Insert the usual disclaimer here...

Author's Note: Wowee! You guys have passed the 100 reviews mark! Hoorah! (First story of mine to do so, so I'm very psyched.) I guess that means I'll just have to update more often then. ~_^ As for your comments...

1. Yes, there will definitely be further smut. Buffy's going to be 'double spiked' at least once more before this is over. ^_^

2. Sigh... I wish both Spikes could stay, too, but that would actually be bad in the long run. After all, if past Spike never goes back, present Spike won't exist, and then none of this ever would have happened. And that would just be cruel to everyone concerned. So, in the interest of keeping her memories of all the great sex, Buffy is unfortunately going to have to return past Spike. It's a tragic tale really... But she doesn't have to do it immediately. ~_^

Once again, thanks to everyone who's reviewed, and I'll try to get through the plotfulness as fast as possible. We do get a, night-after in this one though...

Previously: The nerdy Trio 'accidently' brought a Spike from the past into the present. Buffy - of course - encounters both, and soon they're shagging like bunnies. In the meantime, the nerds tried to break into the Magic Box to find a way to send past Spike back home. They were promptly captured by the Scoobies, and Willow threatened to turn them into toads if they tried to escape. Not knowing that Willow has sworn off magic, they were frightened into submission. So now the Scoobies are waiting for Buffy to show up while she's sleeping in her hot vampire love nest...

Double Spiked
Chapter Eleven - Back To Work

Buffy yawned contently and stretched her lips lazily as her eyes finally fluttered open. She was immediately greeted by the sight of soft, peroxide blond curls. She gave them a quick pat before rolling over to her other side. The naked vampire limbs that wrapped all around her shifted with her motion, and she soon found herself eyeing an equally beautiful view. A tender, white vampire throat just begging to be tasted…

She gave him a quick love bite before beginning the difficult process of extricating herself from two such lovely demons. She finally managed to sit up between them and got a good look at the clock for the first time.

“Shit!” she exclaimed, instantly leaping out of bed.

“Mmm?” one vampire moaned sleepily when the hot little Slayer he had been laying against escaped his arms.

Buffy ignored him, making her way to the ladder that led to the upper level and gathering a pile of clothes with her as she went.

“Buffy?” her Spike mumbled, rolling over to look at her. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to find clothes,” she sighed in exasperation when she realized that yet another pair of panties was ruined.

“Oh, well, that’s just great!” he jerked up and his face darkened. “Go running away again. ‘s fine, really! It’s not like what I want matters. No, I have no feelings whatsoever, so you jus’ go about an’—”

“Spike!” she cut him off, throwing his jeans at him. “I’m getting all of our clothes.”

Spike’s expression lightened a bit. “Oh, well then…that’s… Huh?” he finally said, confused.

“Get dressed,” she insisted, pulling her top over her head.

“Why?” Spike eyed his jeans skeptically. “’s not like we’re goin’ anywhere…”

“Yes, we are,” Buffy said, zipping her skirt up. “We need to get to the Magic Box. I told Willow and Anya that I’d show up tonight, and when I don’t and then they find that I’m not at home…” She trailed off as she tried to find her shoe.

“Oh, c’mon,” Spike gestured to the clock. “’s nearly two. They probably—”

“Are looking for us right now,” Buffy insisted. She put her hands on her hips and looked at him critically. “Am I going to have to dress you?” she demanded.

“Oh!” Spike suddenly realized that he was still holding his jeans and moved to put them on.

“Here’s a shirt,” she said, yanking a maroon button-up from his dresser drawer and tossing it in his direction. She fiddled around a little while longer and finally pulled out a red, silk scarf. She wrapped it neatly about her neck, covering up the beautiful bite marks that marred her skin. Spike groaned slightly in protest, and she gave him a sly smile.

“Now,” she turned to the only current resident of the bed, “to wake up Sleeping Beauty…” She gave his shoulder a hard shake, but he just let out a slight growl and buried his head in the sheets. “Why me?” she lamented, crawling over the mattress to poke him in the stomach.

“So,” her Spike asked, doing up the last of his buttons, “are you finally going to tell your pals about…this?” He gesticulated wildly.

“Maybe,” she gave him a shy smile before pinching past Spike’s nose in her continued effort to wake him up.

“ ‘Maybe’?” Spike repeated. “How are we ever going to get their help if you won’t even tell them? I hate to break it to you, Slayer, but we don’t exactly have the magical resources to fix this!”

“Oh!” Buffy’s eyes widened, and she turned to look at him. “You meant that ‘this’! Um…well, yeah. We’re going to tell them right now.” She looked back down at the other Spike suddenly, her face turning bright red at her error.

