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High Explosive: Prologue

Disclaimer and Notes

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"Shit shit shit shit shit shit..." Raye cursed under her breath, as her gun ran out of ammunition. A bunch of dead assassins lay scattered aroung the streets, but the last one was still in hot pursuit, gun aimed at her. Revving up her motorcycle to maximum speed, she tore off towards the bridge, steering with one hand while the other dug in her coat for her second gun.

Raye Warrington was one of four elite female agents working under Luna Felis. A casual observer glimpsing her in her civilian form on the street would see a stunning dark-haired siren with exotic eyes, who looked like a seductive starlet from some Hollywood drama. Five feet six and a half inches of fine-boned, lissome loveliness, with a glossy mane of waist-length raven hair and lush red lips, she turned heads right and left. But almost no one was aware of the fact that Raye Warrington, with her soulful violet eyes, not only had two degrees from two of the top colleges in the country and an IQ of 185, but had 4 black belts in 4 different types of martial arts: kendo, judo, karate and aikido, had undergone training more rigorous than Navy SEAL training, and had been hand-picked for her strength, beauty and intelligence to be one of the most powerful and feared agents in the nation. Along with Amy Anderson, Mina Angell, and Lita Woods, Raye was part of a group of four female agents who worked on the most difficult and dangerous of crime cases. Which is what she was doing at the very moment.

She was going after one of the most vicious of L.A.'s crime lords. His latest crime had been to, with the aid of his various trigger-happy thugs, kidnap the supermodel daughter of a millionaire. Raye had, with the aid of her many feminine wiles and a few handy roofies slipped into their food, drugged the thugs guarding the girl, and had taken her place. Then fought her way out onto her waiting motorcycle. Then...the gun chase.

As bullets flew around her, Raye swerved a crazy zig-zag path on the road, the crime lord on his motorcycle in hot pursuit. Raye sped to the edge of the bridge, then, stopped. Her pursuer came right after her, and at the very last minute, she did a hairpin turn. The crime lord, unable to turn in time, flipped off his motorcycle and flew over the bridge to his doom on the highway below.

~ ~ ~

"Ahh...." Raye was in heaven. Two days had passed since her last mission had concluded with the showdown on the bridge. She was taking a long bubble bath, the heady scent of jasmine and black cherries filling the room. She relaxed and closed her eyes. They snapped open a moment later, then narrowed in irritation. WHY did her fucking cell phone have to ring now?! Grabbing a towel, she climbed out of the bathtub and grabbed the phone.

"WHAT NOW?!" She harshed into it.

"Hello Raye." A well-modulated, feminine voice greeted her politely on the other end of the line.

"GODDAMMIT Luna!! I was taking a bubble bath! Is this important?"

"Your new assignment is in. I just wanted to let you know. Bomber-hacker named Saffir. You've heard of him, I'm sure."


Luna sighed, "All right, all right, go enjoy your bath. Oh, just one more thing..."


"You'll be working with one of Artemis Cato's agents. Agent Jadeite. I'll send over his information as well. Have a nice bath!" Luna smiled as she calmly finished dropping the bomb. She hung up the phone just as an outraged shriek was heard from Raye.

Raye did not return to her bath. For the love of God, WHY did she have to get strapped with some pissy guy from Art's little group?! It was totally unfair! Raye HATED to work with unfamiliar agents. They were always incompetent and did nothing but get in her way. Thinking thoughts not fit to be spoken aloud of Luna, Art, and her new partner, whoever the hell he was, she got dressed in her favorite red tank top and shorts and took out her frustrations on the punching bag hanging in her room.

~ ~ ~

At the same time, a tall, angelic-looking man with short golden hair and eyes blue as the heart of a flame sat in a bar by another man with longer, darker blond hair and sharp green eyes. The first man was talking furiously to his companion.

"Can you BELIEVE it?! Art's going to make me team up with one of Luna's girls for the Saffir case! SAFFIR! Crazed son-of-a-bitch bomber!! I'll probably have to spend half the time watching her ass!" James Byrne, when angry, was a force to be reckoned with. And at the moment, he was pissed. And his companion was NOT helping the situation.

"Of course you will." The other man grinned, "Luna's ladies are known to be quite lovely, and if that blonde beauty who now has our own dear Kevin tied to her apron strings is any indication, whoever you will be working with, she will probably have a GREAT ass that you can stare at for hours on end..."

"ZACK!" James growled. "Not only are you disgusting, but you're obviously an idiot as well...this is SAFFIR that I'm going to be dealing with! He's like the fucking Unabomber #2!! I do NOT need any chick to get in my way!! She'll just be a distraction!"

"Of course she will....and most likely a damn pleasant one..." Zack said smugly. Pissing off James was one of his was like playing with fireworks: dangerous but oh-so-fun.....

James shot Zack such a dirty look that had looks been able to kill, Zack would be lying in tiny pieces on the floor. Zack simply returned a beatific smile, and said, "Hey man, I wish I were's got to be a helluva experience to work with one of Luna's fascinating babes. I hope I get the chance someday. Meanwhile, good luck and have fun with your girl!"

"Ha-ha! My girl...yeah, right..." James scowled. But indeed, Zack would turn out to be extremely right.

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