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Sugar Glider

Purchased from Mary & Steve in Orange Texas Sept. 14, 2004




Picture coming soon

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Sugar Gliders are small arboreal marsupials from Australia and New Guinea. Like other marsupials, the females carry their young (joeys) in a pouch. Adults weigh 4-6 ounces and measure about 12" from their nose to the tip of their tail. At least half of this length is tail! Sugar Gliders have a thin membrane that stretches from their wrists to their ankles. This allows them to glide from branch to branch like the American Flying Squirrel. They use their tails as a rudder while they travel and gather insects in flight. Their gliding distances have been documented up to 150 feet!

Days from vaginal birth:

1: Ear pinnae are directed forward and held against head by epithrichium, skin unpigmented, sex not discernible.
13: Able to tell sex.
16: Tips of ear pinnae are free from head.
19: Ear pinnae are completely free from head but still directed forward.
25: Ear pinnae directed backward.
30: Fine fur detected on muzzle, ears are lightly pigmented. (approximately.)
40: Joey first release grip on teat. (approximately.)
60: Joey begin protruding from pouch.
70: Only the Joey's head remains pushed into the pouch, Joey frequently left in nest by female and male protects them.
80: Eyes and ears begin to open.
Sexual maturity varies from Sugar Glider to Sugar Glider and it seems to manifest around 7-15 months of age with some waiting up to 2 years. In the wild, the sexual maturity is approximately 12 months with the females maturing first. One sign on the male that he may be ready is the appearance of the typical bald spot on the top of his head followed by a balding spot on the center of their chest.


For more information on Sugar Gliders, use the link below.