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Godzilla Reborn (Part II)


A familiar form swam underneath the waves, deeper into the depths.  Its movements smooth, it course sure.

“Good, make sure you never loose site of it.”  The man spoke as he sat.  The man recognizable to a few, and know by less.  Old, gray-haired and slow moving he relied on the people around him for support, including the closest, Jason.  Jason had control of the seven small crafts that resembled submarines that followed the mammoth creature in its journey.

“Is there anything else you want to me check while we still have time?”  Jason turned to face the man and waited for a response.

“No, just do what you think needs to be done at the moment.”

It had been just over eight months since the defeat of the Mech’s.  The team responsible was divided into other areas as the next form of attack was planned.  Upon recovery of the little that was left of the Mech’s some of Godzilla’s tissue and blood was found.  Further analysis showed that the tissue was before Godzilla had been drained of his radiation and that it could be revived if it were to be exposed again.  With careful treatment and growth over a period of six months they had successfully cloned Godzilla.

“Jason, don’t let the last battle weigh on your mind, it was only a battle the war is not over yet, remember that.”  The man coughed into a handkerchief and waved Jason off when he began to stand.

“I’ll be fine.”

Jason sat again and turned to the controls, he wondered if any of the battles could win the war against Godzilla.

The clone was not an exact replica because the samples had been pre-Godzilla’s “rebirth” it relied on radiation to survive.  They thought that it would pose a problem but none occurred during testing or maturing process.  The clone that he had dubbed BioGodzilla had implanted in the base of its brain, a small device that would allow for some control over the creature.  It would send a small current to the brain that would trigger certain reactions.  The man wanted it to ensure that the creature would never make a wrong move or not attack when an opening presented itself.

BioGodzilla swan deeper into the ocean following an instinct that Godzilla was close, they were the same once and a connection had remained.  Jason wondered if Godzilla could feel BioGodzilla and if they would even fight each other at all.  BioGodzilla was born from Godzilla; they share the same instincts and feelings, would they find each other a threat or an ally?

Jason moved the camera-subs farther from BioGodzilla and positioned a few behind him.  The man wanted to be able to view everything as it happened and Jason was in charge.  Thinking the best move was to attack Godzilla as he lay on the ocean floor, he sent BioGodzilla after him.  It had worked last time with the Mech’s although he lured him on land, this time however the fight would stay under-water.

BioGodzilla could feel that Godzilla was very close so he dipped swimming faster.  Jason saw that BioGodzilla was pulling away from the camera’s, trying to compensate he increased their speed.  Godzilla lay sleeping where he had been for the past few months, he had a strange feeling inside him, one of a familiar sense, he began to awaken.

BioGodzilla passed closely over a large outcropping, his legs brushed against them knocking some rocks free.  Godzilla was directly below, his eyes opened when he heard the rocks move.  BioGodzilla curved his body as he turned to face Godzilla who was raising his head.  Godzilla looked at the creature before him, twisting its body around to confront him.  Pushing up from the ocean floor Godzilla blinking and tilted his head as the creature lowered itself in front of him.  Godzilla raised his head to let out a roar just as BioGodzilla followed.  The two monsters roars matched, Jason couldn’t believe what he was seeing let alone hearing.  The man behind him could only stare, his hands tightly closed on his lap.

Godzilla lowered his head with a growl and looked BioGodzilla over.  BioGodzilla hunched his body and curled his upper lip, a low growl rolled out.  Godzilla could feel that this other creature was close to him somehow but it was also and enemy, it had a hatred for him.  BioGodzilla was the first to move, his hunched body extended toward Godzilla as he rammed his body into him.  Godzilla was pushed back against the rocks, the spines along his back crashing and piercing against it.  BioGodzilla dug his claws into Godzilla’s hide, he tried to get his mouth around his shoulder but Godzilla forced him back.  Godzilla pushed BioGodzilla away from him ripping the sunken claws away.

“Good, just as I had predicted.”  Jason didn’t respond, he just adjusted the views around the battle and made sure none of them were in harms way.

