The first thing I noticed when I entered the room, was the dim light of candles and the heavy scent of incense.  Romantic music played softly in the background.  The dining table was set for two, a bottle of wine on ice to chill.

Looking around, I see I am alone in the room.  She is usually here to greet me when I come home.  “Angela,” I called out.  No reply.  “Angela, luv?  I know you’re here.”  I stood there a few more moments, wondering why she didn’t answer.  I walked over to the closet and hung my coat up.  Odd, what could possibly be keeping her, I thought as I walked over to the sofa and sat down.   That is when I saw her.

It was not the woman I expected, walking toward me.  Angela has nutmeg-coloured curls that gently brush her shoulders.  This woman has long, honey-blonde hair that cascades down her back to her waist.  The satin of her red silk gown clung to her curves.  Shapely curves that were rounded in just the right places.  Slowly, she approached me.  I notice on the left side of the dress---her left, not mine---that the skirt is slit up to her thigh, revealing glimpses of ivory flesh as she moves.

She pauses a moment and smiles at me.  It is a wicked, hungry smile that should have warned me of what was to come.  She turned away from me, going to the table and poured two glasses of wine.

I took the glass she offered me.  “Thank you.”  She stood there, watching as I took a sip.  I smile up at her.  The corner of her mouth rises slightly, then she lifts the glass to her lips.  Sliding over a bit, I make a gesture for her to sit.  She simply shakes her head and walks away from me again.

She sets her wineglass on the table at one of the settings and points to the other.  I understand that she wants me to join her.  I move from the sofa to the chair and sit, as she disappears into the kitchen.  She returns with our meal.  Dinner was quiet, both of us exchanging glances of one another as we ate.  When her glass was empty, I refilled it for her, receiving a radiant smile for my effort.

“That was delicious,” I tell her as we finish.  She nodded.  I think I see a smile playing on her lips.  I rose, moving to pull her chair out for her.  Bringing the bottle of wine with us, we went back into the living room.

“Care to dance?”  I place my hands on her slender waist.  She places her hands on my shoulders, and we slowly sway to the soft music.  We are an arm’s length apart now.  My touch must be affecting her.  I can see the peaks of her breasts rising thru the fabric of her dress.  Not being able to stop myself, I discreetly try to look down, at what lies beneath the thin silk.

A finger traces along my jaw line, lifting my chin so I am looking into sultry blue eyes.  A playful grin greets me as she shakes her head.  I must have blushed, for she chuckled softly.  A breathy, seductively low sound that made the hair on the back of my neck, stand on end.  It wasn’t a disapproving laugh---she knew what I was thinking---but she was telling me it was too soon.

I slip my arms around her, pulling her closer to me as we move. I can smell her now.  An erotic, oriental scent that I am vaguely familiar with.  Hmmm---it wasn’t the perfume Angela wore---still, I recognized it nonetheless.  She locks her fingers together behind my neck.  After a couple more songs, I feel her thread them through my hair.  God, does she know what that feels like?  Does she know what kind of affect she is having on me?  Does she know how tempted her actions are making me?  Of course she does.  She’s trying to make me fall.

Angela and I are so much in love.  I would never intentionally do anything to damage our relationship.  I call her my ‘Pixie’---Angela---she is so fun loving and playful.  She has a great sense of humour, and is a terrific cook.  Best of all---and the reason I love her the most---Angela couldn’t give a toss if I were famous, or a garbage man.  She loves me unconditionally.

She steps into me.  I feel her breasts press against my chest.  The heat from her body further waking the animal need inside of me.  Her hands cup the back of my head.  I know she is going to kiss me.  Her tongue enters my mouth, and I groan low in my throat.  Oh, God, what am I doing with this woman.  This is wrong---I know it is---but I can’t break myself away from her.  Smelling of exotic flowers and tasting of wine, my senses are beginning to overload.  I pull her tightly to me.  Moving my hands to her ass, I allow her to feel the affect she is having on me.  She sighs heavily against my mouth.

