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High Explosive: Chapter 1

Disclaimer and Notes

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The ringing of his doorbell brought James out of his kitchen as he was trying to cook some breakfast. He opened up the door to reveal a tall, blonde goddess that could have been his sister as far as looks were concerned. She was dressed in a pinkish-orange wrap-around blouse shot with gold threads and matching slacks and gold sandals. Her luxuriant blonde tresses were pulled back with a red ribbon. But this was no simple blonde beauty. At an even 5'9" and 125 pounds, Mina Angell looked like a supermodel, but James had seen her in action, and then there were also the stories that Kevin told them, in a dazed voice. "Good morning James!" She greeted him cheerfully. "May I come in for a sec?"

James smiled. Mina was a darling, and really a good influence on stuffy old Kevin, who clearly adored her. "Sure."

Mina thanked him graciously, then stepped into his apartment. She sniffed the air. "What's burning?"

"SHIT!" James had forgotten all about his eggs. He and Mina ran to the kitchen. Shaking her head at him, she took his charred eggs and dumped them into the trash, then proceeded to make new ones. "You're hopeless, James."

James smirked, "That's why you're here." Mina laughed. James asked, "Just why are you here anyway? Wouldn't Kevin get jealous knowing that you're at my place this early in the morning making me breakfast?" He added in a teasing voice.

Mina arched one golden eyebrow, "I certainly should hope not! I just left his place, and I thought I would drop by before heading to work."

"You JUST left Kevin's place..." James gave Mina a piercing look. "Wait, never mind, don't explain, I REALLY do not want to know." Mina blushed slightly. "So, do you want anything? Although I'm hopeless with eggs, I can get you a cup of coffee or something if you'd like."

"No, but if you have any OJ that would be great." Mina replied. "I heard that you're going to be working with Raye."

"Uh-huh." James said as neutrally as possible. Mina studied him for a moment.

"You're not looking forward to it. You know that this mission will be long and tough, and you don't want someone who might get in the way. You don't want to spend your time babysitting some girl. Unlike Zack, who would jump at the chance to work with some hot chick, you really don't want someone incompetent, who has more hair than brain cells. And understandably, since Saffir is the most ruthless and brilliant bomber since the Unabomber. Well, set your heart at rest. Raye is a smart girl, she can take care of herself. Just don't do anything to piss her off." Mina grinned. "She's really sweet once you get to know her, and loyal."

"HOW did you know all that?" James asked incredulously.

"I'm a psych phD of course I know." Mina finished sipping her orange juice. "Well, I better be off. Good luck, and remember what I said." With that, the blonde girl swept out of the apartment.

~ ~ ~

James sat in Luna Felis' office and looked around him. It was similar to Art's office, slightly neater though, and with an unmistakeable feminine touch in the white lace curtains and still-life picture on the wall, a picture of a black cat perched on a tabletop next to a vaseful of white and pink roses. There were photos of four beautiful women, Luna's agents, everywhere. In various guises from previous missions: from punk rocker to prostitute to doctor to exec to army uniforms. James found himself staring at one particular picture, of a dark-haired girl with fiery yet soulful eyes, dressed in a black shirt embroidered with an intricate red dragon, black pants, and black boots. She had two guns strapped to her Lara Croft style, and held a katana in her hands. 'Wow'

At that very moment, the door slammed open and the same black-haired girl stormed in. Without sparing him even a glance, she made a beeline for the coffee machine. Luna looked up in amusement at the girl. Raye was definitely NOT a morning person, even though she always conscientiously made sure that she looked decent in the mornings. This morning was no different. Despite the irritability practically radiating off her in waves, she looked stunning in a fire-engine red v-neck shirt and black jeans with a leather jacket.

"Good morning to you, Raye."

"Morning." Raye said between clenched teeth. "Who the hell is he and what the hell is he doing here?"

James felt a bit of ire. This girl, beautiful though she might be, seemed rather...antisocial. Luna cleared her throat and shot a warning glance at her. "Raye, be nice. Allow me to introduce to you James Byrne, Agent Jadeite. He will be your partner for the mission."

James forced a smile upon his face and stuck out a hand. "A pleasure."

Raye shook his hand silently, sizing him up. He was tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed, and looked like Apollo. Handsome, in a classical sense, like an angel. He was gorgeous. Too gorgeous. Guys that gorgeous were 98% of the time totally useless. She was about to say something, but Luna gave her a warning glance, 'KEEP YOUR COOL'. She shut her eyes briefly, then addressed James, "Look, we need to get together, figure out what the fuck Saffir is after, and stop him from getting it."

"Yes, when and where?" James asked.

Raye sighed, "Let's get this over with as soon as possible. When's the soonest time for you?"

"Dinner tonight?" She nodded. "Here's my number, I'll be home by 5." She scribbled a phone number onto a post-it and handed it to him. He took it, and continued, "I'll try to gather some information til then. I suggest you do the same."

Raye gave him one imperious, irate glare. "Don't you try to tell me what the fuck to do." Then, in a swirl of silky sable hair, she stormed out of Luna's office to her own office and slammed the door.

Luna gave James a sympathetic glance and he shrugged. Some mutinous, impudent part of his brain made a note of the fact that Miss Raye Warrington was gorgeous when she was mad, and he smiled.

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