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At Enchanted Realm..
I found...
The Castle Treasure

I Caught the  Leprechaun

I discovered...
Witchy 's Secret Recipe


I decorated a Jack-O-Lanten
And won...



Thank you Enchanted Realm:)


At Realm of Enchantment

I found...
The Hidden Snowglobe
The Sunken Treasure
I solved the Puzzle...
And saved a Fae

And conquered 'The Caves'

Thank you Roe:)



At Skyhaven's Adoptions

I am am....


I saved...
The Dragon's Orb

I broke..
The Warlock's Curse
The Ruby Tree Curse

I won...
The Dryad's Award

I solved... 
The Gatekeeper's Puzzle
The Cougar Pass Maze
The Forest Maze
The Clear Creek Riddle
I found...
The lost marbles

And I befriended a Wyvern!

Awaiting the  Golden Knights Quest Award!

Thank you Skyhaven:)





Swords and Shield are my results from Rosie Hardman's PI Tutorial

Re-vamped  25th November 2004

Due to reduced space I will not be displaying all the rewards anymore but have links to where I started my adventures.   Thank you to all the Castles, Manors and Secret Gardens for all the fun!