“Is this what you’re after?” I growl in her ear as I nip at the flesh of her neck.  Her skin is so pale and smooth and warm.  Her eyes close as she nods.  “How badly do you want it?” I whisper.  A gasp escapes her.  She looks at me again.  Now, the only feature of her face giving her away, are her eyes.  They are the colour of a stormy sea.  Bringing her hands around from my neck, she unbuttons my shirt.  Making quick work of her task, she pushes it off my shoulders and tugs the sleeves free of my arms.  A smile forms as she stares at my bare skin.  Slender fingers brush over me with the ticklish softness of a feather.  “Oh,” I sigh.  I can’t explain how she is making me feel.  Placing a kiss at the base of my throat, she then rests her head against me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

Tenderness?  This is something I did not expect from this woman.  Not knowing what else to do at the moment, I gently stroke my hand over her hair.  Maybe this is my chance to stop what has started here.  I can’t---in good conscious---let this continue any further.

As I pull her back, she looks up at me.  My words caught in my throat as I saw the expression on her face.  She ran her hands down my back, digging her nails into my skin.  The scratches would surely show.  How am I going to explain them to Angela?  Oh God, I am in trouble.   “Please, don’t,” I hissed.  Her brows rose in a look of surprise, as she smiles at me.  That is when I knew, this mystery woman was not going to play fair.

Bringing her hand up to my chest, she pushed me back onto the sofa.  Her tongue darted out over her lower lip.  She has a full, luscious, kissable mouth.  I can still feel it against mine.  For a moment, I wonder what those lips would feel like on the rest of my body.

I watch as she walks over to the fireplace mantle.  There is a small collection of lit candles upon it.  Winking at me, she picks up one of the crystal holders and comes back.  I look at the liquefied wax as she knelt down.  The marks on my back were bad enough.  I didn’t want this too.  “Luv, don’t,” I began, too late.  She tilted the holder, pouring wax onto my chest.  Surprisingly, it doesn’t burn.  She places her hand on me, spreading the liquid over my skin before it cools.  Her fingers circle my nipples, leaving the thinnest coating of paraffin over them.  “Oh, yes,” I sighed.  Did I say that?  Yes, I did.  Fuck!  What in God’s name am I doing?

“Mmmmmmmmm.” I hear her growl at my words.  This woman is seducing me.  Why can’t I stop her?  She begins to run her tongue along my neck.  Because---I finally admit to myself---I want her.  She goes to take my mouth again.  Resigning myself to the inevitable, I open for her, welcoming her hungry exploration.  I wrap my arms around her, pulling her up on top of me.  “Luv,” I whisper to her between kisses.  “What is your name?”  Burying her fingers into my hair, she draws me deeper into her kiss.  Several long moments later, she pulls back from me, her smouldering eyes delving deep into mine.  She answers me in a seductive tone.  “Scarlet.”

Scarlet.  The colour of passion---of blood---of love.  Love.  Oh God, Angela.  Please forgive me, I silently pray.  I had gone over the edge.  Scarlet had made sure of that.

Her hands slip down my face, over my shoulders.  With her palms flat against my chest, she slowly rolls the wax downward, removing it from my skin.  I flinch a bit as a few chest hairs are pulled, but it seems to be coming off easily.  This obviously isn’t the first time Scarlet has tried this on a man.  She sits back on her knees as she finishes her task.  I look on as she wads the wax into a ball, then rolls it over my chest again, hitting any place she missed before.  I again moan as she circles my nipples, cleaning them as well.  She smiles, then lowers her head, stoking her tongue over them.  “Fuck me,” I groan quietly.  I feel her laugh.  Scarlet stood, hovering above me as I lie on the sofa.  “Trust me,” the corner of her mouth lifts into a grin, “I will.”  With those words said, she turns from me and exits the room.

“Oh, God,” I mutter to myself as I sit up.  Raking my hands through my hair, I wonder how I am going to manage this.  I don’t want to betray the trust I have built with Angela, but I can’t ignore the desire I feel for Scarlet.  Where is Angela anyway---Scarlet must be a friend of hers---how could she have gotten into the house otherwise?  Maybe, I could just stay out here on the couch.  I can’t give into her if I don’t follow her into my room.  But it’s my room.  I should be able to go in there if I want to.  “Jesus!”  I know what I should do.  I know what I am going to do.

