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Vixxen's Page


If my big brother gets to have a page with pictures, I have to have one too. I have to have whatever Muggsey has, even if I don't really want it. But I have to have it I tell you, I just have to have it!


When I was smaller I loved to chew on people's hands. They taste so good, but cookies taste even better.



I am a very happy puppy. I am so happy that I came to live with my Mommy and Daddy. They play with me all of the time. They also say I am "very active". I hope that's a good thing.



I love my big brother lots. We have so much fun when we play. Sometimes I even try to get papers and stuff to rip up and spread all over the house. That way Mommy won't be bored when she comes home from work. After all of that playing around and ripping stuff up, I like to take a nice cozy nap on Muggsey's futon with a pillow.


I hope you liked looking at my pictures and hearing my stories. Please check back soon. I am sure Mommy will be putting up some more pictures of me soon. She says I'm a ham. Not sure what that means though.

Love, Vixxen