At the donation button just below which is linked to Paypal's secure server, you can tithe to Michael, God the Holy Spirit as His Word commands at: Genesis 14:18-20: Melchizedek (who was the pre-incarnate Michael) king of Salem brought bread and wine; he was a priest of God Most High. He pronounced this blessing: Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High for putting your enemies into your clutches. And Abram gave him a tenth of everything; Leviticus 27:30-32: "All tithes on land, levied on the produce of the soil or on the fruit of trees, belong to Yahweh; they are consecrated to Yahweh. If anyone wishes to redeem part of his tithe, he will add one-fifth to its value. In all tithes on herds or flocks, the tenth animal of all that pass under the herdsman's staff will be consecrated to Yahweh; there will be no examining whether it is good or bad, and no substitution. If substitution takes place, the animal and its substitute will both become holy without possibility of redemption." Numbers 18:24, 26 and 28: for the tithe which the Israelites set aside for Yahweh is the heritage I have given the Levites..."Speak to the Levites and say: 'When from the Israelites you receive the tithe which I have given you from them as your heritage, you will set a portion of this aside for Yahweh: a tithe of the tithe...Thus you too will set a portion aside for Yahweh out of all the tithes you receive from the Israelites. You will give what you have set aside for Yahweh to the priest Aaron; Deuteronomy 12:6, 11 and 12, 14:22-23 and 28, and 26:12: That is where you must bring your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and offerings held high, your votive offerings and your voluntary offerings, and the firstborn of your herd and flock; and that is where you must eat in the presence of Yahweh your God, rejoicing over your labours, you and your households, because Yahweh your God has blessed you...To the place chosen by Yahweh your God as a home for his name, to that place you must bring all the things that I am laying down for you; your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and offerings held high, and all the best of your possessions dedicated by you to Yahweh. That is where you will rejoice in the presence of Yahweh your God, you and your sons and daughters, your serving men and women, and the Levite living in your community since he has no share or heritage of his own among you...'Every year, you must take a tithe of what your fields produce from what you have sown and, in the presence of Yahweh your God, in the place where he chooses to give his name a home, you must eat the tithe of your wheat, of your new wine and of your oil, and the firstborn of your herd and flock; and by so doing, you will learn always to fear Yahweh your God...At the end of every three years, you must take all the tithes of your harvests for that year and collect them in your community....'In the third year, the tithing year, when you have finished taking the tithe of your whole income and have given it to the Levite, the foreigner, the orphan and the widow so that, in your towns, they may eat to their hearts' content...2 Chronicles 31:5-6 and 12: As soon as the order had been promulgated, the Israelites provided the first fruits of grain, new wine, olive oil, honey and every other kind of agricultural produce in abundance; they brought in an abundant tithe of everything. The Israelites and Judaeans living in the towns of Judah also brought in the tithe of cattle and sheep, and the tithe of sacred gifts consecrated to Yahweh their God, laying them in heaps; Nehemiah 10:37-38, 12:44, 13:5 and 12: also the firstborn of our sons and of our cattle, as the law prescribes, the firstborn of our herds and flocks should be taken to the Temple of our God for the priests officiating in the Temple of our God. Furthermore, we shall bring the best of our dough, of every kind of fruit, of the new wine and of the oil to the priests, to the storerooms of the Temple of our God, and the tithe on our soil to the Levites -- the Levites will themselves collect the tithes from all the towns of our religion...For the rooms intended for the treasures, contributions, first-fruits and tithes, supervisors were then appointed whose business it was to collect in them those portions from the town lands awarded by the Law to the priests and Levites. For Judah rejoiced in the officiating priests and Levites; had provided him with a large room where they previously used to store the meal offerings, incense, utensils, tithes of corn, wine and oil, that is, the part of the Levites, singers and gatekeepers, and the contributions for the priests...and all Judah then delivered the tithe of corn, wine and oil to the storehouses; Malachi 3:8: Can a human being cheat God? Yet you try to cheat me! You ask "How do we try to cheat you?" Over tithes and contributions;and Hebrews 7:5-6, 8-9; We know that any of the descendents of Levi who are admitted to the priesthood are obliged by the Law to take tithes from the people, that is, from their own brothers although they too are descended from Abraham. But this man, who was not of the same descent, took his tithe from Abraham, and he gave his blessing to the holder of the promises...Further, in the normal case it is ordinary mortal men who receive the tithes, whereas in that case it was one who is attested as being alive. It could be said that Levi himself, who receives tithes, actually paid tithes, in the person of Abraham. God always blesses those who tithe with increased prosperity. You can't outgive God!
If you prefer to help Michael's Worldwide Ministry by purchasing His 2nd best-selling book pictured above or something else on this page's partial Catalog, simply click on the Buy Now button just below, and enter your information for Our secure server for purchase by debit or credit card. Enter its order code first, then its price on the secure Paypal site that will come up and any other necessary information. You may also call our toll-free order line: 1-866-456-2121 Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM to place your order with credit or debit card. In truth, Michael prefers to give you something for your money, but He understands that some cheerful givers like to give without expecting anything in return. Whatever the case, whether you tithe or buy, you will be blessed immensely for your holy generosity and faithfulness to the Word! Also if you want to see Our whole Catalog, click the "Free Catalog" link at the links above.
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Greet people now with HEAVENo to make them think about Heaven rather than HELLo, the old non-Christian greeting which subliminally makes them think about Hell! Peace! Paz! Pacem! Shalom! I, Saint Michael Jesus the Archangel, God the Great Holy Spirit, the Metatron of all, King of the Earth and Sun, Governor of the United Domains Of Heaven, and CEO/Founder of the One World Government United Domains Of Heaven And Earth And One World Religion Catholic And Protestant Christianity have put My complete Catalog on this webpage which you can reach from Our other webpages by clicking on the Free Catalog link. On this page, My Catalog, are all of the items found on My other pages. Some of the products are available to everybody, some to Christians only, and some are available to Christians only with certain other special qualifications. All restricted products will require the stated documentation to be mailed or faxed in after your order is placed. No orders of restricted products will be fulfilled until we have received your mailed-in or faxed-in documentation. For this reason you may want to MAIL or FAX your order in WITH the required documentation.

