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Jerome 30 Hour Cottage No. 2 Clock

This is a really cute little clock. It's probably the oldest clock in my collection right now.

These clocks were the first "alarm clocks" made. They have no chime because they were meant to be put in a bedroom. They do, however, have a very LOUD alarm mechanism that is built-in. It rings on a cast-iron bell.

This little clock was made around 1850 by Jerome & Co. New Haven, Conn. It was the easiest clock to "fix" because it was in mint condition when I got it. The label is intact, and still very white, it had a key, the original glass, painted tablet, and pendulum. The case and movement were in great shape, and all they needed, was to be cleaned. There is only one small repair done to the mechanism: It has a handmade replacement 'click'.

This photo shows the clock with a new (old) minute hand of the correct style for the clock:
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