  I stand in the doorway, surveying what has been done to my room.  Careful planning has gone into this.  Candles are everywhere.  The bed has been made with satiny sheets, and velvet pillows.  There is a small selection of items on the night table that had not been there when I woke this morning.  I can’t tell what they are from my vantage point.  Scarlet walks out of the bath and smiles when she sees me.  “Taking your time?”

“Aren’t the best things the ones worth waiting for?”  I saunter over to where she is standing.  We stare at one another in silence for a minute.  Finally, she crooks her finger for me to follow her.  She has poured a bath for us.  Blood red rose petals float on top of the milky-white water in the black marble tub.   “What’s in there?” I ask, wondering what she had added to the water.

“Just some bath salts,” she breathed.  Scarlet reached for my jeans.  Silently, she unfastened the waistband and unbuttoned them with practiced hands.  Slipping them between the denim and my skin, she slides them off of me.  Having removed my clothing, she bade me to get into the bath.

I step in, lowering myself into the warm water.  “Ohhh,” it feels good on my skin.  Shutting my eyes, I lean my head back against the stone fixture.  My tense muscles immediately start to relax.  I stretch out my legs as I wait for Scarlet to join me.  After several minutes, I look up to see where she is.  I spot her, standing in front of the vanity mirror, pulling her hair up into a knot.  “Aren’t you joining me, luv?” I ask.  As if she hadn’t heard me, she continues to pin up her hair.  I can make out just a bit of her reflection from the tub.  “Scarlet?”  I hate being ignored.

As I watch her, she removes her dress.   Lifting it over her head, she reveals herself to me.  “Mmmmmmm,” I growl, as I look her over. “You like cats, I see,” I comment, eyeing the spotted feline tattooed on her back.  Scarlet still faced the mirror.  She shifts her position a bit so I can see her image better.  Her hands travelled up her thighs, over her stomach, to her full breasts.  Cupping them, she teases herself, taunting me from across the room.  One arm moves lower, searching for the warmth between her legs.

My body reacts to the show she is giving me.  Raising one of her slender legs, she props it onto the counter.  I have a clear view of her now.  Two well manicured fingers slip into her.  She slowly works them in and out, running her other hand over her silky smooth skin.  Quickening her pace, I see her suck in her bottom lip.  I wish she would come over here and let me do that for her.  Let me bring her release as well as my own.  She moans softly as her shoulders begin to shudder.

 Scarlet releases a long sigh as her convulsions still.  She looks into the mirror, her eyes meeting mine.  Straightening, she turns and walks over to stand in front of me.  Smiling wickedly, she lifts her hand to her mouth, sucking in one of the fingers she had used to pleasure herself.  “Mmmmm,” she winks at me.  I gasp before I realize what I’m doing.  She then holds out her other finger to me.  It still glistens with her liquid, and I can smell the scent of her sex.  Eyeing her cautiously, I lean my head forward, taking her slender finger into my mouth.  God, she tasted good.  I swear I hear her purring as I do this. Slowly, she pulls the digit from my lips.  “Taste wonderful, luv.”

I lift my arm to take hold of her, and she backs away, shaking her head.  Scarlet turns, walking to the closet, and retrieves a silk robe.  Slipping it on, she is now clad in tiger stripes and black heels.  “Time to get out, lover boy,” she growls at me.  I look at her blankly for a moment.  “Get out,” she says more forcefully this time.  Obeying, I stand up and step from the tub.  I am rewarded with a smile from her.  She grabs the towel from the bar and comes to stand before me again.  From my shoulders to my feet, she dries me off with the fluffy white cloth.  She doesn’t miss an inch of my skin as she does this.