To purchase any of the products in this Catalog online by debit or credit card, simply enter its order code first, then its price on the secure Paypal site that will come up when you click the credit or debit card or donation buttons above. If you are ordering through one of Our workers, please enter in the Paypal page that worker's 10-digit ID number so they get credit for the sale. You may also call our toll-free order line: 1-866-456-2121 Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM to place your order with credit or debit card.

Refundable (for your money back) items: Everything except personalized items, T-Shirts, and Heavenly Currency and Coins, Videos, and DVDs...All returned items must be in re-salable condition. 10% of the price will be deducted from all returns for shipping and handling of return funds. Here is the United Domains Of Heaven World Peace Catalog:

***SAINT MICHAEL JESUS THE ARCHANGEL'S SWORD*** ***Order Code: V1N1, "Saint Michael's Monthly Newsletter, Volume 1, #1, February 06." Vitally Important Intelligence! Back Issues Always Available! $5 per issue, $60 for one-year subscription***


***"Order Code: V1, "Show #1 Featuring Saint Michael Speaking About His 2008 Election Republican Presidential Campaign." $25 for VHS videotape***

***Order Code: V2, "Show #2 Featuring Saint Michael Exposing The Evil Nature Of The False Religion Islam." $25 for VHS videotape***

***Order Code: V3, "Show #3 Featuring Saint Michael Explaining His Invention Of Heavenly Money." $25 for VHS videotape***

***Order Code: V4, "Show #4 Featuring Saint Michael Explaining The Impending Defeat Of Socialism." $25 for VHS videotape***


***Order Code: B1, "The Big Issues And What We Need To Change To Save America, Volume One: Abortion Murders And So Does Tobacco; America Is Already A Christian Theocracy; Billions For The Bankers And Debts For The People; American Center For Law And Justice; The Communist ACLU And The Child-Molesting Perverts Of NAMBLA; The Great Pretenders; National Emergency," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B2, "The Big Issues And What We Need Change To Save America, Volume Two: What They're Not Telling About AIDS; Natural Cures For Cancer And AIDS; Endless Jihad; The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform And Abortion; Contraception, Abortion, And God's Will; The Third Secret Of Fatima; The Coming Era Of Peace; New Fatima Prophecies; The Ten Commandments, The Courts, And The Constitution; Tell Communazi Teddy Kennedy No!; A Giant Arch For My Blessed Virgin Mary Michelle; More From The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform; Letter From Susan G. Campbell; The Ladder Of Achievement; Sign The Declaration of World Peace," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B3, "The Big Issues And What We Need To Change To Save America, Volume Three: Interfaith Council For Peace And Justice; Constitution Restoration Act; A Call To Greatness; Scouting Legal Defense Fund; World's Most Powerful Antibiotic; Scientist Says FDA is "broken"; Petition Against Smoking; New Declaration Of Independence; Anne Cerva's Free Business Software Websites; Dietary Supplements Threatened; Miracle Fish Medicine; Anti-Homosexuality Letters To The Editor; Conventional Junk Medicines Exposed; Bible Verses Against Homosexuality; Exposure Of Methods Of Punishment For Queers And Lesbians In Hell in Mary K. Baxter's Book, "A Divine Revelation Of Hell,"; 49 Great Character Qualities; The Legal Battle For The Faith Against The Antichrist Communist Lying Underdogs (ACLU); Psychiatry: Science Or Religion?; Psychiatric Diagnoses A Hoax?; Are Personal And Emotional Problems Diseases?; The Myth Of Separation Of Church And State; Satanic, Criminal, Traitorous, Wicked, Homosexual and Pedophile Illuminati/Freemason New World Order Takeover Conspiracy Exposed By Courageous Female Defector: Material For Loyal Federal Prosecutors," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B4, "Things New And Old, 100 Sonnets, 1-100," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding.***

***Order Code: B5, "There Is A Friend, 100 Sonnets, 101-200," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B6, "Poems Speak The Truth, 100 Sonnets, 201-300," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B7, "To Make Evil Freeze, 100 Sonnets, 301-400," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B8, "O Eye Of God, 100 Sonnets, 401-500," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B9, "Guard My Castle Home, 100 Sonnets, 501-600," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B10, "The Lord Of Heaven, 100 Sonnets, 601-700," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B11, "War's A Harsh Mistress, 100 Sonnets, 701-800," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B12, "The Armies Of Heaven, 100 Sonnets, 801-900," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B13, "To Write A Letter, 100 Sonnets, 901-1000," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B14, "More Than All Gemstones, 100 Sonnets, 1001-1100," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B15, "To Live In Liberty, 100 Sonnets, 1101-1200," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B16, "VisionQuest: 100 Love Sonnets for the Blessed Virgin Mary Michelle by Her Spouse, God the Great Holy Spirit Saint Michael Jesus the Archangel," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B17, "Praise God With Song, 100 Christian Songs, 1-100," Song Lyrics Needing Music; Want To Write Music For Them And Share The Profits? $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B18, "Modern Psalms, 100 Christian Psalms, 1-100," $25 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding***

***Order Code: B19, "God The Holy Spirit Archangel Michael's Proverbs Books 1 thru 5," $25.00 for paperback, $35.00 for hardcover plus $5 S&H per book; If you order My book from My publisher Xlibris by clicking on the icon self-portrait of Me at the top of this site, you will be able to buy it at a ten percent discount, but it will not be autographed, but if you order it direct from Me with the Paypal button above, I will autograph it for you.***

***Order Code: B20, "Holy Spirit Bible, Most of the Scriptures from the King James Bible that refer to Archangel Michael as the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost or as Michael the Archangel," Also includes some other spiritual writings of Michael," $20 for paperback with durable plastic coil binding.***

***UNITED DOMAINS OF HEAVEN ARMED FORCES! JOIN THE HEAVENLY MILITARY AND HELP US DEFEAT SATAN! Chief of Staff and Commanding General/Admiral Michael Jesus the Archangel, patron saint and guardian angel of military personnel and peace officers, will send you a Membership Certificate for the Force of your choice, and an Eagle Victory Medal, and a special all plastic ID Membership Card with your full-color photo (You'll have to enclose the photo with your order, head shots only) on the front, and on the back, your data encoded in a magnetic stripe like those on credit and debit cards made by Our CIA contractor/supplier for Our Regular Archangel Army (open to all), Our Archangel Army Special Forces (limited to active duty military personnel, honorably discharged veterans, working and retired peace officers and intelligence officers), Archangel Space Force (open to all), Archangel Air Force (open to all), Archangel Marines (open to all), Archangel Navy (open to all), and Archangel Coast Guard (open to all) See just below for individual forces.