“Wait a minute,” her Spike froze in the center of the crypt. “You were talking about…?” He pointed back and forth between the two of them several times dumbly.

“Well…” she brushed a lose strand of hair behind her ear nervously and pinched harder on past Spike’s nose, “yeah, I guess.” Her face was taking on more purplish hues now.

“Oh,” Spike said softly. “Well, about time I guess… You know, that won’t work,” he decided to break the awkward moment. “He doesn’t have to breathe, so…that won’t work,” he finished lamely.

“Good point,” Buffy sighed and released past Spike’s nose.

“Try givin’ him a good, hard whap in the gut,” her Spike suggested, grabbing hold of the black T-shirt past Spike had brought with him and walking over to her.

She raised one eyebrow at him incredulously.

“Always worked for Dru,” he insisted.

Buffy frowned slightly at the thought of another woman waking him…every morning…for over a hundred years. How come she had never gotten to figure out how to wake Spike up in the morning? She decided to ignore the glaringly obvious answer to that question – that she’d never stayed around long enough to find out – and proceeded to sulk.

“Buffy?” Spike waved a hand over her face when she zoned out. “You still in there?”

“Hmph,” she turned her back to him and proceeded to take his earlier advice.

“Oof!” past Spike exclaimed when he got a fist to the stomach.

“Wake up, and get dressed,” Buffy ordered.

“Domineering little— Oof!” he repeated when she gave him another jab.

“Up. Now.”

“Fine, fine,” he grumbled, hastily getting dressed.

Buffy stalked over to the ladder and waited impatiently. She knew she was being unfair, but she’d put her emotions on the line several times in the last day, and then he had to go and mention Drusilla, of all people…

“Buffy?” her Spike had, of course, noticed her abrupt change in mood, but not even his seemingly telepathic abilities when it came to her could infiltrate this bizarre bout of feminine illogic.

“Let’s just go,” she sighed wearily. “We’ll worry about everything else later.”

“Sure, pet,” he shrugged, and he and his past self followed her up the ladder.

* * *

“We have to go find her!” Xander insisted. “She’s never been this late before, and—” He opened the door and stopped his ramble mid-sentence when the object of his concern walked right in. “And never mind,” he quickly amended.

“Thanks, Xander,” Buffy said. “Sorry I’m so la-ate…” She paused when she noticed the three nerds chained together in the middle of the room. “What’s going on here?” she demanded.

“Buffy, we’ve got a big problem,” Xander began. “You see, Spike— Ahh! Spike!” He pointed when the vampire followed her into the Magic Box. “Duck, Buffy!” he yelled, yanking on her arm. “He could be evil, un-chipped Spike!”

Buffy rolled her eyes, giggled slightly at the look of pure menace that Spike had put on his face in order to further freak out Xander, and gently shook her friend off of her arm.

“It’s just the usual, same old Spike,” Buffy assured him.

Xander breathed a sigh of relief.

“This,” Buffy said, stepping to one side and allowing her other vampire companion to enter, “is evil, un-chipped Spike.”

And Xander promptly fell to the floor in a dead faint.

* * *

“Xander? Xander? Wake up, Xander…”

Past Spike watched the vengeance demon and the two witches try to revive the wimp who had fainted and chuckled to himself.

“Who’s the ponce?” he pointed his thumb in Xander’s direction.

“That’s Xander,” Dawn informed him. “He doesn’t like you…either you, actually.”

“Gotcha,” he lit up a cigarette. “And you are?”

“Dawn,” she smiled at him brightly. “I’m Buffy’s sister.”

Past Spike’s brow furrowed for a minute.

“Yeah, I know,” Dawn waved her hand in the air dismissively, “Buffy doesn’t have a sister yet in your time.”

Past Spike raised one eyebrow at her apparent age.

“Don’t ask,” Dawn shook her head. “You see, I’m actually this Key that was given human form and…it’s a long story.”

“I think I have a headache,” past Spike complained.

“You want some blood for that?” Dawn asked helpfully.

Past Spike nodded wearily and watched the cheerful little teen run into the back. “And these three are?” he turned to his present incarnation.

“Three losers who think they can cut it as Big Bad,” Spike sent an annoyed scowl in their direction and took another puff from his own cigarette.

“They the ones that brought me here?”


“Do I get to kill them then?” past Spike gave them a deadly smile.

They all gulped in perfect unison.

“Not yet,” present Spike said, sighing. “Wait till we’ve figured out how to fix things…”

The nerds gulped again.