Godzilla turned whipping his tail around striking BioGodzilla across the face knocking him to his side.  BioGodzilla pushed up from the ocean floor as Godzilla turned back toward him.  Godzilla’s spines filled with energy, his throat expanded as it flowed up toward his mouth.

“Make sure he uses his Jason!”  The man called out rapidly.  Jason nodded as he sent out the command to BioGodzilla.

BioGodzilla felt a small tingle in the base of his neck as his spines began to glow.

“Good, I’m glad we didn’t have the problems that we last had.”

Godzilla opened his mouth as the energy rushed forward; he fought with the force keeping his head straight.  The radioactive breathe burst from BioGodzilla’s mouth in time to meet Godzilla’s.

“Now we shall see which is stronger.”  The man stood as he spoke squinting at the screens.

The two clashed, neither pushing farther then when they met.  Both monsters didn’t let up, but the clash ended when two reacted and exploded.  Neither Godzilla continued with his attack after.

“What happened?”

“I’m not sure, its possible that they reacted somehow, the radiation and Godzilla’s energy.”  Jason wondered what Godzilla’s energy was comprised of that it would cause an explosive reaction when met with radiation.

BioGodzilla stared as did Godzilla, the both never blinking as they sized each other up.  Godzilla growled and flexed his claws and his tail slide back and forth.  BioGodzilla hurled forward trying to bite at Godzilla but he moved back and pushed into his side.  Godzilla turned his body as BioGodzilla fell and began to raise his right leg.  BioGodzilla hit the ocean floor hard, as he tried to roll to his chest to push himself up Godzilla brought down his foot.

Godzilla’s toe-claws ripped into BioGodzilla tearing his side, blood contaminated the water.  BioGodzilla grabbed at Godzilla’s foot in retaliation for the pain, he gripped it and rolled his body.  Godzilla lost his balance having one of his feet pulled from under him.  Falling backward Godzilla let out a roar, bubbles rising from his mouth.  BioGodzilla pushed himself up and raised his head in defiance, Godzilla had caused him pain and he would return it.

“Interesting, it seems that every time either one wounds the other they take it to heart and enact revenge immediately.  They have a hatred for each other even though they’ve had no real past.”

Jason could hear the talking behind him but he figured that because they’re both the same creature an odd reaction has occurred, what he did not know.

Godzilla uprightly himself as BioGodzilla crashed into him sending him down again.  BioGodzilla clawed at Godzilla digging, ripping and tearing as much as he could.  Godzilla howled out in pain as he was crushed against the ocean floor and tore into.  BioGodzilla’s spines began to glow; Godzilla could feel it but was helpless to react in time.  BioGodzilla moved off Godzilla just as his radiation filled attack splashed against him.  Godzilla tried to get up but the burning was intense, when the attack finished Godzilla quickly jerked his head and energy raced from his mouth.

He must have been charging that attack while BioGodzilla was attacking, Jason thought to himself.

BioGodzilla took the blast just under his neck, it pushed him back giving Godzilla time to get to his feet.  As Godzilla got up it revealed that the wounds of the attack had not yet healed.

“That’s the reaction, the same sort of reaction with the energy, it seems that his skin had a negative reaction also.”  The man seemed pleased as he spoke he nodded as he finished.

BioGodzilla’s half bent body turned to face Godzilla, he growled and showed his teeth.  Godzilla still could feel the burning, but it didn’t distract him.  He lowered his body to match the posture of BioGodzilla but neither would move closer to the other.  Both stared unblinking, they had only one thought when it came to each other, foe.

“They are they’re own worst enemy, they hate each other for reasons unknown but they’ll fight to death because of it.”  The man cough and turned in his chair upon finishing.  Jason turned for a moment but returned to the consoles.

BioGodzilla grew tired of the stand off, he began to strafe to his side slowly.  Godzilla hinted on the movement even before BioGodzilla took the first full step, he rushed forward.  Both Godzilla’s collided, each letting out an anger filled roar.  Bubbles rose to the surface in mass.  Godzilla took his opportunity to bite when BioGodzilla began to fall.  Forcing his teeth deep Godzilla bit as hard as he could.  BioGodzilla’s head wrenched back with pain but his claws lunged with revenge.  One of the claws caught Godzilla just above his left eye penetrating.

