He teases her
He laughs at her
One of her own laughs
at her
Calls attention to
the outside signs of her obsessions
Calls attention to
the minuet differences between her body and others.
She cries
He says he's sorry,
that he didn't intend to hurt her
and offers her a peace
still, she cries
He's sorry
and offers her a bribe
not to tell a higher up
but still,
she cries
"Why do you cry?
I said I was sorry."
"That is not enough!"
She explains
"You don't understand
why I cry."
I'm sorry he repeats
and starts in on his
ifs and buts
"I'm sorry" he reiterates
"truly I am"
"Believe me, I do understand."
but he doesn't
Smiling gamily
she returns her mask
strength and serenity
to its favorite position
on her face and says
"Not yet, but hopefully
And off she goes.
Another mask among
the masks
while he watches,
trying to understand
what it is
that he doesn't understand