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Meet Little Rachael

My Stuff

I really like getting letters and if you send me a letter I’ll send one back, and I’ll draw you a picture. I’ve never gotten a letter before, but I would like to have a pen pal, or just one letter is ok, if you don’t want to be pen pals, I don’t want you to think we have to be pen pals. Press on my post office.

<--Post Office


I’m going to tell you about who I am. My name is Rachael. I am six years old. There are funny things that happen to me. Like time doesn’t work, things that already happened to me can happen again, and things are in the wrong order in my memory and I can skip lots of time and I can go backwards. I think I somehow got my soul broke. Like mirrors don’t recognize me. I keep telling John that I’m really little even though I look big. I keep trying to tell him I’m an optical illusion. Do you know what an optical illusion is? Click on the link to see an optical illusion. It’s just the lights and lines that make me look big even though I’m little, it plays tricks on your mind. Here is a picture I drew about it. See how I’m little even though I look big in the mirror? John doesn’t believe me though so he won’t carry me around.

I’m excited because John says I’m going to make friends soon with the short haired girl (Erin) and the long haired girl (Beth). I’ll write about them when they’re my friends. My birthday is on March 11th and I want a new green crayon because someone broke the one I got for Christmas. I also want a baby-doll that I can take care of.