***Order Code: F1, "Archangel Army Special Forces Membership Certificate, Archangel Special Forces Eagle 24K Gold-Plated Badge, Eagle Victory Medal and ID Card," Include name, height, weight, and date of birth (Must be active duty military or honorably discharged veteran or working or retired peace officer. Document your status with copy of military ID or DD 214 discharge form or letter from your commanding officer or former commanding officer), Include with your order a full color head shot photo and name, height, weight and date of birth, $225***

***Order Code: F2, "Archangel Army Membership Certificate, Archangel Army Eagle 24K Gold-Plated Badge, Eagle Victory Medal and ID Card," Include with your order a full color head shot photo and name, height, weight and date of birth, $225***

***Order Code: F3, "Archangel Space Force Membership Certificate, Archangel Space Force Eagle 24K Gold-Plated Badge, Eagle Victory Medal and ID Card," Include with your order a full color head shot photo and name, height, weight and date of birth, $225***

***Order Code: F4, "Archangel Air Force Membership Certificate, Archangel Air Force Eagle 24K Gold-Plated Badge, Eagle Victory Medal and ID Card," Include with your order a full color head shot photo and name, height, weight and date of birth, $225***

***Order Code: F5, "Archangel Navy Membership Certificate, Archangel Navy Eagle 24K Gold-Plated Badge, Eagle Victory Medal and ID Card," Include with your order a full color head shot photo and name, height, weight and date of birth, $225***

***Order Code: F6, "Archangel Marines Membership Certificate, Archangel Marines Eagle 24K Gold-Plated Badge, Eagle Victory Medal and ID Card," Include with your order a full color head shot photo and name, height, weight and date of birth, $225***

***Order Code: F7, "Archangel Coast Guard Membership Certificate, Archangel Coast Guard 24K Gold-Plated Badge, Eagle Victory Medal and ID Card," Include with your order a full color head shot photo and name, height, weight and date of birth, $225***


***Order Code: S1, "United Domains Of Heaven Flag Shirt" Here is Michael wearing His Self-designed United Domains Of Heaven Flag shirt and carrying His King Arthur Dagger and His Archangel Michael Sword from the Vatican Collection. You may order a large one-size-fits-all linen UDOH Flag shirt. $200***

***Order Code: A1, "Exact Copy Of Archangel Michael's Sword." $500.***

***Order Code: C1: "United Domains Of Heaven Church Certificate Of Charter!" Run a tax-free church! $50***

In 1984, I set up a home church and started ministering through it right after being ordained by Bishop C. David Luther as an Orthodox Catholic priest. The church issue is really simple. You or anyone can start a Church.

Churches are automatically exempt from the payment of federal income tax on their contributions and passive investment income. (See Internal Revenue Code Sections 501(c)(3) and 508(a)). Your church doesn't have to be incorporated but you should have at least three members, and these three members can be your family and/or friends.

Once your church is organized, it can ordain and hire a pastor who can be you. The pastor can receive compensation, which is specifically excludeable from gross income under Internal Revenue Code Section 107. Furthermore, the pastor can receive paid professional expenses.

Anyone can donate up to 50 percent of their adjusted gross income and take a corresponding deduction on their tax return. The Internal Revenue Service does not require a church to register with it, but a church must get an Employer ID Number if it wishes to maintain a domestic bank account. You are eligible to use Our Employer ID Number if you charter your church through Us the Heavenly Government, the United Domains Of Heaven.

In fact, the Employer ID Number will be printed right on your United Domains Of Heaven Church Certificate Of Charter. Your church should have regular board of director meetings and the board must approve all expenditures. It is also recommended that you have a monthly newsletter and that you advertise your meetings locally.

The minister you ordain can perform the sacraments of your church such as weddings, etc. Your church can own property and vehicles for the furtherance of its religious purpose. For example, many churches not only own buildings for religious worship but they also own religious retreat centers. Most of this property is also exempt from property tax under state law.

Most states also allow sales tax exemption to churches. Under Internal Revenue Code Section 7611, the IRS is required to follow special audit procedures when they audit a church. It has been my experience that they make a great deal of mistakes in their procedures. The IRS has a 14-point plan (This plan may be seen at "Michael's Church" link above) that they use to determine if a church really is a church.

We can discuss that issue in subsequent conversations, but generally, your church would have to be involved in religious activity and could not be set up for inurement. That means that you could not give money to private individuals except as compensation for their services. Ministers can also receive love offerings, and the Tax Court has ruled that love offerings are not taxable to ministers.

I hope you find this information interesting. If you have any questions, call Me at 1-989-832-5216, or call Reverend Bill Conklin at 1-303-455-0837. Reverend Bill is a paralegal in the tax field and has a lot of interesting information, including a book on why no one is obliged to file tax returns because they violate your right not to incriminate yourself.

I have seen literally thousands of people in the last fifteen years set up small churches and it is My desire to see the United States become so religious and spiritual that everyone in America will someday become a minister in his or her church (I am in the process of founding 2 seminaries, one which will ordain Orthodox Catholic males into My priesthood, the Michaelite Order of the Blue Shield, and another which will ordain Orthodox Catholic females into the priestesshood of My spouse the Blessed Virgin Mary Michelle which is called the Michellite Order of the Red Heart. Women cannot be priests because that is a male term, but they can be priestesses now. They will not consecrate wine and bread as Holy Communion, but will consecrate and serve Father Communion, Holy Spirit Communion and Virgin Mary Communion.) and enjoy the same spiritual benefits as Billy Graham and the Pope.

