cabinet. "Sleep well?"

"Yes, very well, thanks," he turned to watch her. If she'd only known how well he'd woken up. "Do you have to work today?"

She handed Joe his coffee. "I need to, but I'm not really up to it yet." She smiled at him with what was almost a smirk. "Why? Have you got something else in mind?"

His eyebrow rose, as did the corner of his mouth. "Just thinking that we could spend the day together."

* * *

They had spent the day sightseeing around town, as if they were a couple of tourists. Many of the places, they had both seen before, but had never bothered to pay much attention to.

As the day drew on, Joe and Siobhan decided to end their trek with a walk on the beach. They found a secluded stretch of sand, where they could talk as the sun neared the horizon. They walked along in silence for quite a while before either one spoke.

"How long has it been?" he asked her. Joe was a little uneasy about bringing it up, but he had to know.

She looked over at him, shielding her eyes from the sun. "Six years.'

"It's been a long time, then."

"Yes, it has," she nodded, looking down at the feet. "I was in rehab just outside London. God, I hated that place!" She rubbed her arms as if she were freezing, although it was warm out. "Within a week of release, I was down at the clubs getting wasted again."

Joe looked at her, not saying a word. The scenario was all too familiar to him, having seen Steve go through the same thing.

Siobhan's eyes met his, and she continued her story. "I woke up one morning, didn't know where I was or who I was with. I managed to get home somehow. When I sobered up, I packed what I could into my bag and drove to the airport. I bought a ticket on the first available flight to the states, and swore I'd never go back to that life again." She stopped, kicking at a small shell with her toe. "I eventually ended up here, and things turned around for me."

"You haven't been back at all?" he asked. "Not even to see your son?"

"No." A melancholy look filled her eyes. "Aaron knows why I can't. That's why he comes out when he can." She avoided looking at Joe. "What I put that poor kid through growing up… I'm amazed he doesn't hate me. He was so young, and he took care of me, when he shouldn't have had to."

Joe reached out, lifting her chin so that she looked at him. "All that is in your past now. Never let yourself forget that, Vonni." The shame he saw in her eyes tore at him. He could see there was much more she had not told him, but he didn't want to know. "You beat your demons and came out better for it. Some people never get that chance."

"Oh, God," Siobhan lifted her chin from Joe's hand and wiped her eyes. She sighed heavily and turned to head back down the beach. "Didn't mean to end such a nice day on a depressing note." She tried to shake herself out of the funk she suddenly felt. She looked back at Joe. "I'm sorry if I dug up old wounds."

He shook his head. "It's all right. I brought it up in the first place." Joe looked out at the small arc of red-orange that rested on the water in the distance. He closed the door to that pain in his mind. He wanted to enjoy this day for what it was. He decided to change the topic, and put on a smile. "I've just realized how long it's been since we've eaten. Would you like to go have dinner before we head home?"

Siobhan smiled. She knew what he was trying to do. She could see through the phony smile. "I'd love to."

* * *

Joe spent the rest of the week with Siobhan. At night, he would lay in bed, his arms wrapped protectively around her. She would kiss him goodnight and snuggle close against him. It took all his effort to maintain his control.

* * *

Thursday afternoon, Joe found Siobhan in the stockroom, taking inventory of a new shipment of glassware. “There you are,” he smiled to her as she glanced up at him. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“You have?” She noticed the mischievous glint in his eyes. “Joe, what are you up to?”

Joe took the clipboard from her and set it on one of the boxes. “You’ll see.” Taking her hand, he walked her down the hall. They stopped in front of her office door. Siobhan looked at the closed door behind Joe. “Close your eyes for me.” She raised her brows at him and then smiled, doing as he had instructed. He opened the door and led her into the room. “Open up.”

Siobhan opened her eyes. She was surprised by the sight before her. The room was lit with the warm glow of candles. She stepped forward, looking at her desk, which had been set with a romantic meal for two. She turned back to Joe. “You did all this while I was in the stockroom?”

He placed his hands on her waist, pulling her into a hug. “Happy Birthday luv.”

“How did you?”

“Viv told me,” he explained. “I wanted to surprise you.

“Candle lit lunch?” She smiled to him, slipping her arms around his neck. “It’s a wonderful surprise. Thank you.” She leaned forward as she pulled him into a deep kiss.

The fingers of his left hand gently brushed her cheek. Her lips parted, allowing him access to her mouth. The soft moan that greeted his tongue, stirred the fire that Joe had kept at bay.

Siobhan’s hands moved across his shoulders, as she pulled herself closer to him. Joe’s right hand lowered to her ass, holding her firmly against his arousal.

“Jesus Vonni, do you know how hard this has been for me?” he whispered into her ear as she kissed along his throat. “Have you any idea what it’s been like, holding you and not being able to have you?”

Siobhan leaned back in his arms, cradling his face in her hands. She ran her thumbs along his cheekbones as she smiled to him. “Make love to me, Joe.”

Joe looked at her. “Siobhan…”

Her eyes closed and she nodded her head at him. “I’m sure.” She gazed back into his pale, seductive eyes. “I’ve seen the gruff Joe, and I’ve seen a man who is kind and gentle. I know how you fuck a woman. Now, I wanna know how you romance one.”

“Romance?” he said to her, a half-smile on his lips.

She gestured toward the desk and the candles. “You wouldn’t call this romantic?” She let out a small laugh as Joe flashed an innocent look at her. Siobhan raked her fingers into his hair, pulling it back from his face. “There has to be a closeted romantic in there somewhere,” she teased. “You wouldn’t be so good at writing all those mushy ballads otherwise.”

Mushy ballads?” he tried to sound insulted. It didn’t work, as he couldn’t keep a straight face. “Well luv, is there any particular ballad you fancy?”


He raised his brows as he looked at her. “Any reason?” he quarried.

“It’s a beautiful song.” Siobhan grinned as she pressed closer to him. “And you sound so damn sexy when you sing it.”

Joe cradled her head against his chest as he softly began to hum. In a voice barely above a whisper, he sang to her. “…I don’t wanna hide; It’s foolish pride; To close my eyes a touch away from wantin’ you…”

Siobhan closed her eyes as she leaned against him, feeling his breath against her ear. “…You don’t have to set your tender trap; It’s in your eyes, it’s gonna happen anyway….” She slipped her hands down his chest. “…I’m wantin’ willin’ touchin’ you, we’ll be moving’ to the rhythm of your heartbeat…”

Joe moved his hands to her waist. Siobhan worked the buttons open on his shirt. “Tonight…I see the fire in your eyes; Tonight…So right, this night could be dynamite; Wait ’n’ see, if it pleases you it pleases me…”

His skin was warm against her palms. She looked up into his eyes. “…It’s in your eyes, those eyes are where I wanted them; So give me heart ‘n’ soul, I lose control; Can’t stop my eyes from fallin’ into fantasy…”

Siobhan smiled at him. “Joe, I do love that song,” she purred. “But for now, I’d rather you did something other than sing.”

“You do?” His mouth crooked into a grin. “And just what might that be?”

“You talk too much,” Siobhan smiled as she pulled his face to hers. “Shut up and kiss me.” She then took his mouth with her own, slipping her tongue between his parted lips. He welcomed her, drawing her deeper into him. He felt the hunger in her, knowing what was to come.

Joe broke from her mouth and kissed a trail down her throat. His tongue burned her skin with its heat as her hands stoked over his shoulders. “God, Joe…” she gasped. Her hands brushed over his chest. Finding his nipples, she gently rubbed her fingers in small circles around them. She heard his growl deep in his throat. “You like being touched?” she whispered.

“I like when you touch me,” he breathed into her ear. He cradled her face in his hands as he traced her lower lip with his tongue. He watched her as she looked at him, both of them speaking to the other without words.

Joe trailed his hands along her body, slipping them under the hem of her top. Siobhan closed her eyes as he worked them along, inching the fabric up over her as she lifted her arms above her head. With one final tug, he pulled it away and tossed it onto the chair. Starting at her neck, he kissed her body, caressing her as he moved lower. “Jesus, you are so beautiful, Vonni,” he murmured. He took her breast in his mouth, sucking just hard enough to make her moan.

“Ooohhhhhhhhh,” she clenched her hands into his hair. “That feels soooo good.” Siobhan watched Joe as he switched, giving the other the same attention he had the first. He peeked up at her. He playfully swirled his tongue around the nub when she smiled to him. “Mmm, I like that too,” she cooed.

Replacing his mouth with his hands, he continued to move lower, kneeling before her. He placed kisses over her stomach and tugged lightly on the ring in her naval with his lips. At her waist, he stopped and looked at her. “Hands or no hands?” She placed her hands over his as he continued fondling her. The half-lidded look on her face told him everything he needed to know about how she wanted him. He took hold of the waistband in his teeth and tugged the buttons from their holes. She lowered her hands, easing the denim down over her hips, where it fell to the ground. “Better,” he growled as he looked over the woman before him.

Siobhan pulled Joe back up to stand in front of her. She pushed the open shirt from his shoulders, gliding her hands along his arms. She placed his hands at his waist and stepped back.

Joe winked at her, knowing from her expression exactly what she wanted him to do. Slowly, he began to unbuckle his belt. Siobhan watched his fingers as he unbuttoned his jeans. A sly grin crossed her face as she watched him start to slide the clothing down his body. Stepping out of the jeans, Joe stood before her.

The hunger in her eyes pleased Joe. She hadn’t looked at him in that way since the night he showed up at her door. Although they had lain together for a week, she had never looked at him as anything more than a friend. He had longed for her to want him as much as he wanted her.

