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Idle Thoughts
Friday, 20 February 2004
walking zombies

I guess I should update this a little bit, since I haven't done so in a week.

Eh!! Working 3:30 to 2am is for the birds!!!
It's not the hours or the work that get to me. It's the fact that I've only gotten 4 hours of sleep each day since I switched shifts. (Hence, the zombie reference.) At least I can console myself with the knowledge that there are 40 others who are in the same boat with me =)

Well, what's new -- I have scribbled down a few more lines to Everyday, I have the laundry caught up, and am working on a couple of little beading projects. (If I ever get a digicam or hubby fixes the scanner, I will set up a page to show off my wares, lol)

Oh, and I've come up with a new personal motto that I am going to start using:


Posted by me4/geniegirl at 6:39 AM CST
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Friday, 13 February 2004
3-day weekend??
This is supposed to be a 3-day weekend at work -- except for the fact that they have us all working Manditory overtime, which means that several of us have to work on Saturday. (Don't even get me started on next week's 4-hours or the 8 we were told we'd have to work the week after, this after being told we'd only have manditory for 1 week-- yeah right)

At least I will have some of the day to spend with the hubby and kids -- it is Valentine's day, after all

Posted by me4/geniegirl at 7:53 PM CST
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