We recommend that you order a UDOH Citizenship Certificate from Us too. My United Domains Of Heaven Church Certificate of Charter identifies your church as being affiliated with the United Domains Of Heaven, with all the rights and privileges of Official Heavenly Churches and when you order a Church Charter from us, we recommend highly that you name your church after yourself, for example, Saint Edward's Church or Saint Melissa's Church.***

***Order Code: W1, "Mens' Archangel Michael Watch depicting Michael defeating Satan in combat! Wear with the special protection of Saint Michael!" $65***

***Order Code: W2, "Womens' Archangel Michael Watch depicting Michael defeating Satan in combat! Wear with the special protection of Saint Michael! $55***

***Order Code: K1, "United Domains Of Heaven Kingdom Charter" For baptized Christians who will send in a copy of their baptismal certificate and those who will send in a letter pledging to keep the Two Greatest Commandments only! Must be sent in before Charter orders will be fulfilled! United Domains Of Heaven Royalty Charters prove you're the Royal Head of your castle! Specify name of your Domain and it will go on your Charter. No names of any Earthly countries who are members of the United Nations, or any name that is obscene, blasphemous or unholy of course! Specify King or Queen Charter $100***

***Order Code: E1, "United Domains Of Heaven Empire Charter" for Christian Business Owners or Executives only! Orders for Empire Charters must be followed up or accompanied by a copy of your business license or incorporation papers (both of which can be gotten from Our United Domains Of Heaven Chamber of Laissez-Faire Capitalism: go here for more information: Laissez-Faire Capitalismor a personal letter from you on your Company or Corporate official letterhead and a copy of your baptismal certificate! $1000***

***Cut Gemstones of highest quality! Varying prices. Call our toll-free number above for more information!***

***Order Code: R1, "Official Heavenly News Agency Reporter Certificate" For baptized Christians only. A copy of your Baptismal Certificate must accompany or follow your order before it will be fulfilled! Help spread the Great News of Michael the Archangel's Conquest of Earth for Christianity, and get your important Christian News featured on the United Domains Of Heaven News site! (See UDOH News Link above) $100***

***Order Code K1, "Official Catholic Intelligence Agent Membership Kit" Includes Membership Certificate, Official Catholic Intel Agent Badge, 24 Karat triple-plated gold, Eagle/Victory Medal, and all-plastic ID Card with your full-color photo on the front (You'll need to send us a head shot photo of yourself) and your data in a magnetic stripe on the back of the card just like those on credit and debit cards. For Catholic Peace Officers and Catholic Intelligence Agents and Knights of Columbus and Catholic members of the Venerable Order of Knights of Michael the Archangel only! Letters from your superior officer on his official letterhead confirming your law enforcement employment and your Catholic pastor on his official church letterhead, or a copy of your Knights of Columbus Membership Card, or a copy of your Venerable Order of Knights of Michael the Archangel Membership Certificate and a letter from your Catholic pastor on his official church letterhead must accompany or follow your order. No orders will be fulfilled until proper documentation is received! $225 (If you have an Honorary Membership, deduct $50 from the price!)***

***Order Code: K2, "Official Cosmic Intelligence Agent Membership Kit" Includes Membership Certificate, Official Cosmic Intel Agent Badge 24 Karat triple-plated Gold, Eagle/Victory Medal, and all-plastic ID Card with your full-color photo on the front (You'll need to send us a head shot photo of yourself) and your data in a magnetic stripe on the back of the card just like those on credit and debit cards. For Christian teachers, University Professors, Christian medical doctors or nurses or other Christian professional medical personnel, or Christian scientists only! Orders must be accompanied or followed by copy of your college or university degree, a letter from your Christian pastor on his official church letterhead confirming your church membership, and a letter from your employer confirming your employment! $225 (If you have an Honorary Membership, deduct $50 from the price!)***

***Order Code: K3, "Official Comandero Intelligence Agent Membership Kit" Includes Membership Certificate, Official Comandero Intel Agent Badge 24 Karat triple-plated Gold, Eagle/Victory Medal, and all-plastic ID Card with your full-color photo on the front (You'll need to send us a head shot photo of yourself) and your data in a magnetic stripe on the back of the card just like those on credit and debit cards. For baptized and confirmed Christians only who want to learn the Official Acronymic Comandero Language of the United Domains Of Heaven whose Official Dictionary God the Great Holy Spirit Saint Michael Jesus the Archangel is now compiling! Orders must be accompanied or followed by a copy of your baptismal certificate! No orders for this item will be fulfilled without receipt of required document! $225 (If you have an Honorary Membership, deduct $50 from the price!)***

***Order Code: K4, "Official Christian Intelligence Agent Kit" Includes Membership Certificate, Official Comandero Intel Agent Badge 24 Karat triple-plated Gold, Eagle/Victory Medal, and all-plastic ID Card with your full-color photo on the front (You'll need to send us a head shot photo of yourself) and your data in a magnetic stripe on the back of the card just like those on credit and debit cards. For Christian Peace Officers, Christian Intelligence Officers, Knights of Columbus, or Christian Members of the Venerable Order of Knights of Michael the Archangel only! Orders must be accompanied or followed by a letter from your superior officer confirming your law enforcement employment, and a letter from your Christian pastor on his official church letterhead, or a copy of your Knights of Columbus Membership Card, or a copy of your Venerable Order of Knights of Michael the Archangel Membership Certificate. No orders for this item will be fulfilled without receipt of proper documentation! $225 (If you have an Honorary Membership, deduct $50 from the price!)***

***Order Code: K5, "Official Capitalist Intelligence Agent Kit" Includes Membership Certificate, Official Capitalist Intel Agent Badge 24 Karat triple-plated Gold, Eagle/Victory Medal, and all-plastic ID Card with your full-color photo on the front (You'll need to send us a head shot photo of yourself) and your data in a magnetic stripe on the back of the card just like those on credit and debit cards. For Christian Business Founders, Owners, or Corporate Executives only! No orders will be accepted from tobacco company executives! All orders must be accompanied by a letter from your Christian pastor on his official church letterhead confirming your baptism and church membership and a copy of your business license or a personal letter from you on your Company or Corporate letterhead! No orders for this item will be fulfilled without receipt of required documentation! $225 (If you have an Honorary Membership, deduct $50 from the price!)***