“Amazing.”  Jason couldn’t find the words to describe what he felt or saw.

Godzilla released his toothy grip from BioGodzilla when his claw tore free from him.  BioGodzilla retreated immediately as his spines began to glow.  Godzilla lifted his head, one eye held shut with blood flowing over it, the wound sealing.  BioGodzilla released the breathe from within, Godzilla tried to avoid it but it had already struck him in his chest.

BioGodzilla fought to keep the power pouring from his mouth straight as Godzilla was being pushed back.  Godzilla wrestled with the power that forced him while trying to keep his balance.  BioGodzilla struggled now to keep the breath flowing, but it was too much and he had to cease.  Godzilla had been building up a retaliatory attack all the while.

Jason watched what he thought would be the end of BioGodzilla, he had been weakened and there would be no way he could defend against the attack but what about Godzilla?

Godzilla let loose the power he held in his chest, the energy caused his neck to expand as it passed through.  BioGodzilla tried to gather another attack but Godzilla’s was upon him.  It smashed into him causing imbalance in his stance, he began to fall.  As BioGodzilla fell the energy burned him, it slid over his body as Godzilla moved to keep it on him.  Godzilla lowered his head to move his energy toward BioGodzilla’s neck and head.  BioGodzilla could feel the energy sear his hide as it slowly crept toward his head.  The last of the energy left Godzilla’s mouth as he raised his head.

“So he has a limit then too it seems they both have wasted their ranged resources, at least for awhile.”  The man sat up from the slump he had been in watching the battle.

BioGodzilla took a few seconds to recover before pushing himself up and roaring.  Godzilla’s upper lip curled and a low growl emerged.  They locked onto each other, they both were hurt but neither was ready to give in.

Jason watched the monitor closely paying less and less attention to the read out of BioGodzilla.

“Its amazing, simply amazing, I don’t think this battle will end anytime soon.” Jason thought to himself.

The wounds on BioGodzilla’s hide where the energy had burned and scared were beginning to heal.  Godzilla’s wounds on the other hand at least on the surface seemed to take longer than usual.  Godzilla let out a short grunt before he took a few quick steps forward and rotated his body to strike at BioGodzilla with his tail.  BioGodzilla moved back slightly to avoid the attack while trying to reach out for the tail.  BioGodzilla’s claws scrapped along Godzilla’s tail as it passed from his grasp.

Godzilla spun intently as his tail came back around, he hadn’t the chance to prepare his balance for an attack when he back to move forward.  BioGodzilla wasn’t expecting such a frontal attack so fast from the last and was taken down by Godzilla rush.  The two titans of the earth fell hard BioGodzilla taking the force from the both of them.  Godzilla expelled a short roar before he dug his teeth into BioGodzilla.  BioGodzilla winced trying to pull away but with no room which to move he had little choice.  Frantically tearing and ripping at anything his mighty claws touched he tried to release Godzilla’s painful riveted bite.

“Interesting, Godzilla went for close combat seeing how any form of ranged is useless.”  The man coughed and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket.

Jason was thinking to himself while he watched the fight continue.  He never thought it was a good idea for him to watch the action as he always got to excited and it wasn’t good for his health.

Godzilla ignored the pain that BioGodzilla tried to direct to him so that he might release the grip his jaw had on him.  Godzilla’s intent on massive injury to BioGodzilla had him clenching his jaw so tightly that his teeth nearly came together.

BioGodzilla roared and tried helplessly to move Godzilla’s massive body from his, but with every movement the pain only became worse.  Godzilla content with the depth of his bite began to shake his head back and forth while pulling backward.

“I don’t believe it.  Its like he’s gone berserk, he’s attacking with pure adrenaline.  Am I right Jason?”

 Jason nodded even though he wondered himself.  Godzilla was an animal if he even fit under that definition but this was different even for him.  Jason felt that they both brought out the worst in each other.

Biogodzilla’s hide was tough but the force at which Godzilla pulled seemed to be too much for it.  Blood was oozing from the many wounds making the water cloudy around Godzilla’s eyes.  BioGodzilla’s pain was intense but it began to subside as his body tried to recover.

