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I Wish.......

I wish I had a bunny
You might think it's quite funny!
But here in Sunny Queensland
They have for us  been  banned!
So I'll just have to learn
My attention now to turn
To things that I'm allowed to have
And for Bunnies, well, I'll just have to yearn!
But Then.......
I've  had a little think about things
And found I have treasures, more then kings
For I have a real live bunny after all
Who has me at his beck and call!

Inner Janina ~ 2002


Hello Nanna!:)




Scripts by Dynamic Drive
Original Artist of Bunny unknown
Rabbit tube (c) to Author
Face in bunny suit is my beautiful grandson at 6months 
re-vamped  23rd November 2004
Page by Janina