Siobhan stepped into his arms, cupping her hand to the back of his neck. Her mouth pressed hard against his, yet her tongue rubbed gently against his. She held onto Joe as he lowered her onto the carpeted floor of her office.

“God, I want you Siobhan,” his voice was hoarse with desire. “Tell me you want me. I need to hear you say it, luv.”

She looked up at the man hovering over her. She could feel the urgency emitting from him. She placed her hands at his sides, along his waist. Wetting her lips with her tongue, she whispered, “I need you Joe.”

He lowered his hips a fraction, placing himself at her opening. The slick wetness of her cleft inviting him in. He eased himself into her, stringing kisses along her collarbones and between her breasts. “Seems like a lifetime that I’ve waited to feel you again. You are so tight around me.” He thrust a little harder, sheathing himself deep within her. A small gasp escaped her lips. “Does it hurt, luv?” She shook her head no and smiled.

Her hips rocked to meet his, as they began their lovemaking. Arms and mouths explored while hips and groins and heartbeats met together as one being. Joe whispered and moaned and begged her to cum for him. Siobhan remained silent, occasionally letting out a small gasp or whimper. He was surprised by that, as she had been so verbal their time before.

Joe gazed into her eyes, seeing the enjoyment on her face. “Scream for me baby. Please…” He traced her jaw line and sucked on her lips. “Please?” He could feel her muscles tightening around him. “Babe, I know you’re close.”

Siobhan clutched at his shoulders, digging her nails into the flesh just behind his tattoos. Her head tilted back as her mouth opened slightly. Her breathing was heavy. She gasped and groaned as her body began to tremble.

Joe increased his pace as he felt her small convulsions. “That’s it baby. Cum for me darlin’.” His own release was nearing, as her spasms grew stronger. “Oh…Goddamn…” Joe closed his eyes, thrusting further and deeper, feeling the mouth of her womb against his crest. “Uhh… Von…you’ve gotta cum with me babe. I don’t wanna go alone.”

She pulled his head down to her, directing his mouth to her breast. He rubbed his tongue over the nub, then took it between his teeth, tugging and sucking on it. He rubbed the other between his fingers, pulling gently, mimicking the rhythm of his mouth.

“Oh,” Siobhan moaned, rolling her hips into his. “Mmm,” her shoulders twitching violently as the wave crashed over her. “God, Joe! Yessss.” Upon hearing her words, Joe’s orgasm broke, filling her with his seed as he collapsed on top of her.

* * *

Siobhan looked up to see Joe sitting at the desk, munching on some of the lunch they had ignored earlier. “You shouldn’t have let me sleep,” she said, sitting up from the floor. He had covered her with the jacket she had worn in that morning.

“I like watching you sleep,” he smiled at her. “You weren’t napping for very long.”

She reached for her clothes, pulling them on before she stood up. “What if Andy or someone comes in. You know how my staff is.”

Joe shook his head. “Don’t worry. The others won’t be here for a while yet, and Andy has specific instructions to wait for us to come out of this room before he comes back here.”

She stared at him as she sat, looking over the food on the desk. “Great,” she said sarcastically. “He knows what’s going on back here then.” She picked a carrot from the plate and bit into it. “He’ll never let me live it down.” Joe chuckled at her. “You think this is funny?”

“I do.”

Siobhan eyed him with a slight sneer. He rose, coming around the desk to stand before her. Leaning over, he whispered into her ear, “It may be your birthday, but I’m the one who received the present.”

* * *

Siobhan walked Joe to the door. The evening’s work crew was just starting to arrive. He pulled her to him, kissing her goodbye as he slipped his hands under her rear. “I’ll be back later,” he whispered. “Don’t work too hard.”

She grinned. “Oh, go on and get out of here already.” She pushed him away with a playful shove.

“If you’re gonna get rough, I might change my mind and stay.”

“Joe, I’ve got work to finish.” She leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. “I will see you tonight.”

She turned to head to the back after watching him leave. Andy was leaning against the counter behind the bar. The smirk on his face was near laughter. “Not a word,” she pointed a finger at him. “I don’t want to even hear you think it.”

He looked horrified by her remark, then laughed. “Would I do something like that Vonni?” She raised her brow at him and he nodded his head. “Okay, I promise. My lips are sealed.” Andy pulled an imaginary zipper across his mouth.

“Good.” She grabbed a bottle of water and headed down the hall. “By the way, Andrew…” she called down the hall. “Thank you.”

* * *

Siobhan had returned to the task of her inventory, where she spent the rest of the day, into early evening. Joe had said he would return for when her employees wished her Happy Birthday. Every year, they had a cake and celebrated the evening with the patrons of the club. Joe thought it sounded interesting, and wanted to join in.

She glanced at her watch. It was nearly 8:30 and the bar should be starting to fill with people. She continued her work for about another half hour, when she felt a pair of hands encircle her waist. She smiled to herself as she felt his mouth brush the back of her neck. “Mmmm. I was wondering when you’d get here.” She tipped her head forward, allowing him more access to her nape.

“I got here as soon as I could, luv.”

Siobhan momentarily froze. The voice did not belong to the man she thought she was talking to. She turned in his arms. “Sav?”

He smiled at her. “I know I told you Friday, but I caught an earlier flight. I didn’t think you’d mind me arriving a day sooner. I couldn’t wait to see you.”

She looked at him, totally puzzled. “What are you talking about, Friday?” She lifted her glasses and rubbed at her eyes. “I have no clue what you mean.”

Sav stepped back, seeing she was in complete surprise at his presence. “I rang last week and left a message on your machine. Didn’t you get it?”

“No,” she shook her head. “I didn’t.” Last week? she thought to herself. Siobhan could think of only one reason she never heard the message. She tried to smile pleasantly at Sav. “My machine is broken, I think. I’ve lost most of my messages the past few weeks.”

“Oh,” he nodded. “You should see about getting a new one, then.”

“Yes,” she answered absently. She knew exactly what was going to be broken. “I’ll have to see about that.”

* * *

“Damn it Joe, pick up the phone!” Siobhan demanded into the receiver. After allowing it to ring a few more times, she hung up, slamming it onto the desk.

She grabbed her coat and headed out of the office. She stopped to let Andrew know where she was going, and asked him to keep Sav there if he returned before she did.

* * *

Joe was getting out of the shower when he heard the door to the apartment slam. He peeked his head out to see Siobhan. “I’ll be a minute,” he called to her, then finished dressing.

Siobhan sat, looking around her small place while she waited for Joe. She still wasn’t certain what she was going to say to him. By his omission of the message and his pursuit of her, Joe had put Siobhan into a position she did not want to be in. She had been in a similar situation years before. It was one she did not wish to revisit.

Joe finally came into the room, wearing black jeans and a pullover shirt, his hair still slightly damp. He sat next to her on the bed, leaning closely into her. “So, what brings you home this early?” He tenderly pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “I thought I was supposed to meet you across the way.”

Siobhan glared at him as he tried to kiss her. “Joe, don’t.” She stood and paced several steps away from him.

Joe looked after her. He was all too familiar with the signs that she was angry with him. It didn’t make sense. She was fine when he left her earlier that afternoon. “Siobhan, is something wrong?”

She spun around to face him. “Is something wrong? Oh, lover, something is most definitely more than WRONG here!” She watched him stare at her with puzzled eyes. When he opened his mouth to speak, she shook her head at him. “All I want to know, is why you did it, Joe,” she said in a calmer voice. “Was it so important for you to win me over that the consequences didn’t matter to you? Do you have any idea what you’ve done to me as a result?”

He stood, holding his hand out to her. Siobhan stepped back, out of his reach. Her eyes were cold. She looked as if she hated him with every part of her being. “Vonni, luv…” he nearly begged her to take his hand. She crossed her arms over her chest. God, he thought to himself, was he going to have to go through this every time he made love to her? “What did I do?”

At that moment the phone rang. They both turned to look at it, but neither moved to answer it. Six rings and her machine picked up, Sav’s voice familiar to both of them. “Come on Vonni, pick up. Andy told me you’re there.” Siobhan shot a look at Joe then picked up the phone.

Rubbing his hand over his face, Joe sank back onto the bed. Sav’s message had said he’d be back on Friday. He was early. “Fuck!” he muttered under his breath. He realized now what her outburst was about. God, how was he going to explain this to her?

She hung up the phone and turned back to him. “Well, Mr. Elliott? Care to explain yourself?”

“Siobhan, I meant to tell you.” He stood up again, this time walking toward her. “With all that happened, it must have slipped my mind.” He was just about to put his arms around her when she stopped him.

“You erased my message Joe. Sav told me he left one on the machine.” She pointed to the box next to the phone. “There was never a message from him on there! You erased my messages and you had no fucking right to do so!” She looked away from him briefly, hoping to stem the tide of tears she felt welling in her eyes. “I thought I could trust you,” she uttered on a whisper. “I thought I…”

Joe reached out to touch her cheek. “Vonni,” he said softly as he wiped the wetness from her skin. “I fucked up, and I’m sorry. I can promise you, it won’t happen again.”

She batted his arm away, wiping her face before she looked at him again. “No, it won’t. I want you to pack your things Joe. You can’t stay here anymore.”


She shook her head at him, telling him she would not change her mind. She briefly contemplated the ceiling while she ran her hand through her hair. “I promised Vivian I wouldn’t do anything stupid. I promised him I wouldn’t become involved with both of you. You knew Sav thought he and I were still a couple and yet, you pursued me anyway!” She stared straight into Joe’s eyes. “I knew you were capable of a lot of things Joe, but this was not one of them.”

Siobhan turned and left him alone in the apartment. Thinking of all the things she had just said to him, Joe lowered himself into the chair and buried his face in his hands.