Finishing her task, she surveys me, standing before her in all my glory.  I cannot help that I am rock hard with need for her.  I notice her gaze lingers a little longer on my cock, and I smile to myself.  She is not totally unaffected by me, as she pretends to be.  Taking me by the hand, she leads me back out to the bed.  I again try to place my hands at her waist---I want to hold her---she slaps them away.

 Scarlet turns down the covers on the bed.   “Lay down,” she instructs me.  I crawl into bed as I’m told.  With out a word, she takes my hand, lifting it up over my head.  There is something attached to the rails on the headboard.  The familiar coolness of leather wraps around my wrist, and she buckles it on me.  Reaching across me, she does the same with my other arm.  She smiles as I realize I am unable to move much.  At least my arms are either side of me---and not spread apart---like a crucifix.  “Why?” I ask softly.

Her smile turned into a wicked smirk.  Turning, she walks away from the bed, back into the bath.  Jesus, she’s going to leave me like this!  “Don’t panic,” I whisper to myself.  I can hear the distinct sound of running water, and then silence. She must be in the tub now.  I try to breathe slowly.  I know she will return.  Whatever she has planned for me, I know I won’t be left like this.  God, I ache so badly.  I need her.  I need her to ease my lust.  The longer I lay here, the more I feel the need for a release.  I try to sit up, but it’s not possible.  The chains are not long enough.  At least she did not blindfold me.  I look around the room, searching for what, I do not know.

Clicking.  I hear the clicking of heels on the tile floor.  I turn my sights back to the doorway.  Scarlet is standing there.  She is wearing a black leather halter, matching thong, and I can just see the tops of what appear to be thigh-high boots. Fear returns to me now---for she is not a woman who plays with fire---she Controls it.  Scarlet’s eyes are fixed on mine as she enters the room.  Standing at my feet, she places her hands on the bedposts, and leans forward slightly.  “Nervous yet,” she hissed at me.  Swallowing a gasp, I simply nod.  She smiles.  “Good to hear it.”  One of her hands caresses my leg, travelling up, from my ankle to my knee.  “Relax, pet,” she whispers as she feels my muscles tense under her touch.  “I can’t,” I whimper, unable not to.  This statement is met with a grin.  Her tongue then flicks out over her lower lip.  She is hungry for me, I can tell.  Yet, I know, she will take me in her own time.

“Don’t tell me the lion has fell to the huntress?” she cooed, her hand travelling further up my leg as she climbs onto the bed.  My eyes never leave hers as I feel her fingers on my inner thigh.  Just short of my erection, she stops, pulling her hand away from me.  “Aww, now, pet---You are my pet---aren’t you?”  I nod, unable to speak.  “Are you comfortable, pet?”  I’ve been bloody handcuffed! I wanted to yell.  “Yes,” I sigh.

She steps back off the bed.  I can see her better as she walks around to the bedside table.  “Let’s see,” she says as she looks over the items she has set out.  Slanting a glance at me, I see her smile.  “What do I want to use to reward my pet with?”  Turning her head, she looks right at me.  “You’ve been such an obedient boy so far.  It would be far more fun to punish you.”  She places her index finger to her lips, as though she were thinking of something.  Slowly, she slips it into her mouth, gently sucking it in and out.  My eyes snap shut---a vision of her sucking me comes to mind---I groan from need.  “Please?” I beg.

“Polite too,” Scarlet grinned.  She runs the back of her fingers across one cheek, under my chin, and over the other side of my face.  She leans down so I can feel her breath on my skin.  “Time to answer your own question, pet.  How badly do you want it?”

“Uhhhhhhh.  Oh, please Scarlet?  Fuck me!  I need it---need you---oh God, now!”

“Shhhhh,” she whispers in my ear, her lips barely touching me.  “You don’t want me to have to gag you, now, do you?”  I shake my head.  Turning to face her, I catch the look in her eyes.  She is serious.  I can see the excitement she feels at the mere thought of my being helpless against her.  “Now,” she looks back at the table, picking something up.  Before I know what is happening, she claims my mouth with her own.  Her hands trail down my chest.  Stroking her tongue, savouring her sweet taste, I lose myself in the kiss.  I am vaguely aware she is rubbing my nipples, until I feel a pinch.  Tearing away from her, I grunt in pain.

