Disclaimer: Don't own Spike. Or Spike v.2.0.

Author's Note: More smut for my faithful readers! Enjoy! ~_^

Previously: There's a plot. You don't care about it. The only important thing is that Buffy's in bed with two naked Spikes right now.

Double Spiked
Chapter Nine - Two Times the Fun

Buffy closed her eyes, savoring the feel of the two cool male bodies sandwiching her. One of them gently pushed her onto her back, and soon they were both atop her, kissing and licking her all over.

Her Spike started at her toes, nibbling and licking each one. It tickled, but strangely enough it also sent erotic tingles up her legs and straight to her core. He turned his attentions to her other foot, his hands gliding up and down her smooth, tanned legs as he did so.

The other Spike had begun at her stomach. He studiously licked the outlines of the flat muscles there, causing little goosebumps to form where his tongue left a wet trail. He discovered a still-healing scar from her recent encounter with a Trellix demon and bit at it lightly with blunt teeth. His hands splayed on the mattress on either side of her, effectively trapping her beneath him.

Not that she would have wanted to escape…

Her Spike was now moving up her leg, covering her sensitive inner thigh with small butterfly kisses. However, instead of moving up to the area that cried for his touch the most, he backed off, focusing his attention on the soft skin behind her knee instead.

The Spike above her chose a similar method of torture. He kissed his way right up between her breasts, intentionally leaving the two needy mounds untouched. His lips moved right up her sternum to her collarbone. He gently licked his way up each side, carefully avoiding the fresh bite mark that now graced her right shoulder.

This had to be a coordinated effort to frustrate her, Buffy decided. “Please…” she moaned aloud.

“Something troublin’ you, luv?” her Spike flashed her a wicked grin.

“Would’ve thought this would be the sort of thing a good girl would like,” his companion pretended to be baffled.

“Not a good girl,” Buffy moaned. “Bad girl. Gentle later. Hard and fast now!”

“Bossy chit, isn’t she?” her Spike teased, sliding his body up along side her.

“Think we should give her what she wants?” past Spike asked, mirroring his future’s position on the other side of her.

“Yes!” Buffy insisted.

“No,” her Spike shook his head slightly, “I think it’ll be more fun if we do this our way…”

They flashed each other evil smiles, and both dove for her breasts simultaneously.

Buffy moaned and gasped as one mouth covered each of her breasts, enveloping them in their wet cool. She clutched an identical peroxide head in each hand, holding them to her. They continued to suck and bite at her tender flesh, needing it roughly with their tongues and eliciting small cries from their victim.

Twin erections pressed into each of her thighs as they moved over her to get better purchase on her body. She unconsciously spread her legs wide for them, silently begging that one would soon give in and take her.

However, the two vampires were far too experienced to cave in so quickly. In response to her unspoken demand, they both let up on the intensity of their ministrations, leaving her whimpering with unfulfilled lust.

“Please…” she begged, turning her Spike’s head up to look into her eyes. “Spike, I want you so bad…”

“Tricky,” past Spike commented, noting his companion’s resolve wavering. “Nice try, pet,” he flashed her a wicked leer. “What do you think?” he asked her Spike. “She had enough yet?”

“Hmm…” her Spike murmured thoughtfully, giving her a quick peck on the nose. “I’d better go check.”

“Spike?” she whimpered and then cried out in delight when one of his fingers pierced her moist folds.

“Well?” past Spike cocked an eyebrow at him.

Her Spike closed his eyes as her heat burned his hand. “Think I’d better go in for a closer look…” he said raggedly.

“Looks like you get your wish, Slayer,” past Spike turned back to look at her once his future self had dropped down between her legs.

She opened her eyes to look at him and beckoned him forward with one finger. “Come up here,” she said softly.

He immediately lowered his lips to hers, plundering the sweetness there and roughly forcing his tongue inside of her.

Between her warm thighs, Buffy’s Spike began licking at her tanned skin once again. His fingers toyed with her dark curls, twisting them between his fingers, before his mouth moved to explore deeper within her.

She gasped into past Spike’s mouth when her Spike closed his lips around her clit, sucking it into his mouth. He twisted and teased the sensitive nub of flesh until it was firm and swollen under his caresses.

