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Flag for your Neopets shop

If you would like to show that you support America in your neopets shop, you might like this. I got the idea from a friend, I liked it, and I would like to share it.

Just copy this code and paste it in your Neopets shop. You can do that by highlighting the text in the white box and right-clicking it, then clicking 'copy' from the drop down menu. If you decide to use it, Please do not take the link part out of the code, as someone might see the flag and want one in their shop.

click to goto my Banners page

Add this flag to your shop...
1 in stock
Cost : Priceless

I have the image on neopets, so its ok if you use it on there.

NEW!! I've updated the flag! you can use the older version, or this one. This one is uploaded to Boomspeed, because Neopets said they were taking Guild Photos away. Here is what it will look like now...

- Add this flag to your shop...
1 in stock
Cost : Priceless

Here is the code:

You can change the font colors to suit your background, or leave it as is. in the code, the word Freedom will be red, and Priceless will be Blue. the rest of the text will be black. Click Here to visit my main page

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