***Order Code: B6, "Official United Domains Of Heaven CIA Membership Kit" Includes Membership Certificate, Official CIA Badge 24 Karat triple-plated Gold, Eagle/Victory Medal, and all-plastic ID Card with your full-color photo on the front (You'll need to send us a head shot photo of yourself) and your data in a magnetic stripe on the back of the card just like those on credit and debit cards. Personalize the Badge with your first name and "Archangel" before it or your first name and "Saint" before it! Specify which title you want to go before your name. For Christian Peace Officers, Christian Intelligence Officers, Knights of Columbus, and Christian Members of the Venerable Order of Knights of Michael the Archangel only! All orders for this item must be accompanied or followed by a letter from your superior officer confirming your law enforcement employment and a letter from your Christian pastor on his official church letterhead confirming your baptism and church membership, or a copy of your Knights of Columbus Membership Card! No orders for this item will be fulfilled without receipt of required documentation! $225 (If you have an Honorary Membership, deduct $50 from the price!)***

***Order Code: K6, "Official UDOH Fearless Brave Investigators Membership Kit" Includes Membership Certificate, Official FBI Badge 24 Karat triple-plated Gold, Eagle/Victory Medal, and all-plastic ID Card with your full-color photo on the front (You'll need to send us a head shot photo of yourself) and your data in a magnetic stripe on the back of the card just like those on credit and debit cards. For Christian Federal Bureau of Investigation Agents, Christian Members of the Venerable Order of Knights of Michael the Archangel, or Members of the Knights of Columbus only! All orders for this item must be accompanied or followed by proper documentation: a letter from your superior officer confirming your FBI or law enforcement employment and a letter from your Christian pastor on his official church letterhead confirming your baptism and church membership, or a copy of your Venerable Order of Knights of Michael the Archangel Membership Certificate and a letter on your pastor's official church letterhead confirming your baptism and church membership, or a copy of your Knights of Columbus Membership Card! No orders without receipt of required documentation will be fulfilled! $225 You can specify your preference of the titles "Saint" or "Archangel" to go before your first name to personalize your badge. Midland, Michigan Chief of Police Jim St. Louis is the Director-General of the Heavenly FBI and will serve as My American FBI Director when I take over as President! $225 (If you have an Honorary Membership, deduct $50 from the price!)***

***Order Code: K7, "Official Saints' Secret Service Agent Membership Kit" Includes Membership Certificate, Official UDOH FBI Badge 24 Karat triple-plated Gold, Eagle/Victory Medal, and all-plastic ID Card with your full-color photo on the front (You'll need to send us a head shot photo of yourself) and your data in a magnetic stripe on the back of the card just like those on credit and debit cards. For Christian Secret Service Agents or Christian Members of the Venerable Order of Knights of Michael the Archangel, or Knights of Columbus, or faithful baptized Catholic and Protestant church members who want to commit to praying the Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer [Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection from the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God thrust into Hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.] to Him daily! All orders for this item must be accompanied or followed by a letter from your Secret Service superior officer and a letter from your Christian pastor on his official church letterhead, or a letter from your superior officer confirming your law enforcement employment and a letter from your Christian pastor on his official church letterhead confirming your church membership or a copy of your Knights of Columbus Membership Card, or a copy of your baptismal certificate! No orders without receipt of required documentation will be fulfilled! $225 ***(If you have an Honorary Membership, deduct $50 from the price!)***

***Order Code: K8, "Official United Nations Associate President Certificate" Help Saint Michael to Christianize the United Nations! For Christians chartered with a United Domains Of Heaven Royalty Charter only! No orders for this item will be fulfilled without receipt of required documentation: a copy of your UDOH Royalty Charter and a copy of your baptismal certificate. $100***

***Order Code: K9, "Official Brainstorm Consulting Membership Certificate" For baptized Christians only! Send copy of your baptismal certificate and letter from your Christian pastor on his official church letterhead confirming your church membership! Orders not accompanied or followed by required documentation will not be fulfilled! Membership in this Exclusive Club entitles you to share your consulting information with other members and receive consulting information from all members! Yearly-updated membership contact lists will be provided to all members! $100***

***Order Code: K10, "Official Michaelite Order of the Blue Shield Warrior/Priest Ordination Certificate" For Catholic Michaelite Warrior/Priests who have been officially ordained into My Michaelite Order of the Blue Shield after finishing their on-the-job training! $100***

***Order Code: J1, "Archangel Michael Cross/Sword" Designed by Saint Michael, this is the beautiful Archangel Michael A-grade genuine 5mm sapphire and fine silver Cross/Sword with stone at junction of 1" hilt, 1" handle and 2" blade! Provide your own chain for an impressive spiritual necklace $200!***

***Order Code: K11, "Official Michellite Order of the Red Heart Warrior/Priestess Ordination Certificate" For Catholic Michellite Warrior Priestesses who have been officially ordained into My Main Wife the Blessed Virgin Mary Michelle's Michellite Order of the Red Heart who have been officially ordained into Our Michellite Order of the Red Heart after on-the-job training. $100***

***Order Code: J2, "Blessed Virgin Mary Michelle Cross/Sword" Designed by the Blessed Virgin Mary Michelle, this is a striking lab-grown 5mm ruby heart and fine silver Cross/Sword with stone at junction of 1" hilt, 1" handle and 2" blade! You can provide your own chain for an impressive spiritual necklace! $200***

***Order Code: J3, "Silver ring with large 16mm Cubic Zirconium precious gemstone" An exact copy of the silver ring with big rock that Lord Michael Jesus the Archangel wears that was crafted by His Royal Jeweler. Zircons are not as hard as diamonds, but they have more fire and color so they look a lot better than diamonds. $200***

***Order Code: K12, "The Be Attitudes, modern paraphrase of Christ's Beatitudes by Saint Michael the Archangel" $25***

***Order Code: K13, "The Unanimous Declaration of the Infinite United Domains Of Heaven Concerning Our Dependence on the Creator!" Written by Saint Michael the Archangel $25!***

***Order Code: H1, "Archangel Michael Holy Card for Firemen" with prayer on back and blessed by Michael! $5***

***Order Code: H2, "Archangel Michael Holy Card for Policemen" with prayer on back and blessed by Michael! $5,***

***Order Code: H3, "Archangel Michael Holy Card" with prayer on back that He gave to Pope Leo XIII $5***

American Gold and Silver Currency is Back. Click here for the Liberty Dollar at a Discount.