“Come, now, pet,” she soothed. “Those aren’t even the ones that really hurt.”  She turns to pace around the bed.  I look down, finding two small wire clips on my chest.  “Scarlet?” I whisper.  She leans against the bedpost at my feet.  “Hold tight, pet,” she tells me.  “You’ll like it, trust me.”  She reaches behind her, pulling the ties that hold her top on, tossing it to the floor.  My eyes lower to her full breasts.  I try to reach for her, forgetting that I can’t.  A smirk crosses her face as the chains pull taut and I fall back to the pillows beneath my head.  Soft laughter greets my ears.  I sigh, relaxing my shoulders into the satin beneath me.  There’s no use fighting her---I can’t even struggle---she has made sure of that.

She crawls up onto the bed.  Her skin brushes me lightly as she moves over me.  Scarlet dips her head to the area behind my ear.  Gently, she alternates biting and licking me there.  “Oooh, yes,” I moan.  How does she know that is the one spot that can drive me wild?  I attempt to nuzzle against her cheek.  “Please, let me feel you.” I beg.  Taking my earlobe in her mouth, she sucks on it, then growls,  “When I’m finished, pet.”  I feel her teeth on my skin as she lowers her head to my chest.  She removes the clip from my nipple, swiftly replacing it with her tongue.  “God, yessssss,” I hiss, feeling a mixture of pleasure and pain shoot through me.  Scarlet repeats the action with the other, and I gasp at the sensation.  She looks up at me with a wide smile.  “I said you’d like it,” she purrs.  All I can do is nod.

She is straddling me now.  I can feel her rear brush against my cock as she moves over me.  Her hands run along my chest and her gaze drills deep into me.  “Scarlet,” my voice is hoarse with longing.  “I need…” Her mouth comes down on mine, effectively stopping my plea.  Her tongue gently, almost softly, strokes mine.  I moan, again trying to bring my hands down to touch her.  Her skin is so soft and smooth and flawless.  I long to touch her---run my fingers along her body---drive her mad with need.  She has reached for something off the table.  A small bottle, I think.  Scarlet works her way down my body, giving me small bites, and then soothing them with her tongue.

I can feel myself throbbing now.  God, I think I’m going to cum before she ever touches me.  Lifting her head, she runs her hands along either side of my groin, down onto my thighs.  She licks her lips while staring at my cock.  I see her quickly glance up at me, an evil glint in her eye.  “You like to be eaten, don’t you, pet?”  My muscles contract and my hips buck upward, into the air.  “Fuck yes,” I moan. “By a hot mouth like yours.”  I wish she would stop playing and just take me.  I’m already hers if she wants me.  I know she wants me.

Suddenly, she produces the bottle she’d taken from the table.  I watch as she flips the cap and squeezes the sticky, golden liquid on me.  Snapping the cap back, she tosses it onto the floor, then smiles at me.  She runs one finger in circles around my crest.  It is an extremely odd feeling---the honey she has applied to me---running down sensitive skin.  She brings her finger to her lips, drawing her tongue across its tip.  “Sticky sweet,” she grins.  Her hand now grips my shaft.  From top to bottom, she spreads it evenly over me.  The friction of her movements are hindered somewhat by the syrupy liquid.  Once she is certain I am completely covered, she lowers her head to taste me.

Starting at the base, she licks against my length like a child with a popsicle.  “Oh babe,” I call out to her as she continues.  “Take all of me,” I moan.  God, if only I could use my hands, I could hold her down on me.  “Swallow me whole!”  I know I’ve lost it now.  I want to be inside her.  I HAVE to be taken by this woman.  A soft chuckle floats through the air, as I feel her tease me more.  I attempt to arch myself against her.  Scarlet slips her hands under my ass---grasping me---digging her nails into my skin.  “Hold still lover,” she demands in a firm voice.  I still my movements, not sure what she will do to me if I don’t.  I do not want her to leave me like this.  Then, I feel it.  Her mouth surrounds me.  A low, guttural sound escapes me.  Up and down, she moves, applying just enough pressure to drive me to the edge.  “Fuck!” I cry out and sigh as I cum.  She continues to suck, drinking me into her.  “Oh, Jesus,” I pant as I catch my breath.