* * *

Siobhan scanned the club from the stage. She knew Joe was in the crowd somewhere. She could feel his eyes on her, watching her every move.

* * *

He watched from the back of the club as Andrew and Tom presented her with a huge cake. Joe felt his jealousy flare as Sav gave her a hug, kissing her in front of the crowd. It should be him up there, he thought. He was the man Siobhan wanted to be with. He was the man she had fallen in love with, whether she realized it or not.

He had to talk to her. He needed to get her alone and explain what happened, but Sav hadn’t left her side all evening.

* * *

“Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” Sav asked. They had left the club and headed to the beach house. Snuggled together on the sofa, they settled in to watch a movie. Siobhan hadn’t said much as he held her in his arms.

She lifted her head to look at him. Sav smiled warmly at her. Siobhan shook her head, not ready to talk about what happened with Joe. “Just hold me,” she said quietly. She needed the time to think.

He squeezed her a little more tightly. “Sure, luv,” he whispered into her hair. It was one of the differences between Sav and Joe that she enjoyed. Sav was more laid back, didn’t press her into talking if she didn’t feel like it. Joe on the other hand, wanted to know and he wanted to know right when he asked. The man could talk a mile a minute. No wonder he’d been referred to once as a ‘Gob on legs.’

They sat in silence as they watched the rest of the film together. Sav clicked off the set with the remote, then carried Siobhan off to bed. “If I’d known it was your birthday, I would have gotten you something before I returned.”

She shook her head. “There’s no need. It’s okay, honestly.”

“Well,” he stood her next to the bed, running his hands up the length of her body. “I can at least make up for the time we’ve been apart,” he said in a husky whisper. He carefully slipped his fingers under her top and worked it up, exposing her bare skin. “God, you are so beautiful. I’ve missed you so much.”

She closed her eyes as Sav bent his head and took her nipple into his mouth. His free hand found her breast and worked it to a hardened peak also. “Ohhhh,” she gasped, feeling a rush of excitement flood through her. Without thinking, she buried her hands in his hair, holding him to her as he suckled her. “Oh, God,” she moaned.

Sav’s hands worked down to the buttons of her jeans. He quickly unfastened them, pushing the fabric down her hips. Running is hand over her ass, he pulled her against him. “Can you feel how much I need you?”

Siobhan nodded, feeling the pressure of his manhood through his clothing. “Mm hmmm,” she replied. She opened her eyes as Sav pulled off his shirt. She smiled at him, running her hands down his chest to his waist. “Allow me,” she purred as she knelt down to unzip his pants. She tugged them off, slipping them from his legs.

“Oh God,” he moaned as she touched him. His head fell back, his eyes closed as she took him deep into her mouth. “Ohh… yes Vonni,” he threaded his fingers through her hair. She stroked her tongue along the length of his cock, swirling it briefly over the crest before going back down. “Oh, Jesus, that feels good.” When she knew he was close to his limit, she stood and faced him, a slight smile on her lips.

Siobhan cupped his face in her hands, pulling him to her. She kissed him with an urgent need. Wrapping his arms around her, he lowered her onto the bed. She pulled back just far enough to look into his eyes. She smiled at the depths of desire she saw in them. He gently brushed her fiery curls behind her ear. “I want you, luv.”

Closing her eyes, she replied, “Me too.”

* * *

She laid in the bed, looking out over the rest of the room. The man beside her slept, spent from their lovemaking. She watched him breathe, the gentle rise and fall of his chest telling her he was deep into his dreams. She caressed his cheek. “I am sorry Sav,” she whispered before slipping out of bed and quietly getting dressed.

* * *

She arrived home at sunrise. The light on her answering machine blinked rapidly, telling her she had several messages. She tossed her coat onto the chair as she pushed the button.

In between the birthday wishes of friends and relatives, were a series of messages she did not want to hear.

C’mon, Siobhan. Stop being stubborn and open the door. I’m in the hallway on the mobile,” Joe’s voice came from the machine.

His next was much the same. “Jesus Vonni! Open up! I can’t talk to you through the door. How am I to explain myself if you won’t let me in?”

Further along the tape, his voice appeared again. “I wanted to say this in person,” he began, then continued after a short pause. “When I heard Sav’s message, I was concerned. I went over to Von’s to talk to you about it. You weren’t there, and no one knew where you’d gone. I got angry, and I got pissed, and I erased it. When you finally came home, I intended to tell you. Once you told me where you’d been, things happened so quickly. It slipped my mind. It was a mistake, Vonni. I didn’t mean to hurt you by it. Oh, please pick up the phone and talk to me.

Siobhan sank onto the bed. The pain she heard in his voice made her feel even worse than she had when she left Sav’s. Grabbing her pillow, she clutched it to her as she listened on.

Please Siobhan,” she heard the tears in his voice. “We can work this out. It was a misunderstanding. God, Siobhan, don’t you know how much I love you? Your silence is killing me.”

Tears streamed down her face. “Oh Joe,” she whispered. He would surely hate her now, once he learned where she had been. Siobhan had not intended to sleep with Sav, and when she closed her eyes to fall asleep in his bed, it was not his face that she saw.

The final message played.

This is the fifth fucking message I‘ve left. C’mon, Siobhan. Pick up the bloody phone!” Joe yelled into the receiver. He had more right to be angry with her than he even knew. After a long silence, he finally gave in. “Oh, sod it then!

Hearing him disconnect, she collapsed onto her bed and cried herself to sleep.

* * *

Sav rolled over, reaching out for the body that should have been next to him. “Vonni,” he opened his eyes. There was no sign of her in the room. He got up, grabbed a pair of sweats from his dresser and pulled them on. He headed for the kitchen, remembering that she enjoyed making breakfast for him.

There was no noise in the house. “Siobhan, luv?” he called. He leaned over the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room. She was not there. As he stood, he noticed the piece of paper that flittered to the floor. He leaned down to pick it up, and sat on a stool to read it.

I’m sorry about leaving like this, but I needed some time to think. You know I care about you, and I would like to continue to be friends.

I should have told you this when you first showed up last night. While you were in England, I started seeing someone else. You’d been gone several months, and I hadn’t heard from you. I didn’t think you’d be coming back.

Thing is, he and I had a disagreement. I don’t know if I’ll ever hear from him again. I thought I had fallen in love…

I should not have stayed with you last night. I never intended it to go that far. I understand if you hate me. I pray that you don’t because, right now, I hate myself for what I’ve done.

Please understand. I never meant to use you.


He stared at the page a few minutes more, before crumpling it into a ball and throwing it across the room.

* * *

Joe looked at his reflection in the mirror. “Jesus, man. What are you doing to yourself? She’s just a woman,” he told the ragged image.

After leaving his last message, Joe had drunk himself into a fitful sleep. The visions of her, their lovemaking, the argument, and her with Sav, somehow meshed together in his brain. The nightmare finally ended when he awoke in a cold sweat.

But I love her… Joe blinked hard and looked at himself again. The thought echoed in his head as if he’d said it aloud. He had, but not in the way he had planned. Joe had wanted to wait and tell her when they were alone, as they laid in bed, wrapped in each other’s arms. Instead, he had uttered the words into her answering machine, praying she’d hear them and pick up the phone. Why hadn’t she picked the bleeding thing up?

Joe made his way to the living room. He lit up a cigarette and took a long drag. He picked up the phone, staring at the numbers for some time. His fingers glided over her number, but did not apply the pressure to dial it. Taking a deep breath, he finally dialed a number. He waited impatiently as it rang. “Hey Viv. It’s Joe. Mind of I stop by this afternoon? I think there is something we need to discuss.”

* * *

Andrew let himself into the club to prepare for the day’s work. He found Siobhan sitting at the bar, blowing smoke rings into the air. He froze, midway across the floor. “Please tell me that’s all you’ve been doing,” he said to her.

Siobhan looked over her shoulder and smiled. “’Fraid so,” she quipped. He resumed his stride and came up next to her. “God, Andrew,” she stared at the mirrored glass behind the shelves and bottles across from her. “I’ve really fucked things up this time.” He put his arm across her shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze.

She had hired Andy four years ago. He was the head bartender. He helped her run the bar, which she couldn’t have done by herself. Most of all, he was the closest thing she had to a best friend. “I’m listening.”

She took one last drag off her smoke and stubbed it into the ashtray. With a heavy sigh, she turned to face him. “You know about what happened yesterday.”

He nodded. “That Savage guy showed up, and you and Joe had an argument about it,” he said, telling her what he knew.

“Yes. And you know Joe was here at the party last night.” He nodded again. “Well, Sav and I went to his place to watch a movie after leaving here. When I got home, Joe had left several messages on my machine.”

“The man is tenacious,” Andy quipped.

She laughed softly. “That he is,” she smiled.

Andy removed his coat, placing it on the counter as he moved behind the bar. He retrieved a bottle of water and poured them each a glass. “And how did you ‘fuck things up’ as you so delicately put it?”

Siobhan dipped her finger into the glass and circled it around the rim for several minutes. She finally lifted it to her lips and took a sip, before answering his question. “Joe thought I was at home. He wanted to talk. About what had happened. How he felt about me.”

“He loves you.”

Siobhan’s eyes shot up, locking with Andy’s. “How do you…”

“It’s obvious.” He rolled his eyes as he shook his head at her. “Vonni, he’s been interested from the day you met. And, far be it for me to be the one to say this,” he said, placing his hand on his chest as he leaned against the counter behind him, “but, you feel the same toward him. The two of you are just too stubborn and independent to admit it to each other.”

Siobhan sat silently, staring blankly past Andrew. She took another cigarette from the pack and lit it. “Doesn’t much matter now,” she muttered. “Once he finds out I was with Sav…”

She didn’t need to explain the rest. Andrew has seen her guilt when he walked in that afternoon. “He may surprise you,” he said, taking the cigarette from her and putting it out.

