Sites That Make Money Are...Clear, Direct, Passionate and to the Point! Millions of sites are so clogged up and confusing people leave soon after they get there.
Eliminate all or anything that could confuse your prospect - make what you offer 100% clear! Create unorganized pages, lots of concepts on one page and links to everywhere --- AND YOU WILL LOSE THE SALE!!
Don't take it lightly. I went
from 0 orders to over $1,600 a week immediately just by making my site clear,
simple, quick loading and Packed With Benefits!
Contrary to popular belief most people online Do Not just browse the web. They go looking for something specific, something that will help them achieve whatever they are doing at the time!
When they hit your site you need to be specific as well. Clear and to the point! Your prospect should know exactly what you have, your offer and the incredible benefits they'll recieve within the first two pages of your site! Then you'll make sales!!
The experts have discovered,
but won't tell you, that advertising on the Internet
is NO different than direct mail or direct response magazine ads! In fact, it's
hundred times better! You can get orders instantly, leads instantly and followup
an unlimited number of times without any cost
to you!
Courtesy Of
Mike Puccino
Marketing Warriors
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