<!--Generated by Angelfire: L04S00-->
<title>Pamplona, Spain</title>
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<h1 align="center">Pamplona, Spain</h1>

<!--Freetext-->page 2<!--EndFreetext-->

<img src="http://www.angelfire.com/me4/shawna_marie/images/84Pamplona.jpg">
<font size="5">Scene Outside Our Apartment</font>
<!--Freetext-->The street was covered with people 24 hours a day.  The music was also a constant sound.<!--EndFreetext-->

<img src="http://www.angelfire.com/me4/shawna_marie/images/80Pamplona.jpg">
<font size="5">Where the Bulls are Released</font>
<!--Freetext-->All the crew walked the bull run and this is where the bulls are released every morning to run.<!--EndFreetext-->

<img src="http://www.angelfire.com/me4/shawna_marie/images/83Pamplona.jpg">
<font size="5">Getting Ready to Run...</font>
<!--Freetext-->Unfortunately we did not run, but we desparately wanted to.  It is a long story.  But I will do it someday, for sure.<!--EndFreetext-->
