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The devil cannot touch our will

But he can influence our thoughts,

And if we allow it to hinder us

We can’t serve God like we ought.

Your thoughts affect your will

As a man thinks so is he,

Satan’s power remains over you

Until you tell him to let you be.

Satan makes things empty and wasted

But it doesn’t appear that way,

He fools you and makes things look good

So be on your guard every day.

Your shield is your weapon but it is no good

Unless you use it like you should,

Satan can fool you cause he is so sneaky

He’d destroy God’s child if he could.

But we know how he operates don’t we?

He hates light because God is light

So he prowls around in darkness

Until he gets someone in sight.

My friend you had better beware

Be on guard what ever you do,

Cause he is seeking who he can devour

He is so sly he’ll sneak right up you.

But you know what I have a hedge around me

That the devil has to get through,

And it is not as easy as he thinks it is

To get to me Lord, he has to go through you.

Praise the Lord I am saved

Praise the Lord I am free,

Praise the Lord I am protected

And the devil can’t get to me.

Written by

Gilda M. Barham
