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Alicia's Page — Profile

Name:  Alicia

Location:  Here, Indiana
Birthday:  18 February, 1988
Bio:  I'm 17, I have brunette hair and brown eyes. I'm pretty friendly, but kind of shy. I'm pretty easy to get along with I suppose.
Interests:  I love singing, and attempting to write poems, which can hopefully someday be turned into lyrics. But I'm kind of lazy so, that most likely won't happen. Lol. I like listening to music. My favorite kinds are Rock, punk, and some pop. My favorite band right now, would have to be... Three Days Grace. This changes regularly though, heh.
Blog Created:  Thursday, October 14, 2004
Last Updated:  Saturday, April 2, 2005 - 10:05 PM EST
Blog Entries:  24

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