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I like to watch the light at the top

I like to watch the light at the top
It goes all round and it shines so bright,
It shines in all directions
And you can see it so good at night.

If you are in the darkness look up
God is there by your side,
You will never be alone with Jesus there
He'll be your friend and guide.

Let your light shine bright
So people can see Jesus in you,
Remember, you can make a difference
Keep it shinning what ever you do.

Remember the next time you feel low
And you think you're all alone,
Look around there is always someone
Who has their beacon on.

When you see the light look up
God will help you find your way,
Just follow the light til' you reach shore
Then follow Jesus every day.

If everyone would light their 'life' light
Oh how bright this world would be,
All darkness would be blotted out
Then all the lost sould could see.

You never know who is watching you
And how your life may affect someone,
So keep your bright light burning
You can rest when the day is done.

When my light finally does go out
Lord let me leave a glow behind,
I know there will be other lighthouses
To replace this light of mine.

Is your life a lighthouse
Have you help someone find their way?
Have they seen the Lord in your walk
If not talk to the Lord today.

Written by
Gilda M. Barham