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Idle Thoughts
Wednesday, 15 September 2004
In the final countdown
Mood:  cheeky
Two days to go until the big day ---

Saturday, Jim and I will be getting married here, and then will take off on our honeymoon to Vegas over the Columbus Day weekend. I finally have my dress finished and the cake baked, but I forgot to order my bouquet earlier in the week (lol)

I cannot wait -- as I will be marrying my soul mate! I never thought that was something I would ever get to say in my lifetime. I thank God every day for bringing Jim into my life, and I will be forever greatful that after years of just missing one another, we finally managed to be in the right place at the same time.

Posted by me4/geniegirl at 9:05 PM CDT
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Thursday, 16 September 2004 - 1:17 PM CDT

Name: Karrie

Gina!! Congrats Girl!! Please pop in here, there ANYWHERE! and let us know how it all goes. We miss ya!!

Wednesday, 22 September 2004 - 9:38 AM CDT

Name: Jules

Gina, I know you seem very happy, but sweetie you have to know this was a huge shock for me to hear about all this from the now ex-hubby! So much that my head is still spinning. Still waiting for that sit down... Name the time and place and I will make sure I am free.

How are the kids handling all this?

Wednesday, 22 September 2004 - 4:41 PM CDT

Name: Gina

Hey Jules, I've been trying to get a hold of you via email-- I guess you haven't gotten any of them. (Email me to make sure I have your current addy, please.)

I'm sure it was a shock, especially since I can imagine what Mark probably told you about how it happened. I'm home in the evenings, since Jim is working nights. Drop me a note and we'll work out something.

Thursday, 23 September 2004 - 8:53 AM CDT

Name: Jules

Okay I should I read my comment before I posted. Of course you know me I don't proof read anything.. I think I came off a bit rough, and I don't mean to. You know I love you and only want the best for you.

Right now time is very tight for me after work, with hubby working none stop and the kids after school shit.. I will try to give ya a shout some time here soon..

I would try calling Columbus weekend, since I will be heading off to join Karrie in Seattle, but I see you will be in Vegas.. lol

Again please know that I am sorry if I came off harsh.

Tuesday, 28 September 2004 - 5:06 PM CDT

Name: me4/geniegirl

I didn't think you came off harsh at all Jules.

I know you speak (type) things straightforward and don't mince words. That's how I took it and I didn't feel it was rough at all.

I know the kids could tell things were getting strained between us before the break-up. I think they are a bit relieved now because we aren't arguing all the time anymore. They all seem to really like Jim, and they get along with him when they come over for the weekends. They absolutely love his son too.

Have fun in Seattle. I hope to visit there again some day, because I miss going out in the mornings and seeing Rainier off in the distance, lol. You know you can drop me a line whenever you have the chance.

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