Mood: cool
Now Playing: Waking Ashland "Counting The Stars"
Oh man, I'm so bored right now. But this week has been okay. Not too much has been going on.. One big thing (I guess) is my dad got a pretty nifty digital camera yesterday. It's mostly "for work" though so I doubt I'll be using it. I also got my semi-formal pics back today after 3 days because the school is freakin' gay and they wouldn't give them to anybody but Jessica, and she was sick. Seriously, my school is awful. We have yet another teacher who got sued for sexual harassment. I don't really doubt it, but then again, I don't have the teacher. I feel bad for poor Ms. Jones though, she's supposed to be marrying the guy... Who would want to marry a teacher accused of sexually harrassing a 17 year old? Oh well.. But my dad is not happy about all this. He thinks we should move, but I'm not letting that happen.. Until next year at least, because I've heard that you don't have to pay for tuition to go to school in a different district your senior year. If that's true, I'll most likely be moving somewhere not too far from where I already am, so it's not that big of a deal (So there's no need to freak out when you see that, those of you who actually know where I live. Lol.) Well.. I think that's about enough for today.. Bye!