“Xander, wake up!” Anya persisted in shaking his shoulder. “If you stay unconscious for too long, you’ll get those bags under your eyes, and then we’ll have to delay the pre-pre-wedding photos, which means we’ll have to put back the reception, although I suppose we could move up our appointment with the decorators, if you stop into the tailor’s this week, which means—” She ran over to get her wedding planner and began flipping through the pages making notes.

“We never did decide on napkin color,” she pointed out. “I still think red…”

“Blue,” Xander insisted, waking up.

“But then we’ll have to change the tablecloths,” Anya’s brow furrowed, “unless you wanted the gray-blue…but then—”

“Guys!” Buffy cut in on what could easily have become another wedding summit meeting. “We do have other matters to discuss…”

“Don’t remind me,” Xander groaned. He took a quick look at the two Spikes leaning against the counter, shook his head, and groaned again.

“So,” Willow turned her evil eye back to the Trio, “what did you do exactly?”

“Eep!” Andrew squealed, trying to hide behind the other two at the memory of her earlier threats.

“It was all Jonathan!” Warren insisted. “We tried to warn him not to!”

“You liar!” Jonathan turned an angry glare on Warren. “You were the one that said—”

“Toads!” Willow reminded them. “Or maybe newts,” she added thoughtfully. “Toads are a bit to much like frogs…”

“Or mice,” Dawn added, “although after the whole Amy thing…”

“What about cockroaches?” Tara suggested.

“Then we’d never be able to kill the buggers,” Spike commented.

“Good point,” Tara agreed.

“OK, OK, I’ll talk!” Jonathan squirmed in his bonds.

All eyes turned to him.

“It was a summoning spell,” he confessed. “I didn’t know what it was going to summon, and if I’d known about the whole time-travel two-Spikes-at-once thing, I would never ever have—”

“How do you undo it?” Buffy demanded.

“Er…I’m not sure,” he answered nervously.

“Oh, well that’s just great!” past Spike rolled his eyes in disgust. “’ll be stuck here forever.”

“He can’t be stuck here forever,” Buffy’s brow furrowed, “or else normal Spike wouldn’t exist.”

“And this is a bad thing, why?” Xander chimed in.

“Shut up, Whelp,” Spike said sourly. His expression softened a bit when Dawn handed him one of the two mugs of microwave-warmed blood.

“Or you’ll what?” Xander retorted. “Annoy me to death?”

“Can I kill him?” past Spike said, taking the other mug.

“Go right ahead, mate,” Spike said jovially.

“No!” Buffy leapt in front of him. “No killing!”

Past Spike shrugged and leaned back against the counter.

Present Spike gave Xander an evil glare.

“Just ignore him,” Buffy said softly, resting her hand on his forearm.

Spike looked down at it in surprise. She had never ever shown him the slightest bit of affection in public before. He gulped slightly and nodded.

Buffy flashed him a small smile before turning her attention back to their prisoners. They still looked thoroughly terrified. “Fix. This,” she insisted.

“I tried,” Jonathan defended himself, “but I couldn’t find a spell to send someone back in time. The one I used only works one way.”

“That’s why we came here tonight,” Andrew added, “to try to find a spell.”

“Shut up,” Warren hissed at him.

“Looks like its amphibian time for Warren,” Willow cracked her knuckles, an evil bemused smile on her face.

“Talk all you want,” Warren abruptly changed his mind.

“So,” Tara said, trying not to laugh at the false wicked-witch image Willow was portraying, “what do we do?”

“I guess we research,” Buffy sighed.

“We needed Buffy here to tell us to research?” Anya jabbed Xander in the arm. “We could have researched while we were waiting, and I could have sent in those order forms for the—”

“Guys,” Willow said, dropping a pile of books before them, “get to work.”

“Yeah, right,” present Spike got up, “’ll jus’ be on my way then and…”

He trailed off when Dawn stood in front of him, hands on her hips. “Oh no, you don’t,” she informed him. “We’re going to have a nice, long talk.”

Spike cocked his head to the side and looked down at her confusedly. “Sure thing, Nibblet, but—”

“Now!” she insisted, grabbing his hand and dragging him back into the training room.

Spike gave Buffy a bewildered look, and he would have sworn she winked back at him…

What does Dawn want to talk to Spike about? Will Buffy actually ever tell the rest of the Scoobies about the hot vampire lovin' she's been getting? And if Xander fainted just at the sight of two Spikes, what will his reaction be? And was that jealousy we detected in Buffy earlier? And when do we get our next Spike-sandwich? The answers to all these and more in future chapters...

 *Sniff* You're halfway done, but you should still go on to chapter twelve.