 Silently, she stands from the bed, her eyes on mine.  Her left hand casually glides down her body, resting at the junction between her legs.  Her fingers move easily over the thin leather.  Scarlet bites her lower lip, then smiles at me with a wink.  “Oh, pet,” she whispers harshly.  “You want a drink now, don’t you?”  Yes, I want to scream, but I hold my tongue.  Our gazes stay locked as she walks to the side of the bed.  She touches me, running her hand down my arm and over my chest, down to my hip.  Her face loses all expression, before she runs her nails back up the path she had just traced.  “Hrmph,” I try not to shout as I go rigid from the pain.  Her head tilts to the side as she stares at me.  “Do you like when I cause you pain?” she asks curiously.  I furiously shake my head no---afraid to open my mouth---afraid I’ll admit I do.  Scarlet straightens. “You wouldn’t lie to me?  Would you, pet?”

Too late---I feel myself becoming excited again---wondering what she will do next.  “Pain, pleasure, not much difference,” I manage to say with some degree of confidence.  Her lips quirked into a smug grin, “Oh, but there is pet.”  She runs her hands over my chest, fondling my nipples as she does.  “Pleasure is something to be enjoyed---savoured---between two people.”  She scratches her right hand down my ribcage.  I shut my eyes, knowing she is smiling as she proves her point.  “Pain is enjoyed by the person causing it---inflicting their will---making the other squirm in discomfort.  Even if it does excite you,” she leans down, whispering in my ear, “you don’t enjoy it.”

She again bites the skin below my ear.  I can feel her teeth sink into my neck.  “Please!” I cry out, unable to hold back any longer.  “I need to fuck you,” I tell her urgently.  “Please, let me free so I can bury myself inside you.  I wanna hear you scream my name.”  Scarlet raises her head.  Her face now inches from mine.  I lift my head in an attempt to claim her mouth.  She lifts herself from me as I move.  “Now, now, pet,” she scolds me.  “Weren’t you the one who said something about waiting?”

She is so close to me, and there is nothing I can do.  I can’t touch her---hold her---kiss her.  Fuck!  I am getting frustrated with this game.  “Damn it, Scarlet,” I declare, “This isn’t fucking funny anymore!”  I jerk on the chains holding my arms for effect.  “All I want is to make love to you.  Why won’t you let me?”  She stares at me a moment, apparently shocked by my outburst.  She releases the restraint on one of my wrists.  As I sit up and free my other arm, I hear the bathroom door shut.  “Fuck!” I turn toward it as I hear the lock being turned.  “Shit! What have I done now?” I mutter to myself.  Getting up, I go to the door, and try the knob.  Pounding on it, I call to her.  “Scarlet!  Open up!  Please, let me in.  I didn’t mean it!”

Nothing.  Christ, women can be so fickle!  I hadn’t meant to hurt her feelings.  I don’t know why I lashed out like I did.  I still wanted her.

I tried again, slamming my shoulder into the heavy wood.  That was stupid---I thought---as the pain shot through my arm.  Then, I remembered that I could unlock the door from either side.  I went to the nightstand and rummaged through the drawer for the “key” to open it.  With in seconds, I had the door open.  The boots and thong had been left on the floor, but Scarlet was gone.

The door to Angela’s room is closed.  I softly knock on it---there is no answer---I open the door anyway.  “Are you in here, luv?” I ask quietly as I poke my head thru the opening.  The blonde wig is lying on the floor, and I see a figure under the covers.  “Angel?  Are you okay?”

My question is met with silence.  I walk over to the bed, sitting on the edge beside her.  Gently, I rub my hand over her blanketed form.  “I’m sorry jumped at you in there.”