***Order Code: N1, "1,000 Million Dollar Bills" Make yourself a multi-millionaire by sending Us $225 for 1,000 million dollar bills, ten of which will be made Universal Legal Tender For All Debts and Backed By The Riches Of Heaven with our special holographic seal under plastic lamination. They will also be personalized for you with a picture of yourself that you send us with two sayings or mottoes or names on them, whatever messages you want to convey that are not obscene or blasphemous and that are not more than 20 characters (numbers or letters) and spaces in length! Hang on to the other bills, and when you need more millions ship us the paper bills and we will make you more Heavenly Legal Tender millions for $20 for each further bill you send us!***
br> ***Order Code: C1, "1,000 Gold-colored Heavenly One Dollar coins" personalized with your Royal Title and first name if you have a UDOH Royalty Charter (send Us a copy of it) or the word Saint if you are a Christian and your first name or your rank of Archangel with your first name if you are an official Member of the Archangel Army. These 1,000 coins are yours for $700 making for a $300 profit each time you order! $700.***

***Order Code: O10, "$1 Million Archangel Michael Banknote with "KING MICHAEL JESUS" and "I LIKE MIKE 2008!" (One of My Presidential Campaign mottoes) on the front where the serial numbers normally go. This Banknote is in print forever and is still in circulation! $500,000 or you can buy it at prices you are eligible for at: Real Money At Discounts***

***Order Code: O12, "1 million blessings Banknote from St. Peter and St. Michael with the blessings of fortune, love, peace, and health, and the signatures of St. Peter and Archangel Michael" $10*** All of the above Notes are laminated so they will last virtually forever!***

***We now have several new Cosmic Reserve Banknotes ready for ordering and distribution. To see a list of them go to this link: Heaven And Earth's New Dollars! and then determine what your discount is, come back here and order them.***


***Archangel Army Plastic Membership debit/smartCards soon to be available to be tied to your prosperous United Domains Of Heaven Cosmic Reserve Bank account if you want to open one! We will be buying into and investing in Earthly banks all over the world with Our Heavenly Currency! Keep up to date on these developments at our UNITED DOMAINS OF HEAVEN NEWS site link above and below!***

***Order Code: T1, "Pro-Life T-Shirts" They say on front, "Archangel Michael Jesus...Pro-Life King of Earth and Sun" On back they say, "Aren't you glad Mary didn't abort Jesus?" In children's sizes: 2-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-16, and adult sizes S, M, L, XL and XX; Please specify sizes of shirts and whether male or female. Male shirts have turquoise lettering, and female shirts have magenta lettering; $30, $25 for two or more plus $4 shipping and handling per shirt. ***

***Order Code: C2, "United Domains Of Heaven Certificate Of Citizenship" Prove that you're a Citizen of Heaven with this sharp-looking Heavenly Legal Document printed on a blue sky and white clouds paper in red ink so it's a red, white and blue prayer for the USA too whether or not you're an American citizen too! The advantages of being a Citizen of Heaven are many, and more will be forthcoming throughout eternity! You must send in a copy of your baptismal certificate or a letter from your pastor on his official church letterhead testifying that you are a member of his or her church. $25***

,br> ***Order Code: L1, "UDOH Chamber Of Laissez-Faire Capitalism Business License" Register your business in the United Domains Of Heaven for freedom from further licenses, fees, taxes or regulation. We are bringing back real Capitalism, the only Christian economic system, to replace the socialist, anti-God economic system man struggles under in trying to make a living under world socialism with its confiscatory and antichrist taxes that are in direct opposition to Divine law that you are fully entitled to all the fruits of your labor and that taxation is theft by government. Our UDOH Cosmic Reserve Bank makes taxes unnecessary for legitimate and free governments. $7***

***Order Code: L2, "UDOH Chamber Of Laissez-Faire Capitalism Incorporation Papers" Incorporate in the United Domains Of Heaven for freedom from need for further corporation documents, fees, taxes or regulation. This is an excellent and even more powerful method for fighting socialism because with your corporation papers you also receive the Heavenly right to sell as many shares of your company's stock as you please for whatever price you want to ask, drawing up whatever kind of brokerage document for the shares that you desire to contract to sell. $33***

***Order Code: R2A, "Prayer Coin" 1 inch two-sided coin with the Policeman's Prayer opposite an angel emblem. For someone special to keep in pocket or coin purse as a special reminder of your thoughts and prayers. $5***

***Order Code: R2G, "Embossed Note Cards" Whether it's a simple note or a special thank you, these beautiful foil embossed notecards are an elegant way to express your thoughts. Sure to be appreciated. Available in either gold or silver. Boxed in sets of 10. Specify silver or gold. $15***

***Order Code: R4C, "Policeman's Wife Prayer" An inspired prayer by Helen Bush in honor of every police officer's wife. Beautifully framed and matted. Framed size 12" x 16". $47***

***Order Code: R6A, "Glass Pewter Tankard" A well balanced tankard with Sheriff symbol in pewter. Nice to enjoy 15 ounces of your favorite beverage. Makes a welcome gift. $20***

***Order Code: R6GA, "American Lawman Buckle" An attractively enameled buckle well designed for your profession. Sizes vary slightly but are approximately 3" by 2 1/4". Each buckle will fit standard 1 & 1/4" snap-end belt. $16***

***Order Code: R6GP, "Police Buckle" An attractively enameled buckle well designed for your profession. Sizes vary slightly but are approximately 3" by 2 1/4". Each buckle will fit standard 1 & 1/4" snap-end belt. $16***

***Order Code: R7C, "Saint Michael Key Tag" Nicely detailed pewter key tag 3/4" by 1". A nice gift to give or keep. $10***

***Order Code: R7BK, "America's Finest Holy Bible" Law Enforcement's Inspiration. An exclusive, your Bible's black leather-like cover is embossed in 23K gold leaf with the Scales of Justice on America's finest King James version. 1184 pages with velvet gold page edging. Well illustrated. Create your heirloom, record your family history on the presentation page. $25***

