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by Michael Puccino

Now that we have the resources to get information on just about

any subject imaginable there seems to be an increasing need for

more information. And ezines and newsletters are the way to

cash in on that market for specialized information.

You can write and produce your own ezine or newsletter from

home with a low overhead and potential for high returns.

Use Tony Buzan's Mind Mapping Techniques

to generate and organize your ideas.

Even a thousand subscribers will bring in huge earnings. A

thousand you say! Yes a thousand subscribers is a modest and

very attainable goal provided you give your readers what they


There are no tried and true methods of making an ezine

successful, but if you investigate the market thoroughly, and

are cautious in your moves, you can make a sound income year

after year.

I personally don't charge for my newsletter and still make a

good living with it just by having it bring visitors to my


You don't have to be a famous business consultant or an insider

on the stock market to produce an ezine. There are many that

cater to all types of sports, crafts, health, housing or money

making. mmm money :)

The most important aspect of creating a successful newsletter

is the market. What's hot and what's not. What are people doing

today and what people have been doing for the last 200 years.

So you see you can find something to interest somebody! There

are some sound methods of testing the market so you can be sure

to come out ahead and establish yourself in the field.

If you have a special interest that has a broad following, you

might find that your ezine will be readily accepted.

What interests or hobbies have you been involved with? What do

you know about or what would you like to know about. Write an

ezine chronicling how you learned to oh I don't know... write

an ezine :)

If you follow the steps and carefully consider your market,

there is no reason why you can't get into the ezine business


And you can MAKE IT WORK.

The specialized information in an ezine is current, and usually

cannot be found elsewhere or at least not easily.

Ezines are a logical online extension to print publications

like trade journals and hobby magazines. Aimed at a select

group, they often contain the inside information in the field,

hot tips or news scoops that become old news in publications of

the trade.

As a matter of fact a large majority of ezines are just that a

list of tips and tricks that computer users find interesting or


You can write a weekly ezine by just jotting down all the good

stuff you found surfing the web looking for what ever it is you

like to look for!


Saving people time is a big business and that's exactly what

you will be doing. By doing research on something that you are

interested in and then writing down what you found in a weekly

ezine I guarantee you will find thousands of people who will be

happy to sign up!

There are thousands of ezines now being published and

distributed on the internet. But there is room for thousands


You can start an ezine by yourself; you don't need a large

staff. A desk at home, a computer with a word processing

program and an internet connection are all the basic tools you

need to create your ezine.

So get to it and good luck.


Michael Puccino edits and publishes the weekly ezine


and runs a webmaster resource site of the same name with free access

to over 100 ebooks at:

Michael Puccino edits and publishes the weekly ezine STEAL THIS SITE 
And runs a webmaster resource site of the same name with free access to over 100 ebooks at:

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