Siobhan ruffled her hair with her hand. “I hope you’re right Andy. I hope you are right.”

* * *

“So,” Viv sat in the deck chair across from Joe. “What was it you wanted to talk about?”

Joe lit a cigarette and tossed the lighter on the table. “Siobhan.” He leaned back in the chair, exhaling a cloud of smoke. “I need to know why you two broke up.”

Vivian shook his head. “Joe, this isn’t something I want to discuss, and I know Vonni wouldn’t like it.”

“I don’t give a fuck if she likes it or not!” Joe yelled. He rubbed his temples with his free hand. “Sorry Viv. I just…” he sighed, frustrated at the situation. He realized he was going to have to explain what happened before Viv would tell him anything. “We had a misunderstanding yesterday.” He took another long drag from his smoke. “I neglected to tell her Sav was coming back, and she asked me to leave.”

“Sav?” Vivian looked at Joe. “I thought she and Sav split before he went back to Sheffield?”

“She thought so too.” Joe leaned forward, resting his elbow on his knee. “He showed up last night. Evidently, he surprised her at work.”

Viv looked out over the yard. He knew where Joe was headed with his story. “Being put between two men is a place Vonni is not comfortable with.”

“Tell me something I don’t already know,” Joe remarked. “She went off on me like I had committed some hideous crime. Why, Viv?”

“Joe, what has Vonni told you about Aaron’s father?” Vivian asked.

Joe’s brow creased. “Not much. I know she doesn’t speak to him now.” He shrugged his shoulders. “She’s never really talked about him.”

Viv picked up Joe’s lighter and toyed with it a bit. “His name is Alex,” he said, watching the flame. “He was the singer of a local band I joined in my teens. Being my girlfriend, she tagged along to rehearsals and such.” Joe handed him the pack of cigarettes across the table. Viv took one and lit it. “She didn’t tell me that he hit on her right away.”

Joe nodded, waiting for him to continue. “We played a gig one night at a friend’s party. I don’t recall exactly what happened, but he ended up taking her home, because I was too drunk or something like that.” He sighed. “Alex forced himself on her.”

“God, no,” Joe said softly.

“After that night, she told me he had been coming onto her since I’d joined. He was an arrogant, self-assured bastard. The type of guy who always got what he wanted.”

Joe stubbed out the butt of his cigarette. He recognized the characteristics of himself that she had fought against. “So, he took what she wouldn’t give.”

Vivian glanced at Joe, meeting his concerned gaze. “When she found out she was pregnant, she lost it.”

“She knew it was his?”

“Not at first,” he replied. “I stayed with her the whole time, trying to reassure her that it was all right.” Viv rubbed his hand over the stubble on his jaw. “I would have given anything for Aaron to have been mine. It wasn’t until he was born, she asked me to take a blood test, then we knew for certain. I confronted him about it. He denied the whole thing.”

“You told him about the blood test?” Joe asked. Vivian nodded. “And that’s when he took off?”

“Yes. That’s also when she started drinking,” he explained. “Vonni felt she was responsible for what Alex had done to her. She felt that she had betrayed me by letting him do what he did to her, and she couldn’t live with the guilt.” He blew a ring of smoke into the air. “The guiltier she felt, the more she drank. The more she drank, the more difficult it was to deal with her outbursts. She eventually retreated inside herself and shut everyone out.”

“And that’s when you split?”

“I got offered a gig in a new band.” Viv looked at Joe. “I couldn’t do anything to help her, so I took it.”

Joe ruffled his hand through his hair. He now understood why Siobhan had tried so hard to push him away. He rose to his feet. “Thanks Viv. You’ve cleared up a lot of questions for me.”

Vivian also rose, walking Joe to the front door. “Look, I know how you feel about her. I also know she will come around. You’re just gonna have to give her some time, is all.” Joe nodded and walked out to his car. Viv watched his friend drive away, hoping that things would work out for the best.

* * *

“Can we talk?”

Siobhan turned from the bar to see Sav standing in the center of the room. “Sure,” she said, then led him back to her office. She sat on the edge of her desk and faced him.

Sav stood behind the chair, resting his hands on its back. “I wish you would have stayed and talked to me about it, instead of leaving a note.”

Siobhan nervously chewed on her lower lip. “I know, I should have told you right off. I don’t know why I didn’t, and I have no excuse for it,” she shook her head.

“Vonni,” Sav walked around the chair to stand in front of her. “It was presumptuous of me to have expected you to wait for me to return. I should have known you’d get on with your life.” He took her hand in his. “I’m sorry if you felt I put you in a difficult position.”

“Sav,” she looked into his blue eyes. The warmth she saw in them made her want to cry. She had used him to try and forget about Joe, even if it wasn’t consciously at the time, and he was being so sweet to her now. “I…You didn’t do anything wrong. I did.”

He lifted his hand to her cheek, wiping away the tears that fell. “It’s all right, Vonni,” he whispered. “I don’t hate you, and you shouldn’t hate yourself for what happened.”

Siobhan glanced around the room. Taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly, she looked back at Sav. “You are a very special man. I just… It isn’t fair to you for me to be with you when I…”

“It’s okay, Vonni.” Sav wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to him. He held her as she cried against his chest. “Everything will work out, luv. You’ll see.”

* * *

Joe had left Vivian’s headed straight for Von’s. He knew Siobhan’s daily routine, and knew she would be in her office, going over the day’s book. When he arrived, he exchanged pleasantries with some of the staff he’d gotten to know, and said hello to Andrew.

“She’s in her office?” he asked as he headed back.

“No, she isn’t,” Andy replied. “She wasn’t feeling well. I think she headed back to her apartment.”

The two men stood silent for a moment, staring at one another. Andrew’s silence told Joe he knew what was going on, and probably more than Joe himself knew. He broke eye contact to glance around the empty bar. “Well,” he turned his attention back to him, “Thanks.”

“No problem.” Andy continued his task of wiping down the countertop. Joe had turned to leave when Andy spoke again. “She’s a very complicated woman. She has a hard time admitting she cares for people.” Joe turned back to see the bartender shaking his head. “She doesn’t feel she deserves to have anyone care about her in return. Vonni has a lot of love to share with someone, she just doesn’t know how.”

Joe pursed his lips together, taking in the information Andrew was sharing with him. He shook his head, nodding his understanding of what he was being told. “God knows I’ve damn well tried.” He shoved his hands into his pockets in a frustrated gesture.

Andy smiled. “I know. She does too.” He tossed the towel over his shoulder, walking around the bar to sit on a stool. Joe approached the man again so the other workers wouldn’t over hear what Andy had to say to him. “She is scared of how she feels. She hasn’t truly loved anyone since… Well, you know about her and Viv.” He paused and Joe nodded for him to continue. “I love her like she was my sister, and I hate seeing her beat herself up like she has been. I know you love her, and I know she loves you, Joe. You are just gonna have to be patient with her, because she isn’t with herself.”

Joe shook hands with Andrew and said goodbye. He then headed across the street to see Siobhan.

* * *

Joe knocked on her door. At first, there wasn’t any answer. He tried again, hoping she hadn’t decided to go somewhere else when she left the club. He finally heard a noise come from inside and waited for the door to open.

“Hello, Siobhan.”


He wanted to grab her and hold her to him. It seemed like it had been days since he had seen her last, instead of hours. He could tell from the redness around her eyes that she had been crying. “May I come in?”

She stepped back, opening the door for him to enter. He walked in, and stood in the center of her sitting area. She closed the door, turning to look at him. “I didn’t expect to see you.” She walked over to the chair and sat down.

Joe took a seat across from her on the sofa. “I phoned you last night,” he said, suddenly not knowing what to say.

“Yes, I know.”

He looked at her. She was tired and upset. He could see in her eyes that there was so much she wanted to tell him, but didn’t know how. “You were angry with me, but you could have picked up. Even if you ended up slamming down the phone on me,” the words spilled forth before he could stop them. He rose from the sofa and paced around the tiny room. “I can’t tell you what I’ve been going through. I had no idea you would be so upset about the bloody call. I wish I could take it all back, but I can’t.” He turned back to face her. “All I can do is tell you I love you, and pray that you’ll forgive me.”

Tears spilled down Siobhan’s cheeks as she shook her head. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came from her. She turned from him, sobbing. How could he ask her to forgive him? He wasn’t the one who slept with someone else. He didn’t know. How could he?

“Please, Siobhan. Say something,” he implored.

“Just leave,” she managed to say through her tears. “Just leave me alone, please.”

He felt the air leave his lungs. He tried to hold her, but she shrugged away from him. “Vonni,” he whispered. “Please don’t push me away.”

“How can you say that? You have NO idea who I am!” she yelled at him.

“Siobhan,” he reached out to her.

She spun around to look at him. The anger in her eyes shocked Joe. “Could you really love a woman who’d fuck one of your friends just to get back at you? COULD YOU?” she lashed out. She stared into his questioning eyes. “I didn’t answer the phone last night because I wasn’t here to answer it. I was with Sav at his beach house, in his bed!”

True, Sav had not left Siobhan’s side at her party. He knew it was a show for the guests, for him, but he didn’t think she would take it farther than that. It never occurred to him that she would go back to his place afterward. “You slept with Sav,” he said softly.

Siobhan nodded. “Yes. I wanted you to hurt the way I did. To feel betrayed by someone you trusted.”

Joe could only stand and stare at her. He had not expected this.

