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French Marti Black Marble Clock

This was a fairly good eBay find, at a pretty good price. It's always hard to go wrong when buying a French clock.

The clock arrived in slightly dilapidated condition. The case had come apart at the waist, and the left panel had come partially loose (see photos below). I had to take the panel off completely to be able to reglue it properly.

My next issue was to polish down the seam, and clean up the marble. This process left the stone an uneven grey-black colour, and my only solution was black shoe polish. The shoe polish worked quite well, and hid most of the flaws. The case still looks only so-so, but It's still fairly nice compared to what it was before. I might be able to find a better blackening product and redo it.

Nitty gritty: the back door is not original (numbers don't match, and it's a bit of a sloppy fit), and the pendulum is also a replacement with a soldered-on tip. I'm not sure about the minute hand.









Before Restoration

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