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Make a wish that children are never "Left Behind" and touch the rose with your mouse...

Photo M&J Photography, Jolene Lindberg Copyright 2009

A Child Left Behind..

Each day the clock..
Ticks on and on..
Another minute..
Here and gone..
A child is waiting..
One left behind..
No hope..
They seek to find..
Each is precious..
In His sight..
And deserve..
To live and not to fight..
Not one of us asked..
To be this way..
To fight..
Another day..
Each is different..
But still we're the same..
We all have a face..
And each has a name..
Our parents all love us..
And they live on hope..
But tending our needs..
Sometimes they can't cope..
We don't want a handout..
Just a kind helping hand..
Is that too much..
To ask of this land?
We are children..
Of this great state..
Please don't forget us..
Don't help us too late..
Hear me I ask..
And answer my prayer..
A child in need..
Is waiting somewhere..
No one should say..
Out of sight out of mind..
And no child on earth..
Should be left behind..

Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2009

For Sean..
And the other kids in Florida..
All left behind..



The Clock is ticking..for children in Florida..
Each day they are not given help..
Is another day..
Lost forever..

Click on banner to find out what is happening..
Or should I say NOT happening...
In the State of Florida..
Whether you have a disabled child..
Or know one..
Or you are just as appalled as I am..
This will open your eyes..
And touch your heart..




Music "My Madison"
Bruce Deboer Copyright 2009
Used with permission