Tears again slid down her face. “After he fell asleep, I left,” Joe noticed her tone softened. She crossed her arms in front of her, rubbing them with her hands. “I wanted to take it back as soon as I’d done it. I didn’t want to use him like that. God…” she raked her hand through her hair, then looked back at Joe. “I told him there was someone else and that I never meant to lie to him. He says it’s okay, but I don’t think it really is.”

“You told Sav about us?”

“No. I told him I had been seeing someone, that we had an argument recently and split. I never gave him a name.” She looked in his eyes. They were filled with a mixture of disbelief and disappointment. “And he didn’t ask.”

This wasn’t how he had planned this conversation to go. He thought he would beg her to forgive him, plead with her to take him back, and all would be resolved. Never did he even think he would be hearing a confession from her. Andy had called her complicated. What an understatement! He must have known about what happened. Still, he also told Joe that Siobhan loved him. So, what was he going to do now?

The worst part about it was, she was right. He didn’t know if he could overlook this incident. It wasn’t like she and Sav hadn’t been together before, but this time was under different circumstances. Joe rubbed his hand over his chin. “I see.”

Joe walked back to the door. “I’ll leave you be,” he quietly told her. He wanted her to turn and look at him. Wished she’d ask him not to go. She didn’t. She stood unmoving, with her back toward him. He twisted the knob, opening the door just far enough to slip through. “Goodbye Siobhan.”

* * *

When Joe returned to the hotel, he checked at the counter for messages. He quickly skimmed through them as he waited for the lift. There were the usual fifteen or so from Mal, wanting to know why his mobile had been turned off when Joe knew he needed to reach him. There was a message from his mum, wondering why she hadn’t heard from him. It was very unlike Joe to not have phoned for a week. He was surprised to see one from Robert, also. He was in town, and had invited everyone over for a party. Stepping into the elevator, Joe thought it was just the kind of distraction from the day’s events that he needed.

* * *

No sooner had he got to his room, the phone rang. He hurried to grab it, figuring it was either Mal or his mum, but hoping it was Siobhan. “Hello.”

“Joe? I’ve been trying to reach you.”

Joe released the breath he was holding. “Hey mate,” he said. “What’s new?”

“Not much. I just got back into town yesterday,” Sav told him.

“And you’re only ringing me now?” Joe joked, trying to sound like his usual, genial self. “I see what kind of friend you are.”

Sav laughed. “Well, if you’d turn your bleedin’ cellular on, I’d have gotten hold of you sooner!”

“You and Mal both,” he quipped. Joe absently grabbed a bottle of water from the mini bar and relaxed on the sofa. “What’s on your mind?” he asked, stretching his legs out in front of him.

Sav paused to light a cigarette before continuing. “You’ve hung around down at Von’s lately, haven’t you?”

Tension returned to Joe. Did Sav know? It was impossible. How could he know if Siobhan hadn’t told him? He took a long swig from the bottle, then grimaced. I need a drink, he thought to himself. It was hard to believe, but he had gotten used to not drinking as much as he normally did while he’d been with Siobhan. He swallowed. “Yeah, I have.”

“Has anything seemed unusual about her lately? You know, has she been distant or upset or anything?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” Joe replied. “What are you getting at?”

Sav sighed, not exactly sure what to tell his friend about what happened. He took a long drag and let it out in a slow breath. “I surprised her last night. She told me that she had been seeing someone else while I was in Sheffield.” He nervously drummed his fingers on the counter. “I can’t say I blame her, but…”

“But what, mate?”

“Well, she told me that she had broke off with him recently,” Sav told Joe. “I don’t know...” he paused a moment, as if he was trying to solve a puzzle in his mind. “I just think that, if things aren't going to work out between her and this guy, I would really like her to give me another chance.” Joe started coughing, having choked on his water. “You okay Joe?” Sav asked.

Joe calmed himself, swallowing to regain his voice. “I’m fine.”

* * *

Joe had showered and changed, getting ready to leave for Robert’s party. He was to meet up with the rest of the guys once he got there. He was determined to enjoy himself tonight. The only thing that worried him was Sav. When they had talked earlier, Joe had sensed that Sav was hoping he would give him more information on who this man was. It had not escaped his notice that he had neglected to detail when Siobhan had told him.

Giving it more thought than he actually wanted, Joe considered mentioning is conversation with Sav to Siobhan. He glanced at his watch, knowing the taxi would be there shortly to pick him up. He lifted the receiver and dialed her number. Joe knew she would be over at the club now. He waited for her machine to come on. IT’S VONNI. LEAVE A MESSAGE. **Beep** Joe was silent for a moment, then dropped it back into its cradle.

Making sure he had everything he needed, he gave the room one last glance and left for the party.

* * *

Music, people mingling, food, booze ~~ the party was well underway when Joe arrived. He quickly headed to the bar for a drink and ran into a few acquaintances he had not seen since the charity gig. He chatted with them several minutes, finishing his drink and getting another. Seeing someone else he wanted to speak with, he made his good-byes and headed toward them.

* * *

Sav and Phil were talking to a man named Eric and his fiancée. Sav happened to look over his shoulder. “Hey, there’s Joe,” he motioned in his direction. “I’m going to bring him over. Be right back.”

As Sav approached him, he could hear the conversation between the two men.

“So, Joe. What happened with the gal we’ve seen you around town with? That tall red head… Doesn’t she own a bar or pub somewhere around here? I thought you would’ve brought her with you tonight.”

“Von’s,” Joe replied as he shook his head. “Had a falling out with her the other day,” he explained. “I’d been staying with her. We had a misunderstanding about a phone call and she kicked me out.”

“Sorry to hear that,” the man replied.

Joe had been living with her? A falling out over a phone call? Sav thought to himself. Vonni told him she hadn’t gotten his message that he was coming back. With each step closer Sav took, the madder he got.

“I think one of your band mates wants you,” the man nodded over Joe’s shoulder.

Joe began to turn around to see who it was. “Hey, Sav,” he began, when out of nowhere, Sav’s fist connected with Joe’s nose. He was aware of pain and the feel of gushing blood. “What was that for?” he yelled, holding his hand to his injured face.

“You fucking bastard!” Sav yelled back. “You just couldn’t wait for me to leave so you could get in her knickers, could you!!” He rubbed his aching knuckles. “How long did you wait, Joe? Did you show up the night I left, or did you wait a whole day?”

“Sav, I,” he began before he was cut off.

“Save it!” Sav shook his head at him. “You can have any woman in the world you want, and you had to go after the one woman I had fallen in love with.” The two friends stared at one another in silence for several moments as the crowd of guests gathered around them. Sav finally broke eye contact, looking away, then back at Joe. “You know what? Fuck it!! I hope she’s happy with you while it lasts. God knows you’re not gonna stick it out with her.” With that remark, Sav turned and left the party.

* * *

Siobhan stepped off the elevator and headed down the hallway to her flat. She turned the corner and froze, seeing the figure of a man sitting on the floor in front of her door. His head rested on his knees, his blond hair hanging like a veil around him. She stepped closer, curious as to why he was waiting for her at three in the morning. “What are you doing here, Joe?”

He slowly lifted his head, turning to look at her. She gasped as she saw the bruising under his eyes and across his nose. “My God… What happened?”

Joe raised the corner of his mouth into a half-smirk. He pushed himself off the floor to stand up. “Our friend gave this to me tonight,” he informed her. “I’ve a tendency to forget about his right-hook,” he quipped.

Siobhan stared at him, then moved to unlock her door. She flipped on the light as Joe followed her in, locking the door behind him out of habit. She tossed her coat down and kicked off her shoes. He watched her as she went to the kitchen and began to look through the cabinets for something. “What are you looking for, luv?” he asked.

She slammed the next door harder than the rest. “I don’t know!” she yelled. She crossed her right arm over her waist, and rubbed her left hand over her face. “Jesus Joe! I’m not sure of what I’m doing anymore.” He walked over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders and letting her cry silently against his chest. After several minutes, she pulled back from him, drying her eyes. “How did he find out?”

Joe shrugged. “Dunno. Either someone said something to him, or he overheard someone asking me about you.” She nodded, as if to say ‘I see’. “I guess I deserve it. He rang me earlier, asking what I knew about the guy you’d been seeing. Should have told him then,” Joe said softly. “Would have been less painful.”

Siobhan cracked a slight grin, and Joe mirrored the gesture. “From the looks of it, I’d say he broke it pretty good.”

Joe rolled his eyes. “Yes,” he nodded. “I’d say the same thing.”

Siobhan turned, going to the counter. “Here,” she handed him the bottle of aspirin and went to get him some water. “Do you want some ice to put on it?”

Joe shook his head. “Don’t think it would do much good at this point.” He rattled the bottle. “This will, I hope,” he thanked her, then shook two pills into his palm. “It feels terrible.”

“Well, I’m sure it does,” she quipped. “At least you don’t have to look at it.”

Joe shot her a look, then crossed the room to look in to a mirror. “God, you’re right. Looks much worse than it feels.” The bruising under his eyes was spreading, the deep purple color looking almost black against the rest of his skin. “Thank God we aren’t doing publicity. Makeup would have a hell of a time with this.”

Siobhan came over and leaned against the wall, facing him. “What are we gonna do now?” Joe reached out to her, placing his hand along her waist and pulling her over to him. She braced her arms against his chest, looking up at him. “About Sav, Joe,” she clarified her question. “If he did this to you, I must be right. He is not okay with all of this.”

“Worse,” Joe whispered, gently brushing her hair from her face. “He loves you.”

“He told you that?” Joe shook his head yes. “Shit!” She pushed against Joe’s chest and he released his hold on her. He watched as she paced around the room, softly swearing to herself. Siobhan turned back to face Joe. “It’s happening again.”

“What is?” he asked her.

