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Troy gathered up his snorkel and flippers and headed for his secret cove.  He had a feeling that today he might just find the mysterious being that was leaving clues behind.  Who could it be?........none of the other Teddies went snorkeling so it couldn't be one of them.  Oh, they all went to the beach and for a swim, but only he was lucky enough to have gotten the snorkeling equipment for Christmas!


Now, as for the mystery, who could this large shell belong to, looks a bit familiar?


Troy could feel he was getting closer to finding something really great today.  You know that feeling of excitement that cursers through every vein in your body! (I haven't experienced that for a while, maybe that's why I'm sitting here writing this instead of being out there doing what Troy is!!!!!)



Hi Troy ~ Can I tag along!



Dolly Dolphin was always fun and loved to tag along with Troy, today was no exception!  Together they swam off to see what other treasures they could find!    





Meanwhile, the little Teddy Mermaid was very sad, she had lost her home, and had no idea where to find it.  Cuddles dolphin tried to cheer her up by telling her that Troy had found it.     Oh what luck!  The mermaid gets her home back and Troy got to meet the 'Princess of the Sea' 







Princess of the Sea!






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Scripts by Dynamic Drive
Iren's PSP Tubes
Cherished Teddies (C) Priscilla Hillman (Enesco)
Teddies Digitally photographed from my own collection:)
Page by Janina