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Idle Thoughts
Thursday, 1 April 2004
Happy April Fool's
New contract went into effect at work today -- I GOT A RAISE!!!!!!!!

It's looking like it's going to be one heck of a month. So many things have been planned for this month, and I have to keep checking that I haven't double-booked anything, lol.

Well, gotta figure out what's for dinner -- later all =)

Posted by me4/geniegirl at 6:36 PM CST
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Friday, 2 April 2004 - 8:14 AM CST

Name: Jules

Congrats Gina!!! I still have to do a bit of a double take when you say work.. All these years we have known each other, you were a at home mommy.. Now you are a woman who has a career outside of the home..

How is that veil lookin???

Friday, 2 April 2004 - 2:13 PM CST

Name: Karrie

Double Congrats!!

Things can get busy, uh?? I know when I went back to work full time my head was spinning trying to keep everything straight!!

Come visit us at the new place ....

Saturday, 3 April 2004 - 12:29 PM CST

Name: Gina

Yeah, I know -- sometimes I have to stop myself and remember I've only been there 3 months (it seems a LOT longer) lol. Now, I hope that I will have some cash to show for all the hard work I've doing there. ;)

As for the veil *crawls under the desk* You don't really want to know. (Actually, that part is great. It's the beadwork that I'm in the process of re-doing for the ump-teenth time.) I need to know where to send it before I decide to take it apart and start over AGAIN *hint-hint*

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