“The levels of adrenaline must be amazing.”

“That’s true Jason, I only wish we knew.”

Godzilla gave a quick jerk of his head with a powerful pull back that left Biogodzilla’s hide with a large wound that gushed with blood.  BioGodzilla’s eyes went wide as a roar that took every bit of air from his lungs.  Godzilla began to stand and already the wound had stopped bleeding, but in Godzilla’s mouth the radiated blood and flesh started to burn his tongue and gums to the point where he felt it.

With a grunt Godzilla opened his mouth and the large chuck on flesh drifted out.  BioGodzilla’s mouth was already full of a blast that Godzilla had failed to notice because of the short interruption.  The stream of power struck Godzilla in his neck pushing him back with little to stop him, his feet came out from under him as he fell backward. Godzilla’s latest fall added more debris to the water making it even harder to see.

“Jason quickly move around so that I can see will you.”

Jason was already ahead trying to find a clearer area.  It seemed that there was no area currently not clouded.  A roar was heard followed by another; BioGodzilla stood his wound nearly fully healed.  Godzilla was almost to his feet but already his spines were glowing, as he stood he turned and opened his mouth.  BioGodzilla saw his enemies attack and dodged it but tilting to the left.

“I don’t belive it, he dodged it.”  The old man was awe struck; he never thought anything could dodge Godzilla’s blast.  Godzilla didn’t seem to care having started moving forward his speed faster then usual.  BioGodzilla didn’t miss a step either, only seconds after the successfully dodged the blast did he begin to move.  The two behemoths meet hard, their bodies clashed, their claws tore, their teeth bit.  For every wound there were two returned.  Soon both Godzilla’s slowed and backed away, both had numerous wounds many of which had healed but some that hadn’t.  They eyed each other and grunted flexing their fingers and arms snapping their jaws, it was a stand off each waiting for the other to attack first.

“Send him in, give him the signal to have him attack now!”  The old man didn’t like this pause he felt it was only giving Godzilla time to heal and prepare.

BioGodzilla felt the sudden urge to charge forward but he couldn’t fight it, it was just too tempting.  Godzilla caught BioGodzilla’s sudden movement and moved as well.  Before the two met though Godzilla stopped and spun bringing his tail around to crash into BioGodzilla’s head.  The force knocked him off his feet sending him down hard.  Godzilla brought his tail back and walked over to BioGodzilla.

As BioGodzilla tried to get to his feet he saw Godzilla open his mouth and blue energy poured out onto his unprotected face.  BioGodzilla groaned and roared as his skin melted and burned and his eye swelled shut.  The energy halted as Godzilla bent down and scratched at the wounded face.  BioGodzilla bit at Godzilla’s hand as he maneuvered his feet and arms under him.  He finally bit down on Godzilla’s hand and used it as leverage to get back up.  Godzilla tried to pull his hand free as BioGodzilla’s spines began to pulse and glow.

“I don’t belive Jason do you actually think he can destroy his hand?”  The old man pushed up from his chair trying to stand but his legs couldn’t hold him.

“Please stay seated, you can see fine from there and I’m not sure.”  Jason waited till the man sat again before he turned back around.

Every time Godzilla tried to pull his hand free BioGodzilla’s teeth dug deeper and tore the wounds wider.  The radiated energy of BioGodzilla burst forth engulfing Godzilla’s hand, his head jerked up and a pain filled roar erupted with bubbles toward the surface.  When the blast ceased blood mixed with water around Godzilla’s hand.  Godzilla took a few steps backward as BioGodzilla shook his head and roared.  Godzilla’s hand or what was left of it was mostly bone, there was hardly any skin left and some of the claws even were missing.

“Its, his hand, I don’t think we’ve even seen Godzilla take an injury so intense before.” Jason said as he stared at the screen trying to zoom in for a closer look.  Godzilla grunted as he lifted his arm and looked at his devastated hand.  Growling he raised his head curled his lips and narrowed his eyes at BioGodzilla.  BioGodzilla returned the growl as he shook his whole body and hunched down preparing for a full on charge.  Godzilla’s hand was already starting to recover although much more slowly then usual, the skin was starting to cover bone from the wrist out toward the tips of his claws.

