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Deliver! By Jim Daniels As most BizWeb Gazette subscribers know, I've been a big fan of ezines for quite a while. Not only do I deliver the zine you're reading right now, I also rely on other ezines for a large percentage of my internet profits. This tip will show you some of the "zine marketing" results I've had recently as well as explain how YOU can take advantage of this top-notch marketing method. Newbie fact: For all of you who are new to this arena, the following two paragraphs explain what an "ezine" (short for Electronic magaZine) is: For starters, there are two very distinct types of ezines on the internet. "Web ezines" and "Email ezines". A web zine is strictly web based and is not delivered via email like the one you are reading now. Although a web zine can be nice to look at, the marketing value is not as strong as the second type, an email ezine. An email ezine (also know as an email newsletter) is delivered directly to a list of subscribers. Although not as fancy (usually text only) this type of ezine is an excellent marketing tool since it is delivered via email. Unlike the web-zine, no action is necessary on the recipients part, other than to read it. This makes email newsletters the most subtle and effective form of "push marketing" on the net! Now, on with the "how to's" of ezine marketing.. There are basically three ways to utilize ezines to promote your business online:.1. DELIVER YOUR OWN EZINE.
2. SUBMIT ARTICLES TO EZINES. Anyone can use this same online marketing method. It's simple, you write a short article about your area of expertise and send it to ezine owners who publish related material. As a publisher myself, I'm always happy to receive submissions from authors. Here's an example of how well this works. Over the last few weeks alone, I've seen my articles show up in 30 different ezines. (see below) When you add the circulation size of these publications together, I reached close 100,000 internet marketers, and I do this on a regular basis. That's a lot of FREE exposure! If you're not using this online marketing method already, I suggest you start. Subscribe to these same ezines and submit articles to the editors! Here's a list of the publications and where to sign up...
3. ADVERTISE IN EZINES. Advertising rates are generally determined by the number of subscribers that will see your ad. If you think the rates are high, compare them to traditional advertising rates found in major magazines. I think you’ll agree that ezines offer a much better deal. Does it really work though?... Here are 3 examples of how well it's worked for us:
Have you tried ezine advertising yet? If not, check into these three and the long list of ezines above. You may be shocked to learn the effectiveness of zine advertising! To find additional ezines on any subject
imaginable, visit the following URL's... I visit those two sites every month, in search of targeted ezines where I can advertise! I've got some beauties lined up and I'll be sure to report the results right here in a few weeks. (Including Dr. Ralph Wilson's new advertising section in his "Web Marketing Today." This long-time net marketing zine is sure to deliver lots of action!) Article by JIM DANIELS of JDD Publishing. Jim's site has helped 1000's of regular folks profit online. Check out their FREE "how-to" cybermarketing assistance, software, books, web services & more at No time for the web? Subscribe to their FREE, weekly BizWeb E-Gazette: Til then, happy ezine marketing!
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