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Kawasaki 1000 P "CHiPs" motorcycle

Built by Dave Harvey
after a design by Anthony and Christopher Els

Dave's CHiPs bike, 1st image
larger image (340KB)
Dave's CHiPs bike, 2nd image
larger image (284KB)

A while back, Anthony Els delighted the Meccano community with his CAD images of the Kawasaki 1000 P "CHiPs" motorcycle, drawn using the CAD package Pro Desktop. Recently, Dave Harvey did an amazing job of building the CHiPs bike, guided by Anthony and Chris' detailed instructions featured in Chris Bourne's Meccano Model Library. Although it was Dave's original intention to build the model complete with highway patrol features, and he did indeed purchase the necessary parts, before adding them he was so awestruck by the beauty of the model in its unadorned state that he decided to declare it completed. Who wouldn't agree?

Marvelous as the "raw" Kawasaki 1000 P is, the full-fledged CHiPs version is no less interesting, and it so happens that another modeler, Don Blakeborough, built it in this form and exhibited it at the NZFMM convention in Hawera, New Zealand in April 2003. A photo of Don's model can be seen on this page of the convention photo gallery. Don mounted his CHiPs bike on a turntable, a most effective way to display such a model at exhibitions.

For comparison with the models, here's what the CHiPs bike looks like as rendered by Anthony:

Anthony's CHiPs bike, 1st image
larger image (29KB)
Anthony's CHiPs bike, 2nd image
larger image (149KB)

In addition to the feature in The Meccano Library, Anthony also provides information on working with Pro Desktop on his own website.

This webpage was created with the endorsement and support of Dave Harvey and Anthony and Chris Els. Dave kindly provided the photos of his model, and Anthony kindly provided the featured Pro Desktop renderings.

Last updated: 06 June 2003

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