“Attack, attack now damn it before his hand can fully heal!”  The old man screamed as he pounded the chair.

BioGodzilla felt that strong urge again and even though he was prepared for an attack he instead started one.  Godzilla’s mouth filled with energy as BioGodzilla came at him.  Godzilla’s energy flew at BioGodzilla who tried to duck just as he had expected.  Godzilla forced his attack down his neck strained and he nearly lost control over the blast but it arced down and streaked across BioGodzilla’s back where he ducked to avoid it.  BioGodzilla tried to get lower but it was useless as Godzilla adjusted to his movements.  Godzilla rushed forward before BioGodzilla could stand erect.  BioGodzilla’s face still hadn’t fully recovered; the wounded eye was still closed to the advantage of Godzilla.

The titans collided neither wanting to fall both of their feet moving as fast as they could to stay upright.  Godzilla only had one hand at his disposable but BioGodzilla couldn’t see well on that side.  BioGodzilla grabbed at Godzilla’s wounded hand trying to cause more pain to overthrow his mighty adversary.  Godzilla was able to get his hand over the closed eye of BioGodzilla just as he was able to grab his hand.  Both monsters roared in pain as they tried to hold onto the source of their enemy’s weakness.  Godzilla was able to pierce BioGodzilla’s eyelid with one claw damaging the eye within.  BioGodzilla cried out in pain but he didn’t release his grip it only tightened.  Both enormous beasts stopped, their holds not loosening but neither tightening.

“What happened? Why did they stop?”  The old man coughed as he once again tried to stand.

“Damn it grandfather what did I say about getting excited!”  Jason yelled as he turned and stood pulling the headset from his head.

“How dare you yell at me? You wouldn’t have this job nor would you have his opportunity if it weren’t for me.”  The old man finally stood his legs shaking slightly he still had one had on the chair for balance.

“Its not good for your health.”  Jason said quieter almost apologetically.

“Please sit down.”  Jason said as he approached his grandfather.  The old man nodded but didn’t say another word as he sat.

Jason stopped when he did and returned to his own seat replacing his headset.

“I don’t know why they stopped, perhaps the pain is so intense that they want to release each other.”

BioGodzilla didn’t dare move, his eye throbbing.  Godzilla blinked he wanted to push his claw deeper into the wound but his own hand would feel the same.  BioGodzilla made the first move he twisted his grip sending an extreme amount of pain to Godzilla.  The return wasn’t a plunge of his claw deeper into his eye but rather his spines back to glow.  BioGodzilla pulled and twisted Godzilla’s hand trying to get him to release his face and eye but it seemed that he was only using the pain to fuel his attack.  Godzilla’s spines glowed brightly and his neck started to fill and expanded with a blue hue but he still waited.

BioGodzilla couldn’t see very well with only one good eye but he could see the glow.  In a desperate attempt he pushed Godzilla’s hand toward him while trying to pull his head free.  Godzilla’s spines only glowed brighter and his neck looked as if it would soon explode.

Jason and his grandfather were both silent as they stared without any words to describe what or was happening.  Finally Godzilla opened his mouth and let the energy free, his jaw opened to its fullest but even that it seemed it wasn’t enough.  The energy came fast and hard at BioGodzilla hitting him first in the face then the neck then the chest as he was pushed from Godzilla.  The energy almost had no end as BioGodzilla was hurled backward before he fell into a ravine and Godzilla’s blast could hit him no more.  The energy tore into the earth past the ravine as the last of it left Godzilla’s mouth. His neck returned to its normal size as he roared.

   BioGodzilla was no where to be seen, none of the camera subs were near the ravine and more then a few were already headed that way.  Godzilla pulled his wounded hand close to his body and held it there.  With a roar he pumped his body upward as energy left his body on all sides.

“That’s it, that’s what I always wondered if he could do and now I’ve seen it although its not the same, its not radiation.” The old man muttered as he scratched his eyebrow.  It was his theory that Godzilla could release the radiation within his body three hundred and sixty degrees.