***Order Code: R7BC, "America's Finest Holy Bible" Law Enforcement's Inspiration. Also an exclusive, this Catholic version is available with black leather flex cover and same gold embossed design as the King James version. Well illustrated with velvet gold page edging. Create your heirloom, record your family history on the presentation page. $35***

***Order Code: R7E1, "Bomb Squad T-Shirt" which proclaims on its front "BOMB SQUAD If you see me running try to keep up." A 90% cotton 10% poly heather gray tee. A humorous suggestion to keep in mind. If you order size L or XL it is $16***

***Order Code: R7E2, "Bomb Squad T-Shirt" Larger size, otherwise same as just preceding. Size 2XL only. $20***

***Order Code: R7IS, "Black Sheriff Ceramic And Pewter Mug" This 11 ounce coffee mug makes a wonderful gift for a special person! Excellent quality with pewter emblem. $20***

***Order Code: R7IP, "Blue Police Ceramic And Pewter Mug" This 11 ounce coffe mug makes a wonderful gift for a special person! Excellent quality with pewter emblem. $20***

***Order Code: R11F, "Saint Michael Police Plaque" A unique plaque with a laser engraved design. 7" by 9". Wooden base. Engraving plate is included and same laser engraving is offered at our regular rates. Allow a week additional for engraving. $80***

***Order Code: R12C, "Police Officer's Prayer Cross" A genuine pewter wall cross that conveys a heartfelt message of prayer. 5 1/2" tall and 4" wide. A special gift. $25***

Order Code: R12H, "Police Lab" Using over 20 real-life case studies such as the World Trade Center bombing, O.J. Simpson trial and serial killer Ted Bundy, "Police Lab" is a fascinating insight into the development and methods of forensic science. Softcover. $15***

***Order Code: R12G, "County Sheriff Mug" For your favorite county sheriff, a glazed ceramic mug displaying the artwork of Dick Kramer. Holds 15 ounces and is dishwasher and microwave safe. $15***

***Order Code: R13D1, "Saint Michael Pendant" A precious metal pendant featuring Saint Michael the Archangel with exquisite detailing. 14K gold mini. $80***

***Order Code: R13F2, "Saint Michael Pendant" Precious metal pendant with Saint Michael the Archangel on it and exquisite detailing. 14K gold round. $200***

***Order Code: R13F3, "Saint Michael Pendant" A precious metal pendant portraying Saint Michael the Archangel in exquisite detailing. 14K and weight is 7.9 grams, large badge. $300***

***Order Code: R13F4, "Saint Michael Pendant" Precious metal pendant showing Saint Michael the Archangel on it with exquisite detailing. Gold filled large badge with chain. $55***

***Order Code: R15A, "Policeman's Prayer" Printed on parchment-like paper in gold and blue. Fits a standard 8" by 10" frame. Ready for framing. $6***

***Order Code: R15BS, "Key Fob" Black Sheriff key fob with enameled detail. Slim and neat. Wonderful gift at sensible price. $6***

***Order Code: R15BP, "Key Fob" Black Police key fob with enameled detail. Slim and neat. Wonderful gift at a great price. $6***

***Order Code: R15ES, "Set Of Glasses" Fine pewter emblem on these Sheriff glasses. Good quality 11 ounce glass, double rock size. Impressive look. $40***

***Order Code: R15EP, "Set Of Glasses" Fine pewter emblem on these Police glasses. Good quality 11 ounce glass, double rock size. Impressive look. %40***

***Order Code: R15G, "Sheriff's Key Tag" Sculptured pewter with sturdy chain and split ring. Nice for gift giving. $10***

Order Code: R15C, "What Cops Know" American policemen and policewomen describe their life work among misfits, junkies, killers, prostitutes, psychopaths and victims. A well informed look at police inside and out. Softcover by Connie Fletcher. $12***

***Order Code: R16A1, "America's Finest" A handsome 3-ply woven throw, 100% cotton. Design encompasses just about every phase of law enforcement. Throw is approximately 50" by 70". Machine washable. $70***

***Order Code: R16A2, "America's Finest" Matching item just above, this pillow measures 12" by 12". Its cover is made of cotton/poly, and its polyester fiber filled. $25***

***Order Code: R16B, "Law Enforcement Stein" A well designed glass stein in tribute to the law enforcement profession. Features a pewter finish lid and is adorned with a pewter star badge designed emblem. 7 1/2" tall. $45***

***Order Code: R16C, "Mini State Police Badges" Exact miniature reproductions of your State Police badges. Approximately 7/8". All 50 states available. Specify state desired. Exceptional detail and solid brass. $10 each or or complete set of 50 is $300***

***Order Code: R16F, "Personalized Name Stamp" This self-inking stamp is a convenient and unique way to personalize your correspondence. Specify your choice of Police or Sheriff emblems. Available in blue, black or red ink. 4 line maximum, 26 spaces or characters per line. Specify your choice of ink color and Arial Narrow or Times New Roman font when ordering also. $30***

***Order Code: R17A, "Saint Michael Key Tag" Cast in pewter, this 2 1/2" key holder is fully modeled. Keep the Patron Saint of Police with you! Makes a neat gift. $10***

***Order Code: R17F, "All About Law T-Shirt" A 100% pre-shrunk white cotton T-Shirt. Makes a great statement. Specify size when you order. L or XL $20, 2XL $25***

***Order Code: R18G, "Fear Not A Factor T-Shirt" A 100$ cotton navy T-Shirt with bold screened graphics. Available in sizes L, XL and 2XL. Specify size. L and XL $22, 2XL $25***

***Order Code: R21B, "Saint Michael Pendant With Chain" A handcrafted sterling silver pendant. Finely detailed. Comes with a 27" stainless endless chain. 1" by 3/4". $40***

***Order Code: R21C, "I Love A Cop" This book is uniquely designed to help cops and their loved ones cope with the stress of police life and work. Filled with information, practical advice and guidance. Written by Ellen Kinchman, Ph.D. Paperback. $25***