She was crying.  God, I hate when Angela cries.  “It was your fantasy,” came the faint voice from under the covers.  “I was only doing what you asked me to do.”

“I know,” I said.  “You were doing quite well, as a matter of fact.”

She flung the covers from her head as she sat up and looked at me.  “Then why did you yell at me?”  She had changed into a flannel nightgown and her hair was still pinned up from being under the wig.  Her eyes held a mixture of sadness and puzzlement as she looked at me.  “You wanted me to do this.  We hadn’t even gotten to what you really wanted me to do to you.”  She was shaking her head at me as she spoke.  “All I wanted was a simple romantic dinner and a quiet evening at home without anyone else around.”

Taking her in my arms, I kissed her softly on her forehead.  I pulled the pins from her hair, letting the curls fall loose around her face.  “I know luv.  I guess I just wasn’t prepared for how it made me feel.  I didn’t realize how much control I would be giving up by being bound like that.”  I gently stroked her hair.  “I am so sorry, Angela.”  Her fingers moved aimlessly over my skin.  Her breath was warm against my chest.  I hook my finger under her chin, lifting her face to mine.  “I love you.  You know that I do.”

“Yes.  I love you too.”

I press my mouth against hers as she clings to my shoulders.  My hands trail down her body, searching for the hem of her clothing.  I ease the garment up, making certain to touch and caress every part of her flesh.  She gasps as I reach the dip at the back of her waist.  I let go of her lips.  “What’s wrong?” I ask.  She smiles at me.  “It was a surprise for you,” she whispered.  I eyed her cautiously, then remembered the leopard tattoo I saw on her back earlier.  “It’s real?”  She nods her head.  “Had it done two days ago, that’s why I hadn’t let you see it.”  I smiled as I drew my hands up along her arms.  “Oh, luv, that’s a wonderful surprise.”  Our lips come together again.  Her hands thread through my hair as I cradle her in my arms, lifting her from her bed.

I carry her back into my room, settling her onto my bed.  I lower myself onto her, pushing her legs apart with my knee.  Lifting her arms above her head, Angela grabs hold of the head rail as I thrust inside of her.  She is so wet and ready for me.  “Oh, God, you feel so good.”

I watch her eyes close as she sucks her bottom lip into her mouth.  A muffled groan greets my ears as I deepen my strokes.  I continue working her gown up, pulling it over her head and from her arms.  “There’s my Pixie Angel,” I whisper as I take in the view of her body underneath me.  She takes my head in her hands, drawing me down to her.  Fevered kisses trail along her neck as I work my way to her breasts.  I have been waiting to take their pink nubs and suck them into hard peaks.  Moans of pleasure emanate from Angela as I suckle, fondle, and tug on her.  “Oh, god, that feels wonderful,” she breathes as I coincide the rhythm of my thrusts with the tempo of my assault on her skin.  I feel her hand against the back of my head---holding me to her---much as a mother would while nursing her infant.  “Oh,” she cries out as her walls begin to tighten around me.

I quickly roll her over, so that she is now riding me.  It takes a moment for her to find her pace.  Once she has, Angela takes me in and out of her body.  My hands wander, one holding her hips, the other rolling her pink buds between my fingers, making her moan.  Her pace speeds, and I feel her walls once again contracting around mine.  “Slow down luv,” I whisper, determined that we will go together.  Angela slows down, almost to an agonizing pace.  “That’s it, Pixie,” I tell her.  “Slow and steady.”

She continues on.  Eventually, I feel my orgasm begin to build.  “Now you can go faster,” I inform her.  The rate of her movements, gradually build as both of us climb the peak to ecstasy. “Cum with me luv,” I cry out to her as I feel her tighten.  She is almost at the summit.  “Oh, God!  Angel!” I cry as I spill into her, feeling her shake in my arms from her own climax.

We lay next to each other, in bed.  Angela is snuggled in my arms.  I softly kiss the top of her head, as she presses a kiss against my throat. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” I whisper tenderly.  She lifts her head, looking into my eyes she smiles.  “To you too.”

© 2001 ~ GenieGirl