The energy surrounded Godzilla and it seemed to Jason that his healing had increased.  He zoomed in on the wounded hand to find that most of it had skin on it and even though it was still far from being fully healed it was much better then just before.

“Strange,” was all Jason could say as he watched.

Godzilla moved his hand back from his body to his side and roared again before starting off for the ravine.  The subs finally reached the ravine but the darkness was too thick to see the bottom.

“It could go for miles, do you want me to send one down?”  Jason said taking the controls of one sub waiting for confirmation.

“No, just wait.”  The man furrowed his brow and wondered if his perfect clone was alive.

As Godzilla neared the edge of the ravine he leaned over and looked into the depth.  He growled as a light appeared deep within, Godzilla moved his head just as BioGodzilla’s assaulting blast flew past.  Deep within the ravine BioGodzilla was stalling for time so that his eye could heal, it was open now but his vision was slightly blurred.  Pushing off the seabed BioGodzilla swam with all his speed upward toward his revenge.  Godzilla backed up few steps waiting for his adversary which he knew was coming.  BioGodzilla swam near the lip of the ravine where he reached out and grabbed it.  They both stared at each other before BioGodzilla pulled himself up.

The man breathed a sign of relief when he saw that his pet was safe and fully healed.  Jason wasn’t sure what was going to come of this, the battle already would have killed any normal creature but with both healing the wounds they’re dealt the battle could last forever.

The stand off had lasted a few seconds but neither of the monsters even blinked.  BioGodzilla’s eye was fully healed at that point but Godzilla’s hand wasn’t.  The hand was covered with skin now but it was still thin and weak, Godzilla flexed it stretching the newly formed muscle.

“Jason give BioGodzilla a little nudge.”  The man’s tone was much lighter then before, Jason wasn’t sure if it was because of what he said or if he had simply calmed down. BioGodzilla once again felt that urge but he ignored it.

“Did you do it yet?” The man sounded more then a little annoyed.

“Yes I did I don’t know why he didn’t react.”

“Do it again then, and again till he does react.”

BioGodzilla felt the urge growing, he ignored it but it was getting very annoying.  He roared and shook his head breaking the stare between him and Godzilla.  Godzilla tilted his head and blinked but didn’t attack.

“I think he’s ignoring it.”  Jason said without any doubt.

“I don’t belive it, you see now why I don’t like using Biological attacks. I don’t like using anything that can’t be controlled one-hundred-percent.”  The man coughed and wiped his lip before he shook his head and wondered if it wasn’t to earlier for his third strike.

BioGodzilla felt the urge fade and once again was settled resuming the stare with Godzilla.  Godzilla wasn’t staring back however but rather at his own hand, which was now fully healed, he roared.  BioGodzilla sensing a possible attack from Godzilla decided to go on the offense.  BioGodzilla began the attack rushing forward, Godzilla charged ahead a moment later.  They met with a crash as their heads twisted and clashed their claws tearing.  Godzilla hurled his body forward into BioGodzilla pushing him back giving Godzilla an opening to bite his neck.  BioGodzilla grunted as teeth pierced the hide of his neck, using his tail he was able to stop the backward motion and steady himself for a counter.

BioGodzilla made a risky attack, using his tail again he lifted his legs and kicked forward both dragging his large claws across Godzilla body and pushing his away.

Godzilla’s bit came loose as he was thrown back from the kick, the teeth left a few large tears in BioGodzilla’s neck.  Godzilla stopped as his spines began to glow, BioGodzilla had landed on his feet and he too was gathering his attack.

Jason just noticed the damage on BioGodzilla’s neck and wondered if that somehow would affect the oncoming blast.  Godzilla released his energy straight for BioGodzilla as he unleashed his own.  As BioGodzilla’s neck stretched to allow the awesome flow of power many of the wounds that were still healing began to split again and tear even larger.  BioGodzilla felt the discomfort but didn’t cease his attack.  Godzilla didn’t let up on his attack as he noticed that the force that his energy met was slipping.  BioGodzilla could feel the pain in his neck; some of the wounds were close enough to his throat that the attack could even rip through.  BioGodzilla slipped, he felt his neck nearly tear open and as a result Godzilla’s energy neutralized his own leaving him open for the attack.  The energy surged over BioGodzilla’s face and even entered his mouth.

