I was never going to have anymore children after
losing David, John & Stephen. I couldn't face another
pregnancy let alone anymore losses. It was so hard
to learn to live again and move foreward, all I wanted
was a child of my own.
My road to living again took lots of twists and turns,
I punished myself and my partner for our losses and
finally I went totally to pieces. I loved Peter so much but
could not get over how useless I felt, I just wanted him
to leave me and find someone else who could give him
the family he deserved. He stayed with me and I couldn't
help feeling worse as the months went by.
Then I did something I will always feel sad about. I
cheated on him. Just the once although I am not proud
of what I did to him. We split up immediately because I
couldn't bear to be with him after what I had done. I
guess in the end I got what I wanted in a lot of ways. I
wanted him to be free of me and have a better life with
someone else.
Then to my horror I found out I was pregnant again.
I felt so terrible and ashamed that I had let this all
happen. All I could think about was when am I going
to lose this baby too? I didn't want to be pregnant, I
didn't want this baby, I couldn't go through all that
I had no idea what I was going to do. I told Peter and
Steve what had happened. Peter didn't want to know,
which I totally understood at the time. Steve wasn't happy
but accepted it and supported me through the months
to come.
I tried my best never to think about the baby. I didn't get
attached to it at all, I couldn't let myself. I was just
waiting for it all to go wrong. The months went by so
slowly and as 24 weeks got nearer I prepared myself
for another loss. Nothing happened. I kept all my
doctors appointments and went for all my scans, but
I couldn't get it out of my mind that things were going
to go wrong again.
Things kept going according to plan. I still couldn't hold
out any hope though, kind of trying to protect myself
for what I thought was still to come. Then in November I
lost both my cat Poot and my beloved dog Sandy in
the same day. That was really hard and I started getting
twinges just after that. I went to the hospital to get checked
out but they said nothing was wrong. I knew differently
though, just that feeling I have had before.
The pains slowed again thankfully and everything seemed
to be ok again. Then in mid December, two weeks later I
started getting the pains again. I wasn't over concerned
because the baby was over the critical 34 weeks that my
doctor wanted to get me past. For 2 days I was getting
terrible pains but I knew baby was ok somehow. Then
early Sunday morning my waters broke, just a little
pop and I knew it was time. If he was coming he would
be 4 weeks early. Don't ask me how I knew he was a he
but I did.
I was so frightened of what would happen. I just had the
thought that he wouldn't be ok and things would be the
same again. My best friend Pearl came with me to the
hospital and Steve turned up just after we got there.
The labour didn't take long and after a half hour of
pushing Jack was born safe and well.
I didn't feel anything for him when he was born, I just
and looked at him in his incubator. I realise now that
I just couldn't take it in that he was ok. We went home
the next day and everything seemed fine. Then 4 days
later we were back in special care because he had
jaundice. Jack had phototherapy for 2 days and it was
so scary for me. I thought they were going to say
something else is wrong, but it all turned out fine.
I recently had a DNA test done to find out who is his
Daddy. He is Steve's. That has set off a lot of wondering
too. Maybe that is why he got here safe and well? I guess
that will always be a mystery. I guess knowing who he
belongs to isn't really that important for me so long as he
is ok and he is.
That one mistake has turned out to be the one thing that
has saved me. Jack is the best thing that could ever have
happened to me and my life has some meaning again.
I love and miss my Angels more than anything, but maybe
that was the pre-determined path in my life. If I had it all
to do again then I wouldn't change anything at all. I
would rather have had my Angels for moments rather
than never.