Vonni rubbed her hands over her arms, closing her eyes as she did. “God, please don’t do this to me,” she quietly prayed. She opened her eyes, finding Joe standing just feet in front of her. She could only look at him, shaking her head.

“I’m not Alex,” he stated. She stared at him, in shock of his comment.

“Vivian told you?”

“I made him tell me,” Joe stated. “He said you would be upset, but I had to know what happened with the two of you. Why you broke up.”

“So, you know everything,” she said, frowning.

“Only what Viv told me. I couldn’t tell you if he left anything out.” He closed the gap between them, gently touching her arm. “I am sorry if you feel I forced myself into your life. I never meant to hurt anyone.” Joe leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead. “I only wanted to get to know you. Have a chance to fall in love with you.”

Her voice was barely a whisper. “Joe, please don’t.”

He caressed her face. Stroked his hands along her shoulders and arms. “I can’t help it.”

“Listen to me, Joe. We have to resolve this first.”

“No,” he nearly growled. “We need to resolve US first.” He continued to softly touch her. “I miss the feel of your skin on mine. I want to hear you breathing beside me in the middle of the night.” His hands moved behind her, bringing her body close to his. He brought his mouth down on hers, careful of his sore, broken nose. He laced his fingers through the back of her hair, holding her to him as he assaulted her mouth with his. His other hand splayed across her lower back, pressing her tightly against him. “I need you, Siobhan.”

“Why, Joe?” she asked as she tried to catch her breath. “Why me?” She looked deep into his eyes. The mixture of desire and tenderness she saw in them unnerved her. “You could have fallen for any number of young, attractive, nubile girls. What made you fall in love with me?”

“I’ve already been with any number of girls fitting that description,” he told her in a seductively low voice. “They were fun for a while, then I got bored with them,” he admitted. “You, on the other hand, are all woman.”

Siobhan tried to free herself from Joe’s arms. “Please let me go.” Holding her a second longer, Joe finally gave in, dropping his arms to his sides. He was surprised that she did not run as soon as he did. She stood facing him, staring at him, as if she were looking at him for the first time. “Alex was after me right off,” she began, her voice steady, calm and even. “I was flattered at first. No one other than Viv had ever been interested in me. I flirted back a bit…no harm in that, I thought. The more we all got to know each other, the more I came to realize that it was more than flirting on his part. I never told Viv, but Alex tried cornering me more than once. Something would happen, and I always managed to get away from him.”

“Then, they played the gig at that party, Viv mentioned,” Joe said for her. She nodded her head.

“It was at a friend’s house. Viv had only had a couple of beers. They played most of the night, so he didn’t actually get drunk. He wasn’t feeling well, though, so our mate let him crash there. I think maybe Alex slipped something into his drink.” Siobhan ran a hand through her hair. “I had to work the next morning, so I had to get home. Alex didn’t live far from my folks, so he offered to drive me, since Viv couldn’t.” A single tear trailed down her cheek. “I couldn’t get out of the car, and he wouldn’t stop. Then, he threatened that if I told Viv, he would tell him that I was a slut and a whore and had been coming onto him the whole time.”

“Jesus, Vonni,” Joe offered his hand to her, as she had begun to look a bit shaky, standing before him. “But you did tell Viv.”

“Yes.” She shook her head slightly, and Joe took a small step back from her. “I had to. I couldn’t just act like everything was normal between us after that. Which is why I had to tell Sav. I couldn’t just let things go on with him like you and I never happened.”

“Then why didn’t you tell him I was the one you were with?” Joe asked. “If you’re gonna confess, then why not tell the whole truth?”

Siobhan looked back into Joe’s eyes again. “How could I tell Sav I had fallen in love? I couldn’t even say it to you.”

“You are?” Joe whispered softly, cupping her face. “You love me?” Siobhan nodded. He pulled her close, brushing his lips lightly over her temple. His hands slowly moved over her body, feeling every curve and nuance of her. Lifting her head, he stared into her emerald eyes. He could see the mixture of sadness and desire that they held. “Everything will work itself out, luv. I promise you.”

“Joe,” her words were cut short by his mouth coming down on hers again. He gently tugged at her lips, silently begging her to let him in.

Her hands moved to his waist, meaning to push him away. A low moan escaped his throat. “God, I love when you touch me.” His words sparked something inside her. She pressed closer into him. “Oh Vonni,” he panted between kisses. “Let me show you how much I love you.”

Siobhan touched his cheek. “I don’t want to make another mistake,” she said with a cry in her voice. “I’ve already come between you and Sav. I don’t want to make it worse.”

“No, you haven’t.”

She gently touched the bruised skin under his eye. “Yes, I have,” she argued softly. “I’m the reason he gave you this.”

The two stood silently, arm in arm, staring at each other. Light from the sunrise was just starting to creep into the room. “Vonni luv, it’s late and we’re both too tired to deal with this now,” Joe calmly reasoned. “Let’s try to get some sleep. We can discuss this later.”

Siobhan smiled and nodded to him. He walked her to the bed. They each removed their clothes and slid under the covers. Before the sun had rose, they were both fast asleep.

* * *

Siobhan realized the sound she heard was a knock on the door. She opened her eyes and stared at it. Attempting to sit up, she found Joe’s arm across her, preventing her from moving. The knock sounded again. She shook his shoulder. “Joe, wake up.” He stirred, looking at her sleepily. The bruising on his face looking worse this morning than it did last night. “Someone’s at the door,” she told him and he lifted his arm, rolling onto his back and sitting up.

Siobhan grabbed her robe and wrapped it around her as Joe pulled on his jeans. She made her way to the door. Peeking through the hole, she swore softly. “Who is it?” Joe asked.

She turned to answer him. “Aaron.”

“Your son?” he said, remembering his last encounter with Aaron. “Were you expecting him?”

Siobhan shook her head. “No. He never comes out without letting me know ahead of time, either.” Joe picked up his shirt, donning it as she opened the door.

“Hello, mum,” Aaron greeted her, leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

“Aaron, what are you doing here?”

He eyed her a moment. “Mum, is something wrong? You usually let me in the flat when I visit.” He was trying to look around her to see what she was hiding. Once she was certain that Joe was properly dressed, she opened the door to let Aaron in. The young man was not happy to see him there. His icy glare was not lost on Joe.

“Hello, Aaron,” he said as pleasantly as he could.

“Joe,” her son nodded to him. “Surprise seeing you here.” He eyed Joe’s broken nose and snickered to himself. “Get into a bit of a row with an irate boyfriend?”

Aaron!” Siobhan turned to her son. “You will not speak to my friends like that in my home.”

“It’s all right Siobhan,” Joe began.

“No, Joe. It isn’t. I don’t expect Aaron to like all of my acquaintances, but I do expect him to be polite to them.”

“I am still in the room,” Aaron announced.

Siobhan turned back to him. “Yes. You’re supposed to be in school. What are you doing here?”

Glancing again at Joe, Aaron took a piece of paper from his jacket and handed it to his mother. She recognized it as a page from one of the tabloid magazines. She unfolded it, surprised to see her own face staring back at her. “Holy shit!”

Siobhan looked at her son. “Where did you get this?”

“It was in the rags this past week. Care to tell me if it’s true?”

Siobhan dropped her head into her hands and sank to the floor.

Joe took the paper from Siobhan as Aaron knelt down beside her. There was a small picture of her, along side a photo of the band from the 92 MTV awards. He read the short article that followed.

California, USA--- LA club proprietor Siobhan Halloran has been spotted around town recently with the golden-throated singer, Joe Elliott of Def Leppard. Ms Halloran had been dating the band's bassist, Rick 'Sav' Savage prior to seeing Elliott. The three met last year, when Def Leppard headlined a charity concert that benefited local LA children's organizations.

Ms Halloran is also a childhood friend of the group's Irish-born guitarist, Vivian Campbell. As a teenager in Belfast, she was romantically linked to Campbell. He was also in a local garage band with singer Alex MacCochlain, who is believed to be the father of Ms Halloran's son, Aaron.

MacCochlain denied the soon-to-be Oxford graduate was sired by him and claimed that in the late seventies, she was an “alcoholic who whored herself out for booze.” We were unable to contact Ms Halloran for comment.

Joe crumpled the newsprint as he finished it. He assisted Aaron with getting her to the sofa. “You can’t believe this kind of crap, Vonni.” He sat next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “You know it isn’t true.”

“I tried to ring him as soon as I’d read it,” Aaron told them. “Friggin’ bastard wouldn’t answer his bloody phone.” Siobhan offered him a weak smile. “I found out when a camera crew showed up on campus, asking me who I thought my father was, and if you were still drinking. One of my mates found that and thought I’d want to do something about it.”

Siobhan wiped at her cheeks. She sat, shaking her head, not finding the words to express what she felt. Could Alex still be holding a grudge against her? Aaron was twenty, for god’s sake. “God, what am I gonna do?” she muttered. “If this makes it to the American papers, I could lose the license for my place.” She turned and looked at Joe. “The only people around here that know about my past are Viv and Andrew.”

“Well, I will get in touch with Mal and see what he can do about it,” Joe told her. “If anything can be done about it, he’s the man to do it.”

She let out a small laugh and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.” Aaron nodded a small thanks to him also. Joe acknowledged with a slight nod of his own, and went to use the phone.

* * *

Joe arranged to meet Malvin back at the hotel.

"Bloody hell!" Mal exclaimed when Joe let him into the room.  "What happened to you?"

   He shrugged it off.  "Long story."  Joe shut the door and followed him into the lounge.  "There's something more important I need to discuss."

