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Who Is Laughing Star?

(Gee I Don't Know!)

   I'm 28 in 2001.  I live in exile in California with my husband and my son.

                 I've been here over 20 years and still don't and never will say I'm from California.

   Some of my hobbies include studying medicine and languages, writing Poetry and Short Stories (which are in the writing section), and painting

                (Which I haven't done for years.)  

    I like looking at architecture, especially bridges and facades.  Some that I found and enjoy can be found in the photo gallery.

                 I like the mountains, pine trees, rivers and the ocean, boats of different shapes and sizes (as long as I don't have to be on them.) and animals.

                 And I love traveling. 

   I am a Christian, and parasensitive.  Some would say "psychic" but I don't.  And I am a healer.

   Any other questions one might think of I can answer in chat or by email.



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