Buffy clutched past Spike to her more firmly at his companion’s actions. His hand came up to fondle one of her breasts, and she dug her nails into his scalp in response, urging him on. Their tongues fought furiously within her mouth, neither yielding in the slightest, until eventually Buffy was forced to pull back for air.

Past Spike moved his lips to her shoulder while she panted heavily, forcing the oxygen back into her lungs.

“When I said ‘come up here’,” she finally said after she caught her breath, “I meant all the way up…” She gave him a catty smile.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

“C’mon,” she teased, “you said you wouldn’t mind a repeat. So, are you going to take advantage of it or not?”

He let out a deep growl and crawled up her body until his thick cock was right above her face. She gingerly reached out with the tip of her tongue to lick off the drop of precum that escaped the narrow slit at the end of his length. His growl grew louder, sending gentle vibrations through his body and straight into her mouth.

She caught hold of one firm buttock in one hand and slowly eased him between her lips.

“Cor, Buffy!” he cried out, arching his back as his eyes rolled back in his head. He felt as though her mouth were molten magma, searing him alive. But, oh, what a wonderful way to go!

Meanwhile, Buffy’s own eyes clenched shut at the feel of what her Spike was doing to her. He gently kissed his way up and down her slit before repeating the pattern with his tongue. It circled her opening one, two, three times, tantalizing her before he slowly pushed his way through her inner folds to taste the sweet nectar within.

Buffy clamped her thighs around his head, and he lapped at her inner walls, exploring them fully and savoring the flavor and aroma of her salty juices. They tasted like honey to a vampire, almost as wonderful as the delicacy of Slayer’s blood he’d had earlier that evening.

He continued to plunge deeper and deeper within her, moving closer and closer to the one spot that would bring her ultimate pleasure…

Buffy’s tongue moved at the same frantic pace. She took Spike’s hardened member as deep in as she could, her free hand encircling the rest of him and holding his hilt firmly in place. She began to suck up and down, enjoying the feel of him. He was cool and tasted of salt and Spike, and she feel just like she was licking on a Spike-flavored popsicle.

Her lips pulled back to the very tip of his erection, and her teeth teased the foreskin there before her mouth engulfed him once more.

Above her, he growled and purred and whimpered at her ministrations, thrusting himself deeper into her hot, wet mouth. He shut his eyes tight and moaned her name as her tongue swirled around and around and around…

* * *

“C’mon, guys,” Jonathan whined. “These chains hurt my wrists. When are you gonna let us go?”

“Not until Buffy gets here,” Willow said firmly.

“When will that be?” Andrew complained.

“When she’s done with her patrol,” Willow insisted.

“But—” Warren began.

“Toads!” Willow reminded them.

“Sorry,” they all ‘eep’ed in fear.

“Buffy will back when she’s done with her important work,” Willow said with finality.

* * *

Between her legs, her Spike finally struck at her sweetest spot. Buffy cried out in ecstasy as the world collapsed around her. Her lips gave past Spike one final squeeze before the dizziness finally overcame him, and his balls clenched, pouring cold seed deep into her throat.

They fell from their high almost simultaneously, and it took all of Spike’s strength to hold himself up against the headboard instead of collapsing atop her face. With great effort, he managed to roll off of her before falling at her side.

“Mmm…” Buffy moaned contentedly, stretching like a pampered kitten.

“Feeling better now, luv?” her Spike crawled up over her body with supernatural grace.

Wonderful,” she sighed. “So relaxed…”

“Up for a good rough an’ tumble then?” he kissed her forehead.

“Always,” she agreed.

“My insatiable little Slayer,” he whispered fondly, looking deep into her eyes…

And then he was inside her, hard and strong.

Buffy’s eyes widened and she gasped when she was fully stretched once more. Spike’s own eyes were burning with a deep, dark passion.

He stilled himself within her for a moment, letting them both savor the feel of being joined together once more. Then, he slowly began to pump in and out of her, setting a steady pace.

After his first few thrusts, Buffy began moving her hips in time with his, their pelvises grinding together at each meeting. She hooked her ankles behind his back, increasing the force of the coupling and giving him a better angle into her.

Each push drove him deeper and deeper inside her. It wasn’t long before he was completely buried in her heat.

