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Psyche Complement: Chapter 4

Disclaimer and Notes

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"Are you ready?" Kevin's voice sounded in her earpiece. He was crouched on the roof of an abandoned building, and was watching her from his position.

It was the day that they started to put their plan into action. Mina was dressed in tattered, baggy blue jeans and a baby-pink t-shirt that was somewhat smudged. On her neck she wore a simple gold necklace with a teddy-bear charm that had tiny rhinestones for eyes. It was actually a camera with a microphone. She also wore what looked like a mood ring, but was actually filled with poison. With these devices that her fellow agent, Agent Mercury, had bestowed upon her, she was set. "Yes, I'm ready, Kevin. Do you see her car?"

Kevin watched from the roof. "Yes, it's one street down from where you are. I'm thinking it will only be 5 minutes or so."

"Okay." Mina whispered. In another ten minutes or so, she was going to walk into the entrance of hell. Of her own volition. Fully aware of what she was getting herself into. She hoped that she would be able to pull it off.

"Good luck." His voice sounded in her ear once more, comforting her slightly. "Okay, he's getting out of the car. You've been spotted. Get ready for it."

Mina took a deep breath and composed herself, putting on a weary, sad expression, and slowly started to trudge forward. All of the sudden, as expected, she found her way blocked by a man with a knife pointed at her throat. She gave a frightened whimper. He leered at her, and shoved her against the wall, keeping his knife trained on her as he ground his hips against her. Mina forced herself to not react like she would normally, and started to cry instead.

"Please, no, PLEASE! I just got laid off, I have no money, my parents are dead, please don't! NOO!!" Kevin heard her voice via his earpiece, begging the guy to stop, and it was all he could do to not leap from the roof he was standing on to come to her rescue. She was incredibly convincing. But he forced himself to stay still, repeating silently in his head that she was an elite agent, that she was just putting on an act, and that she was able to take care of herself. At that moment, he heard another voice, an authoritative female voice.

"Back off!" The 'rapist' whirled around, and Mina was able to see a tall, thin woman with wavy green hair. She wore black pants and a red leather jacket. This was Esmeraude. The 'rapist' rounded on her instead, but she gave him a hard open-palmed blow to the side of his head, and he collapsed to a heap onto the ground. Esmeraude beckoned to Mina. "Hurry, let's ride away before he comes to!" Mina nodded, and ran into Esmeraude's black Porsche.

~ ~ ~

Inside the luxurious interior of the Porsche, the green-haired woman gave Mina a smile. "Honey, what are you doing in such a rough neighborhood all by yourself? Thank goodness I found you."

'Yeah, right, thank goodness you found another girl to take advantage of, eh?' Mina thought, but aloud, she said, "I walk home this way, it's the closest way...but I don't think I will ever be here ever again." She gave a convincing sniffle. "The store I worked at is closing...I've been laid off, so I don't have any work now." She started crying even harder, tears dripping down her cheeks. Then, she looked at Esmeraude, and gave her a watery smile. "You know how sometimes it helps to talk to a stranger?"

Esmeraude gave her an encouraging smile. "Yes, I know. You can talk to me all you want, dear. And what is your name?"

"Angela Minton. I'm 24. And my life's a miserable crock of shit." Mina lied through gorgeous white teeth and trembling rosebud lips.

"Well, Angela, I'm Estrellita Noir. It's nice to meet you." Mina smiled weakly, and shook the hand of the evil woman that she and Kevin would kill. Esmeraude continued, "So, why is your life so miserable?"

Fresh tears sprouted from Mina's eyes. "I never knew my dad. My mom was an alcoholic, she died when I was 15. I dropped out of school and started working at the drug store to keep out apartment. But that store closed a week ago. I was just cashing my last check to pay my rent." With a convincing sniffle, she added, "My landlady is going to kick me out. This check is way overdue, and I have no job left." With that fabrication out of the way, Mina buried her face in her hands and started to sob loudly.

Esmeraude handed her a handkerchief and patted her back. "There, there, you poor thing. That's awful! I have an idea, though, if you're interested."

"What?" Mina said eagerly, blowing her nose.

"I've a huge mansion, there's more than enough space for a sweet girl like you to stay there, if you want. I'm actually the owner of a company of cleaning services. Basically, I can give you money and a place to stay, and you can work as a maid, it's very easy work. What do you say?" Esmeraude smiled craftily at the pretty, naive-looking blonde girl in front of her, and watched as her expression of sorrow changed into one of grateful delight.

"Really? You would do that for me? THANK YOU!!" Mina leaned over and gave the other woman a hug. "I'm so grateful to you, you're an angel!"

Esmeraude returned the girl's hug. And both women, at the moment, had the same thought running through their heads. 'Mission Accomplished!'

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