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Are You a Subscriber or An Advertiser?
or Both? by Jim Lauraitis
As a publisher of an e-zine, ever wonder how many
subscribers actually read the e-zine and how many are just advertising?
Let us examine these two closely and in more detail.
When you subscribe to an e-zine, is it for the advertising only? Many do, although a small number probably actually read it for its intended purpose. The following is a feedback from a subscriber to an e-zine that paid for a co-op ad.
"Hello. Please understand that I have no complaints re your
ezine. When I placed my ad I was subscribed to a whole slew of ezines, not only yours, and I simply cannot handle the volume of email anymore. You understand that this includes not only ezine issues, but advertising as well - and that's not including other emails that I receive. If I have to wade through a gigantic flood every day, I'll never get anything else done! However, I do plan to resubscribe under a separate email account in the near future".
"Buyer beware" is the old saying. If you are placing a paid ad
in a co-op, then you are subscribing to a multitude of e-zines. So now what do you do? You are shocked to receive 30 plus e-zines in your e-mails? No you should not be. You then unsubscribe to the e-zines, only to find that your ad will not run. Now you are stuck until your ad runs. Then you unsubscribe. A vicious cycle, both for the advertiser and the Publisher. Is there an alternative?
Yes. Why not spend about an hour and go through the e-zines
and look at the content. Yes I said Content. Sort out the e-zines that offer you some good insight to your specific business. Some of these may actually offer FREE ads for subscribers. Others have time-saving articles for online promotion. Others offer solo ads to a great number of subscribers. Others offer site submissions, ad submissions and more. Others offer affiliate programs to help you make some money as well as advertise.
Ask Yourself "Do you want to do business with some site you
pulled up off the web, or e-zine publishers, who know how to market?" If you are a regular subscriber over time you are not a stranger.
If you are going to succeed online, you need a good base of
references. Your E-zines are as good source for marketing tips and promotions. Thus the Subscriber has the benefit of not only advertising, but also of having valuable resources at one's disposal.
The important point is to be consistent in your advertising
efforts, and that means also being a consistent reader of the content of e-zines and all available resources. So take the time to investigate the e-zines in your co-op that you paid an ad for. Publishers like loyal subscribers as well as consistent advertisers. Then choose wisely, but look and learn as well. **************************************************************** Jim Lauraitis is the publisher of Whats New Review for internet marketers, offering time saving tips and resources for your online needs. You may reach him at or subscribe to his newsletter at copyright@2002
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