They let out breathy moans in unison every time he pulled out of her, the loss of connection complete agony. Her inner walls squeezed him, trying to hold him captive. But each time he escaped, only to be recaptured instants later.

Buffy began panting desperately as her sweat-slicked body rocked beneath him, keeping time with his ever-increasing thrusts. His own unnecessary breaths joined the music of their lovemaking.

Their pace began to quicken now with new fervor. Buffy clenched her teeth when he pierced her further than ever before, hitting her womb.

His gaze held hers, and she clutched at his hair with sweat-soaked palms, pulling him down for a passionate kiss. Their mouths devoured each other, tasting demanding, needing…loving?

She let her head fall back when the need for oxygen overwhelmed her. Her eyes opened again, and she stared deep into his cerulean depths.

“Cor, Buffy,” he moaned, penetrating her even further with his next thrust. “’ve never been so deep before, so…” His eyes squeezed shut tight as the heat became unbearable.

“I feel it,” she said back breathlessly. “You feel so good, so strong…”

“So beautiful,” he brushed the wet locks of hair back from her forehead. “Want you so much… Even now. Can never get enough…”

“Oh god! Spike!” she screamed when her climax finally struck.

The world around her spun at a dizzying pace, all except for him. He was falling with her, spurting his chilled semen deep into her womb, crying out her name, the same look of complete and utter ecstasy written on his face as well.

“Love you,” he said raggedly, clutching her to him tightly as her inner muscles milked him for everything he had.

“I know,” she whispered softly when she landed from her fall back onto the soft mattress. She wrapped her arms around his back, holding him close and waiting for him to join her.

It was a few minutes before he finally stirred above her.

“Spike?” she said softly, twining his peroxide blond curls between her fingers.

“Yes, luv?” he murmured from where his head had buried itself against her throat.

“You’re never leaving, are you?” she sighed wearily.

“No, I’m not,” he was still exhausted but managed to prop himself up on his elbows anyway to look at her. “Why do you ask?”

“They all left me,” Buffy responded, tracing the line of his solar plexus with her index finger. “Why are you so different?”

“Don’t know,” his brow furrowed. “Just am.”

“I think,” she said slowly, “that maybe you’re the only one stubborn and persistent enough to love me. I know it’s hard…”

“’s not hard at all, Buffy,” he assured her, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. “You’re the easiest person to love in the world.”

“As long as you’ve got a really thick skin,” she smiled slightly.

“An’ ‘ve got the thickest in the world, baby,” a hint of a smile began to play across his lips.

“No wonder I—” she froze in mid-sentence.

“You what, luv?”

“I…put up with you for all these years,” she hastily amended. God! Her mind screamed. I can’t believe I was about to say—! I couldn’t, I wasn’t, I don’t feel…

“’S all right,” he said, slowly pulling out of her. They both whimpered slightly at the loss of connection. “That’ll do for now.”

He rolled to the side and nearly landed on his twin. After cursing under his breath while Buffy attempted to stifle her giggles, he managed to crawl over her supine body and settled on the other side of her.

“Spike?” she repeated.

“Yeah?” he opened one eye to look at her in annoyance.

“Are you done?” she pouted slightly.

“Jus’ give me a moment to rest up, kitten,” he said. “Looks like you’ve worn us both out. Always knew you were ravenous…”

She bit her lower lip sullenly, and then her face brightened. “Hey, other Spike!” she nudged him hard in the side.

“What?” he demanded. “’m busy tryin’ to sleep through all your touchy-feely yappin’ over here.”

“I have an idea,” she said smugly, ignoring his ire.

“Oh, and what’s that, pet?” he turned to look at her curiously.

“It’ll take both of you to work,” she turned back to her Spike.

“You know I’m in,” he lay back beside her and looked up into her face as she sat up.

“What would you two say,” a feline smile graced her face, “to a race?”

“Race?” Twin scarred eyebrows raised in perfect unison.

“You two just lie back,” she pushed both their chests back down, “and get your engines started…”

They flashed her confused looks.

“You’ll catch on in a second,” she assured them. “On your mark… Get set… Go!” And with that she grabbed a limp cock in each hand, rubbing them up and down. The race had begun…

More B/S/S smut for those who review (hint, hint) ... ~_^

 Hey, check out chapter ten...