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( Welcome To Hamilton Cfs (ME) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Support Group Website New Zealand. )


( Please click on the pictures for links. )


We welcome you to our website; since we began in 2002 the awareness of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME) in New Zealand has advanced, as have groups and websites worldwide. The internet has become a powerful tool for getting information out, especially to those misinformed and ignorant of our suffering and illness.


The purpose of this website is to give you an insight into our illness and the world we live in and others from around the globe. Please read our (Legal Disclaimer) as many of the articles and links on here are third parties and any (medical information) is for reference only.


If you’re a New Zealand resident and you think you might be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (ME) please consult your own (medical doctor) for advice, likewise for people overseas please do the same or look up a group in your country who maybe able to advise you as to the nearest doctor who has a comprehension of what this illness is. (Diana) MS Information/Service co-ordinato.Email: Phone: (07) 8344742


This website is graphically designed and maintained by Delphi Website Design Services New Zealand as a free service to community groups worldwide, for more information please contact Tony Webmaster                Phone (07) 8249048



This page first posted 20/October/2002
last revised 27/June/2006 10.56 pm