"More important than your face?" Mal quipped.  "Must be serious, then."  Joe glared at him as he grinned.  Mal took the piece of paper Joe handed him and quickly read over it.  "This makes Vonni out to be sleeping her way thru the band," he muttered.

"Exactly!  Siobhan is beside herself over it," Joe told him.

"Where did it come from?"

"One of the English papers," Joe explained.  "Her son showed up with it this morning."

"So she phoned you about it?"


Mal eyed Joe for a moment.  "You know I stay out of your personal business as much as possible," he watched him nod. "So I have to ask, how did you get this?"

Joe focused on the paper in Malvin's hand.  He knew exactly what Mal was getting at.  "I was there when he arrived."

"It is true then?"

"Not in the way that makes it sound."

"You are dating Siobhan, now?" Mal asked.

"We've spent time together," Joe answered.

Mal folded the page and dropped it onto the table.  "If you are seeing her, there is nothing that can be done about it."

"Bullshit!" Joe ran a hand through his hair.

Mal could see the frustration in Joe's eyes.  He had spent enough time with this man to know that he was only trying to protect someone he cared about.  "Vonni did date Savage.  Her and Viv have known each other longer than the rest of us have.  The only lie in there, is that MacCochlain isn't Aaron's father.  It's a matter of 'he said/she said'.  I'm sorry Joe, but there's nothing I can do."

Joe let out a long breath and looked at Mal.  He may have been right, but that didn't mean he had to be happy about it.  "Thanks anyway."

Malvin nodded. "Now, then," he smiled at the singer.  "Mind telling me who took a dislike to your nose?"


* * *

"Care to tell me what he was doing here?" Aaron asked her pointedly.


"Bullocks!  I'm not blind, Mum."  Siobhan looked at her son as he sat on one of the stools at the kitchen counter.  He was staring at her, as if he were trying to read her body language or something of the like.  "You've slept with him."

"That is none of your business," she stated calmly.

"Forgive me, but I could have sworn that you were my business," Aaron countered.  "You are my mother, and I do worry about you."

Siobhan looked at her son for a moment.  He had grown up taking care of her, worrying about how she was doing or whom she was with.  He had seen her go through some pretty difficult times and had become very protective of her.  Aaron never liked the fact that she had chosen to leave her problems behind her, but he understood why.  He was still trying to protect her now.

"Aaron," she walked over to where he was sitting.  She reached out, touching his face.  "I know you worry about me.  I'm sorry you ever had to in the first place."  Siobhan smiled softly at him.  "I'm okay though.  I have been for a long time."

"I know."  Aaron glanced down at his hands for a moment. "I'm proud of how you've turned it around."  He looked up, his emerald eyes meeting hers.  "I just don't want to see anything else happen to you," he said earnestly.  "He's a lot like..."

Siobhan shook her head.  "No, Aaron. He isn't."  She knew how Aaron felt about his father.  It colored his opinion on all those in the music industry.  He had never liked the fact that Siobhan had always surrounded herself with musicians.  God forbid another man like Alex would come along hurt her.  If it ever did, Aaron would make sure he paid, since there was nothing he could do about his dad.  She sat on the other stool and took hold of Aaron's hand.  "I think you saw that this morning."

He nodded.  "He really seems to care about you."

"Yes, he does."  Siobhan smiled.


* * *

"What did Mal say?" Siobhan asked as she let Joe in.

He looked around the tiny room.  "Where's Aaron?"

"He went over to talk with Vivian.  Wanted to ask him some questions about his father," she explained.

"Good," Joe sighed in relief.

"Joe," Siobhan said a bit tersely as she stepped back from the hand he tried to place against her cheek.  "What did Malvin tell you?"

He looked into her eyes, then dropped his gaze to his hands.  She knew what the answer was before he opened his mouth.  "It's between you and Alex," he said softly.  Joe heard her heavy sigh and he raised his face to hers again.  "As long as you and I are seeing one another, there’s no case."

She nodded.  "I know," she said softly, turning way from him and walking to the counter.  Siobhan picked up the pack of cigarettes that were lying there, took one out and lit it.  She took several drags, exhaling each slowly, not looking at the man who stood silently, watching her.  Staring out the kitchen window, she finally broke the elongated silence.  "We shouldn't see each other then."

He swallowed the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat.  "What?"

"You heard what I said."  She put out her smoke, jamming it into the ashtray.  She turned to look at him, moistening her lips nervously.  The startled look on his face and the bruising he'd been given because of her, made it even harder to say what she had to.  "Until we know this isn't going to spread… Let it die down."  As she talked, Joe's expression took on the look of a man whose world was being shattered.  "And you still have to fix things with Sav," she added softly.


"NO," she shook her head.  "Please, Joe.  We can't be seen together.  It wouldn't be wise right now."  She blinked, trying to hold back the tears she felt forming.  Here she had just professed her love for him, and now she was asking him to leave her.  "You understood why at the concert.  Can you understand why now?"

He heard the break in her voice.  Joe moved to her, putting his hand on her shoulder.  "That was different," he protested softly.  "Vonni," she looked at him.  He only ever called her by that name in their most tender of moments.  "We can't let them dictate our lives for us.  We love each other."

"Joe," the tears slid silently down her cheeks.  "You can deal with this, you're used to it.  I'm not."  She wiped her face.  "If you love me, then please respect my request.  Right now," she took a breath, "I can't deal with all of this.  It's too much for me to handle."

"But I'm here for you, Siobhan.  Please don't push me away," he pleaded.

"I'm sorry Joe, but for now, I have to."

Joe lifted her chin with his fingertips.  Drilling his gaze deep into her eyes, he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her.  It was a long, slow, sensual kiss that made them both feel as if they were on fire. He felt a sudden emptiness as he broke free of her lips.  "Two weeks, Vonni," he whispered in a low growl.  "I'll be back and you won't be able to get rid of me then," Joe told her.  His expression hardened, letting her know he was serious.  "What ever you have to do in the meantime, do it.  When I return, I'm not letting you go, understand?"

Siobhan barely nodded.  Joe placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, then turned to leave her alone in the apartment.


* * *

"Bout time you got here," Phil greeted Joe.

"I told you I'd be here," he snapped back as he sat in the vacant chair at the table. He caught the waitress and ordered a drink.

Phil thought it would be a good idea for them all to get out together.   Agony and Ecstasy were playing at Von's again, so he had suggested they all meet there.  Joe was reluctant to show up.  It had been almost a week since he had seen Siobhan.  None of the other band members knew of their arrangement.

"Surprised you didn't beat us all here," Sav muttered into his glass.  He glared at Joe from across the table.  Mal, Phil and Viv all shot worried glances between the two.  They had all been at the party the night Sav decked Joe, but neither man would explain what their disagreement was about to any of them.

Joe looked briefly at Sav, then turned to Phil.  "I've listened to the demo you gave me.  I like the basic song, but I've got an idea for the bridge.  I can drop in tomorrow and run it by you, if you're not busy."

Phil nodded.  "Sure.  About 2:00?"  As Joe agreed to the time, the lights dimmed as Siobhan took the stage to introduce the band.


* * *

As she stood on the stage, Siobhan glanced over the evening's crowd.  The club was always packed when A&E played, which was why she booked them every chance she could.  She noted a familiar group sitting about two-thirds of the way toward the back of the room.

Sav and Joe were both staring directly at her.  She suddenly felt very uncomfortable, having their gazes drill into her.  She quickly introduced the band, and headed toward her office, praying that neither of them would follow her.


* * *

Over the course of the evening, Joe and Sav both drank quite a bit and spoke very little.  The few exchanges they did have were short and sharp.  Phil took it upon himself to steer the talk in a different direction when it seemed like things were getting a little too personal between them.  They both needed a bit of help as they left.

"Sure you're gonna make it okay, mate?" Viv asked Sav as he helped him hail a cab.

"I'll be fine," he growled.

"Fine?  Y'can barely walk," Joe cut into the conversation.  He was leaning against the light pole, watching him.

"Like you should talk!" he shot back.  "Bloody bastard, only have to make it across the fuckin’ street."  Sav sneered at him.  "Vonni won't want you tonight.  She won't sleep with a drunk.  You know that, don't you?"

Joe moved forward, attempting to take a swing at Sav.  Viv pulled the bassist back toward the waiting taxi, out of Joe's reach.  Phil grabbed Joe's arm and blocked him from advancing further.  The singer struggled to free himself for a moment, then gave up, knowing that Phil would not let go until he did.

Malvin stepped between the group.  "I've an idea what is wrong between you two, and it's past time for the two of you to sit down and talk about it."   He shot a disapproving look first at Joe and then Sav.  Both men were still glaring at the other.  "Now, I MEAN THIS!!  You two have been mates too bloody long to let a fucking woman come between you."

"Mal," Vivian said softly.

The tour manager looked at him.  "I know, Viv.  I love Vonni too.  But, this is not worth tearing the band apart," he said softly.

"She's not taking it well, either," Joe quietly conceded.

Mal turned his attention back to the two men in question.  "Tomorrow, I want the both of you to discuss this and MAKE UP!!"

They all looked at one another.  "You can come out to my place.  I can have a lunch for us, before we go down to the studio," Phil suggested.  Viv agreed it was a good idea.  Joe nodded.  Sav grudgingly said yes.  "Noon, then," Phil said as Viv helped Sav into the cab and climbed in after him.  Phil headed for his car, and Mal stood with Joe for a moment.

"Want me to walk you over?" he asked.

Joe chewed his lower lip a moment, then shook his head.  "I'm staying at the hotel again."  Mal understood the unspoken comment in Joe's eyes.  He hailed another taxi and they rode away from the club in silence.


* * *

Mal looked between Sav and Joe as they sat on opposite sides of the room.  "The two of you are going to stay in this room until you kiss and make up.  Am I making myself clear on this?"

