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thetreasureswithin_set ~ Ultimate Designs - Old Masters Series - What Treasures Within ~

The Key in Me

I took all the things important

Hidden deep inside of me...
Locked all the things in boxes
And hid away the key.

I never knew I lost it..
Til I started looking there...
At the boxes I had packed away
Once,with greatest care...

The boxes I had tucked away
Were deep inside of me;
And I never thought to open them,
Would take the key in me.

The key was deeply hidden
In a corner of my heart...
Where light was softly glowing...
Against the fearful dark...

One day I looked in wonder
At the key just lying there...
All I had to do was pick it up
I wondered, would I dare?

My hand began to tremble
As I reached out for the key...
And opened up the boxes
Once locked away by me...

I looked inside the boxes
Once packed away with care...
The love I was afraid of...
Was simply shining there...

I never knew the value
Of the boxes packed that day...
Till I looked inside my heart And saw
The riches tucked away...

The only thing worth having...
Is the part that we set free...
It was locked away in boxes..
The key inside of me...

Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2003

Midi "Soul Song"

Copyright 2003
Bruce DeBoer
Used with permission