***Order Code: R25D, "Saint Michael Auto Visor Clip" Sculptured pewter Saint Michael piece with clip back. Made to adorn your auto sun visor. 3" tall with nice detail. $10***

***Order Code: R25F, "Saint Michael Pendant" A special pendant set consisting of an inscribed two-tone 1" oval pendant of Saint Michael and set on an 18" silvertone chain. $20***

***Order Code: R25B, "Swat 24 On T-Shirt" For the dedicated members of this special division of law enforcement. Screened back design. 100% preshrunk cotton. Available in sizes L, XL and 2XL. Specify size. L and XL $23. 2XL $25***

***Order Code: R30D, "Police Officer Glass Pewter Tankard" A well-balanced tankard with professional symbol in pewter. Nice to enjoy 15 ounces of your favorite chilled beverage. Makes a welcomed gift! $20***

***Order Code: R30A, "Long Sleeve T-Shirt" Bright bold graphics printed on a 50/50 cotton/poly blend shirt. Your choice of T-Shirt or sweatshirt. "LAW ENFORCEMENT" printed on sleeve and Scales of Justice design on chest. Specify style and size. M-XL T-Shirt $20, 2XL T-Shirt $22, M-XL Sweatshirt $22, 2XL Sweatshirt $25***

***Order Code: R31C, "Ten Commandments For Police Officers" A wooden plaque printed with the Ten Commandments of Police Officers and decorated with assorted law enforcement gear. Measures 9" by 14". Thou shall love this one. $25***

***Order Code: RR32H, "Pewter Saint Michael Pendant" Saint Michael, Patron Saint of Law Enforcement. Beautifully sculptured in Pewter, complete with 24" neck chain and boxed. Specify pewter or gold tone. $20***

***Order Code: R13G, "Police Badge Watch" A precision Japanese quartz movement watch with an all stainless steel case and bracelet. Water resistant to 10 ATM. Features include date function, luminescent hands for viewing in the dark, a scratch resistant mineral glass crystal and a rotating bezel. We offer engraving on back of watch for a truly special gift. Personalization is limited to three lines, 18 characters/apaces per line. Without personalization $100, with personalization $110/***

***Order Code: R33G, "Saint Michael Prayer Plaque" Full color raised relief style prayer plaque in honor of Saint Michael, Patron Saint of peace officers. Equipped for wall mounting 3.5" by 5.5". Resin. $20***

***Order Code: R36C, "Saint Michael Statue" Created in tribute to the dutiful Patron Saint of all those in the service of law enforcement. Hand painted resin. Stands 9.5" tall. $60***

***Order Code: R37D1, "Saint Michael auto visor clip" Color image of Saint Michael on it. 2" by 1.5". $12***

***Order Code: R37D2, "Saint Michael key tag" Color image of Saint Michael. Inscribed on back with the story of Saint Michael. 2" by 1.5". $12***

***Order Code: R38C, "Saint Michael key fob" A striking key fob adorned with a two-tone bronze and gold finish medallion of Saint Michael, the Patron Saint of Police Officers. A nice gift of appreciation. 3.5" long. $20***

Order Code: R39A, "Police Badge and Gun key tag" Solid pewter enamel sculptured pattern badge and gun key tag. Very unique. $15***

***Order Code: R44A, "Police Officer On Duty Plaque" This handcrafted wooden plaque will look great wherever it is hung. Hand painted. 17" long and 9" high. $90***

***Order Code: R44D, "Saint Michael Round Pendant" A finely crafted sterling silver pendant. 1" diameter. Comes complete with a 27" stainless endless chain. $50***

***Order Code: R44E, "Travel Mug" A stainless steel travel mug with non-slip bottom and separate plastic snap on lid. Complete with a pewter police emblem. 12 ounces. A very special gift! $25***

***Order Code: R45H, "SWAT Mug" Inspired by this select group of law enforcement professionals, a glazed ceramic mug displaying the artwork of Dick Kramer. Holds 15 ounces. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $20***

***Order Code: R46C, "24 On/365 Committed T-Shirt" A true statement for those dedicated members of the law enforcement profession. Screened back design, 100% preshrunk cotton. Navy. Available in sizes L, XL and 2XL. Specify size. L and XL $22, 2XL $25***

***Order Code: R46H, "Protect and Serve key tag" Made of solid pewter. Measures 1.5" by 2". $10***

***Order Code: R47E, "The Brotherhood T-Shirt" A 100% preshrunk cotton navy T-Shirt. Screened design on back and front. Available in sizes L, XL and 2XL. Specify size. L and XL $22, 2XL $25***

*Order Code: R47F, "Glass Shot Glass" A square shaped glass shot glass adorned with a pewter police shield emblem. Hand-washing recommended. $12***

***Order Code: R47H, "Copshock" Surviving Posttraumatic Stress Disorder" By Allen R. Kates. A book to benefit both active duty and retired law officers and their families or anyone suffering from trauma. Recommended by experts. Prepares for the aftermath of horrific trauma. Tells true stories of peace officers with PTSD. Describes over 200 international support services. Paperback. $27***

***Order Code: R48B, "Personalized Throw" A perfect gift for those in law enforcement, past and present. This 100% cotton tapestry throw can be personalized as you wish for that special touch. Area for personalization allows for a maximum of three lines, 24 characters per line, including spaces. Throw measures 48" by 67". A wonderful addition to any decor. $80***

***Order Code: R48C, "Tapestry Pillow" A tapestry design pillow to complement your throw. Measures 17" by 17". Completed with a 100% cotton back and a covered zipper. Personalized area allows for two lines, 24 characters per line, including spaces. $40***

***Order Code: Q96A, "Muscle Man Stun Gun" Daze and disorient attacker without causing any permanent damage. 200,000 volts of teeth-clenching power. Compact but very powerful. Push slide on/off safety switch. 5 1/8" by 2 3/8" by 1 1/4". Sure-grip handle. Belt clip and safety strap. 2 9 volt batteries included and nylon holster. Must be at least 18 years of age to purchase, and we do not ship into Canada or the UK. Know the laws in your area concerning the use of justifiable force, and remember that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution which gives you the right to bear arms also implies your right to self-defense although that right is being violated in several jurisdictions. $75***