 “NO!” The man yelled standing nearly falling before he grabbed the chair.  Jason half turned but he couldn’t take his eyes from the monitor.  Godzilla’s attack seemed to last forever, as the energy disappeared BioGodzilla’s face was not visible with the cloud of blood surrounding it, he fell to his side.

“No.”  The man said softer as he sat his head low.  Jason wasn’t sure what to say the readings were positive saying BioGodzilla was still alive but the accuracy wasn’t sure.

Godzilla roared moving his head from side to side before looking at his fallen enemy.  There was no movement from BioGodzilla, his neck still had a few wounds, the skin on his face looked raw even showing bone in some places and his eyes were closed.  The wounds were still healing although Jason wasn’t sure what that meant.  The cell could be self-surviving but that mean much for the overall being.  Godzilla slowly approached all the while his eyes were on BioGodzilla’s face.  Godzilla stopped before the fallen clone leaning down he grunted.

“What’s going on, what is he doing?” The man asked as if Jason had an answer.

“I can’t say, I mean maybe he’s sorry that he killed it?”

“It? It Jason has a name.  I think my creation deserves more respect from you then that.”  The man took offense to the remake but didn’t expect much in the ways of apology.  Jason didn’t care to respond either he was too busy with the many cameras.

“I wonder, I wonder why that time when their power met it didn’t react?” The man tapped his chin as he thought it over.  Jason had an idea but he didn’t voice it, it seemed to him that Godzilla might have more control over his energy then they think perhaps this time he let more out then before and was able to overpower BioGodzilla’s in resulting in no reaction.

BioGodzilla moved, his arm twitched but his eyes remained closed.  Godzilla raised his head and waited.  BioGodzilla’s face and neck no longer had any open wounds most had healed completely.  As Godzilla blinked and tilted his head BioGodzilla’s eyes opened and he began to get to his feet.  Godzilla backed up a few steps his tail moving back and forth.  BioGodzilla stood and shook his head before he looked at Godzilla and growled, he returned the growl with one of his own.

“What’s going on? Why aren’t they attacking?” The man was getting impatient; he wanted his creation to crush Godzilla while he still had a chance.

A few more seconds passed in silence as both Godzilla’s stared at each other perhaps somehow communicating.  In unison they raised their heads and roared, it was a sound to behold.  When they made eye contact again it was a signal, BioGodzilla came forward as Godzilla hunched down ready for an attack.  Godzilla moved one of his feet before the other as BioGodzilla closed in.  As their bodies clashed Godzilla was able to hold his ground but BioGodzilla kept up the attacks.

“I...I don’t belive what I’m seeing.” Jason sat back in his chair.

“What, I don’t see anything odd what do you see?”

“Nothing odd?”  Turing his chair Jason faced his grandfather.

“Odd? They aren’t fighting to kill anymore cant you see that? I mean look.” Jason threw back an arm toward the monitors.

“Before they were attacking to kill now their attacking for fun or just to spare I think.”

“Jason please I doubt that very much, please continue to do you job now would you?” Jason’s grandfather waved him off and threw the silly opinion out of his thoughts.

Godzilla and BioGodzilla tried as hard as they could to throw the other to the ground.  Godzilla’s spines started to glow but his neck didn’t begin to expand, as before he released his energy through his body.  BioGodzilla noticed the glowing spines and as he felt the energy burn and push him away his neck started to stretch.  The energy from Godzilla pushed BioGodzilla enough so that Godzilla could knock him off to his left but BioGodzilla unleashed his attack hitting Godzilla above his left arm knocking him off his feet.

“The angle was just right, I don’t believe it...hahaha.” Jason lowered his head once he realized he spoke aloud.  Both Godzilla’s crashed into the ground, Godzilla had a burn over his left arm from BioGodzilla’s attack and he had already healing wounds from Godzilla’s out thrown energy.  They both starting getting to their feet but BioGodzilla rushed and pushed Godzilla over again as he stood.  Standing above him he charged his radiated blast again as Godzilla’s spines began to glow.