"Yes, Malvin," they both grumbled like scolded schoolboys.

"Good."  Mal exited the room, closing the door behind him.  Several minutes passed in silence as they sat staring at one another.

Sav noticed how Joe's bruises had taken on the yellowish-green tinge of healing.  "Sorry about your nose," he mumbled.

"No, you're not," Joe countered.

"No," he shook his head with a slight grin.  "I'm not."  Sav rubbed his fingers over his temple and pushed his glasses back.  "You should have told me you were seeing her."

"Yes, I should have," Joe said.  He searched around the room, not wanting to look directly at Sav.  "Siobhan honestly thought that you two were no longer a couple.  She never would have gotten involved with me if she hadn’t."

Sav gave a frustrated sigh before standing and pacing his side of the room.  "Like I told Vonni… I shouldn't have assumed she'd wait on me." He stopped and turned to Joe.  "But, YOU…"

"It wasn't like that!" Joe protested.  He ran his hand through his hair, frustrated at the situation.  "If you'd given me a chance to explain the other night.  If you'd stop and fucking LISTEN to me a minute!"  He realized he'd raised his voice and paused a moment to calm down.   "Jesus, Sav," Joe looked him in the eye. "You've been with her more than I have."

"What?" Sav asked quietly, having lost some of his bluster.  He knew that for all of his 'Rock-God' image and sexual bravado, Joe was not comfortable discussing his love life.  "You were living with her."

Joe nodded.  "Yes."  Joe stared into his lap for a moment.  "For a week.  Christ, we've only made love twice," he softly admitted.

Sav ran a hand over his jaw, taking in the information Joe had just given him.  He had been gone from LA for three months.  Joe and Siobhan had only been a couple for a week.  Joe was usually the type who immediately went after what he was interested in.  Sav had known his friend wanted her. The way Joe looked at her when he thought Sav wasn't watching and how Von's had suddenly become his hangout of choice left little doubt about it.

Sav walked over to the window and stared out it for a long while, resting his hand on the sill.  "I love her, Joe," he stated as he looked out over Phil's neatly manicured lawn.  "I wanted to take her with me.  She wouldn't go."

"No, she wouldn't."  Joe slipped off the edge of the table he was seated on and stood up.  He took a few tentative steps toward Sav.  "You know about her past…that she's an alcoholic?" he asked, not sure how much Siobhan had shared about herself with Sav.

He nodded.  "Yes, I knew about that fairly early on," Sav answered.  "I told her it didn't matter to me.  She was no longer that woman."  Sav turned to face Joe.  "I know that is why she wouldn't go to England.  Vonni never came right out and said it, but I knew it was.  I had hoped she loved me enough to put it behind her. I really wanted my family to meet her."

God, Joe thought to himself, this really had become a twisted triangle, both of them in love with the same woman, and her in love with both of them, yet in different ways.  "So, what do we do now?"  Sav just looked at Joe and shrugged.  Joe toyed with one of the carvings Phil had displayed on his desk.  "I don't want to lose her, Sav.  I've never cared about a woman this much before."

"Has she forgiven you?"

"For the most part."  Joe slowly sauntered over and stared out the window next to Sav.  "She's talking to me again at any rate.  I told her I hadn't done it intentionally."

Sav slanted the singer a glance.  "Why did you do it?"

He took a deep breath and released it.  "I had intended to tell her about it.  By the time she got home that night… and the conversation we had… it simply slipped my mind."

"You two had a row?"

"Not quite," Joe shook his head.  "She hadn't told me about her past.   Siobhan had spent the day with an AA group, while I had no clue where to find her."  Joe's eyes closed as he leaned his head against the glass.  "I blew up at her, and she told me about her problems.  I felt so awful about what happened, what I'd said and done.  I held her in my arms and she cried herself to sleep that night."

Sav leaned against the wall.  "You DO love her," he quietly stated.

Joe turned to look at Sav, opening his eyes.  "I love her very much."


 * * *

Sav and Joe entered the studio, chatting about which football team was going to win the most games this year.

"See you two have worked things out," Viv said, listening to them rib one another.

"Yes," Joe said, not elaborating on the details.

Sav picked up his bass, making sure it was tuned to his liking.  "Okay, then," he looked around at the faces of Phil, Viv, Rick and Mal.  "Shall we get on with it?"

"Right," Joe agreed, taking the mic and motioning for the tape to be started.


* * *

Joe entered the club and headed toward the back office.  He stepped into the room, finding Andy sitting at the desk, head hung, doing the paperwork.  "Where's Siobhan?"

Andy looked up, half-startled.  "Hello, Joe," the man greeted him.  "I assume she is over at her place.  Have you been there already?"

He shook his head no as he glanced at his watch.  "I thought she'd be working."

The bartender stared at him a moment.  He realized that Siobhan must not have spoken to him recently.  "Well, if she isn't there, you might call and leave her a message," Andy offered, hoping Joe was not suspicious of his reaction.

"Thanks," was all Joe said as he turned to leave the room.


 * * *

Siobhan knew who was at the door.  It had been exactly fourteen days since Joe told her he would return.  Making her way to the entrance, she hesitated a moment before turning the knob and letting him in.

Joe looked around the small apartment.  Pictures had been taken from the walls, things had been boxed away, and there was a pair of suitcases lying on the bed.  He turned to Siobhan with a puzzled look.  "Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, I am," she answered calmly.

"Where?" he asked.

Siobhan went over to her dresser and continued removing clothes, placing them in the bags.  Joe watched silently as she seemed to ignore his presence in the room.  After several minutes, he went over to her, grabbing her arm and turning her to face him.  "Damn it, Siobhan, answer me!" he demanded.  "Where the fuck are you going?"

She looked at him. "Does it matter?" she said softly, almost too quiet to be heard.

Joe loosened his grip, running the fingers of his other hand along her hairline, down to her jaw.  "It does to me," he answered, just as soft.

"I've given the club over to Andrew," she told him.  "Agony and Ecstasy have asked me to work with them."  Joe's brow creased as he stared at her.  "Some managerial duties, promotion, that sort of thing."  She stepped from his arms and walked around him.

He spun around, keeping his gaze fixed on her.  "You can't go."

"It's a great opportunity, Joe.  I was flattered that they asked me."

Joe took her in his arms.  "I won't let you leave."

Shutting her eyes, Siobhan shook her head.  "You don't have a choice."  Drawing a deep breath, she looked at him again.  "Please Joe, don't make this harder than it already is."

 "Why are you doing this now?" he asked.  Joe searched the deep green of her eyes.  "Please stop running from me," he growled in a low whisper.

She tried to push him back.  "Joe," she gave up her effort.  He was holding her much too tightly for her to break free.  "We both know this won't work out between us."

 "Don't say that, Vonni," he pleaded.  "We haven't even had a chance to make it work.  Give us some time first."  He lowered his face so that his lips brushed against her ear.  "I love you."

 Siobhan cupped her hand to his cheek.  "I know," she smiled, "and I love you… but that isn't enough, I'm afraid."  She felt the arms around her soften and she was able to step away from him.  Walking over to the bed, she pushed the case back to make some room.

Joe followed, taking her cue for him to sit beside her.  "I don't understand, Siobhan," he shook his head.  "Shouldn't that be all we need?"

"In an ideal world, yes."  She studied her hands in her lap before cocking her head to look at Joe.  "We fall in love, have a wonderful time together…"  She hesitated for a moment.  "Then, you go back to your life in Dublin."  The pain of that thought was evident on her face.  "What do I do then, Joe?"

He took her hands in his own.  "You come with me."

"I can't.  You know I can't do that."

"But, if you love me, that shouldn't matter."

"It does."

"WHY?" he wanted to know.  "Christ, you've run Von's for years and you've stayed sober.  You shouldn't be worried about that."

Siobhan sighed, shaking her head at him.  "That isn't it, Joe."  She pulled her hands from his.  "Remember that news article Aaron had?  What Alex said about me in it?"

Joe nodded.  How could he forget?  It was the reason he had spent the past two weeks by himself in a hotel room.  "He called you a whore," he stated, a bit angrily.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she said it.  "I was."

"What?"  Her comment caught Joe completely off guard.

"Well, not in the way Alex made it sound," she clarified.  "I didn't do it for money, either…although some of them did pay me."  Siobhan ran her hand through her hair, getting up and walking a few paces away from Joe.  He sat, stunned, watching her turn back to face him.  "That article was a reminder of how mistakes can come back to haunt you when you least expect them."

He couldn't bring himself to say anything.  Malvin's words ran through his head again. 'The only lie in there, is that MacCochlain isn't Aaron's father.'  Joe rubbed at his temples, feeling as though he'd been beaten in the head with a wicket.  "Mal knew," he said softly when he finally found the words.  "Malvin knew about your past?"

"Yes."  Siobhan leaned against the counter for support.  "He helped me get straightened out.  That's how he knew me, the night I met the band.  Remember?  You were surprised he and I were friends."

"Is there anything else I should know about you?"  Joe stood, not sure his legs were steady enough to hold him yet.  Joe walked over to where she stood and stared at her.

"Only, that I'll miss you," she whispered.

Joe ran his fingers through her deep red curls, pulling her to him.  His lips pressed against hers.  Siobhan's tongue flicked out over his lips and he opened for her, drawing her inside of him.  His left arm snaked around her waist, holding her as he savored her taste.  Her hands rested on either side of his neck and her fingers laced into his hair.  The heat of their embrace drew a low growl from deep inside him.  Their mouths mated feverishly for several minutes.  Then, finally, Joe let out a small whimper of regret as their lips parted for the last time.


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