“At that angle Godzilla should have the disadvantage.”  Jason thought to himself but after seeing this battle anything was possible.  The two energies collided and true enough BioGodzilla did have some advantage but Godzilla didn’t let that stop him from unleashing all his had.  The two energies traded back and forth before something odd happened, they moved.  From the view it was hard to say if one of them moved or if they energy somehow adjusted but the two blasted streamed parallel each other.  Godzilla was pushed into the earth from the blast for only a moment before BioGodzilla’s aim was thrown off from the energy striking him.

Godzilla grunted and moved to his feet and hands, turning he swung his tail around knocking the balance from BioGodzilla, as he fell Godzilla stood and roared.  BioGodzilla immediately tried to get his feet while Godzilla watched intently.  Once BioGodzilla was up it was Godzilla’s turn to launch a head on attack.  BioGodzilla was ready when Godzilla clawed his neck and bit at his shoulder.  He returned with a crashing head attack that left both of them stunned for a moment.  BioGodzilla’s spines began to glow and Godzilla stood and took notice, he could have released the attack at that moment but didn’t.  Godzilla grunted as his spines started to glow, their necks enlarge almost simultaneously as their spines began to glow even brighter.

 “What kind of reaction could an energy attack at such close range do?”

“The answer in simple, you do remember what happened to Godzilla hand in that close range don’t you.”  Jason titled his head for his grandfather’s response but none came.  He too was very interested in the outcome of this latest development but even he wasn’t sure whom if either would come out on top.

Godzilla’s neck filled with energy as he opened his mouth, BioGodzilla felt the radiated blast climb his throat toward his open mouth.  The two blasts didn’t have much distance before their collision, both Godzilla’s had trouble keeping their blasts under control both of their heads were shaking slightly.  Just as it seemed they would loose control of their blast because of the close proximity their feet started to slip.  Their claws dug into the ocean floor but they still moved backward.

“The force of those blasts must be amazing if they are moving each other backward.”  The man could hardly believe his eyes as his greatest fear came true. His clone was Godzilla and in being so he cannot kill Godzilla.  Be it power, strength, or even kinship they will forever be equal.

“Jason, I doubt this battle will ever end so I will be leaving once I see the conclusion of this skirmish.”  The man came forward in his chair leaning closer to the monitors even though he was more then ten feet from them.

Both Godzilla and BioGodzilla had moved from their original position and they were starting to feel the affects of such a drawn out assault.  When it seemed that it could go either way the blasts ceased and their spines returned to normal.  Both Godzilla’s roared but BioGodzilla turned and started to swim away.  Godzilla roared again and watched as BioGodzilla faded into the darkness.  Turning he grunted as he headed back in the other direction.  Jason had three cameras following BioGodzilla but he wasn’t sure where he was going.

“Let him go Jason, bring the cameras back. We have failed again.” The man slouched and took a deep breath.

“But I don’t see how we can let a monster that we created go free...”

“No, he isn’t free we can still track him and I doubt he will be going far, he doesn’t want to leave his brother.”

“Brother? I don’t think they feel they are brothers.” Jason sent the command to turn over the subs to autopilot and return.

“Jason, you’ve always wanted to know about that third project and the areas of his oil rig that I don’t let you access or ever see.  Well today you get that access.”

“Why?” Jason liked that idea but he didn’t like where it was going.

“I don’t think I’ll be around long enough to see my third and grandest project kill Godzilla so I want you to take it from here. I’ll give you all the access codes and passwords and you’ll have access to all the files from its early days till now.”

“But grandfather...” Jason stood and walked over to his grandfather starting to stand.

“No Jason you make sure everything gets logged as usual, a lot of that data is important to the third project.”  The man began walking toward the door.  Jason didn’t have much of a reply to that.  He walked back and looked at the monitors, only water, blue water.  He shook his head and tried to laugh but nothing came. Not only did his grandfather’s clone not kill Godzilla but it too was free to roam the Earth now.

Deep below the surface in two different locations, roars erupted from the darkness.