×~>tHis DeM sHouT-oUts BoI!<~×

~_*MaNdA |YnN*_~
I've known you for a while but we haven't gotten close since last year..Being FrEsHmEn wasn't all that bad(except that people thought I was..wEiRd?).The only really HOT guy there was ~*bLaKe PeTeRsOn*~ but he's an a$$! Don't worry bout JE; he's a dumb fuck that's all! We're gonna have sooo MucH FuN this year! You KnOw It!!!

girl I hope that we have a class or lunch together...that'll be so AwEsOmE!! Don't mind me...You know how I am...º~cRaZy *&* TaLkAtIvE~º..But like I say "DoNt HaTe, ApPrEcIaTe!" Dude OmG!! That sleepover was D-sHiZnIt!!! We've have got to invite more GuYs over though...Don't you agree? ×~heLLs YeA!~× *LoL* Kids was a cRaZy AsS mOvIe! We've gotta watch it more often *LoL* How bout NNNOOOO!!!

giiirrrllll you know that O & H are the only two ¤hOt GuY§¤ that'll be on the FooTbaLL team!! YyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaA! Are you ready to smack them AsSeS? *LoL* I know I am!!! Gosh girl you know that I still love you!!! See I added you to my HoMie G-|zZLes page!<3

girl we've been through °ªLoT° these past 2½ years! Remember when we switched crushes even though we didn't mean it? *LoL* Yeah, those were the »GoOÐ Øl'DåYs«..But now we're git'n OlDeR and I'm going to be a ›§oPhMo®e‹ next year and you'll be a |_*fReShMaN*_|!!..Hehe..C/O 2007 RuLeS!:P

I know we've only known each other for a while but hey it's all good! I hope that you and Shelton don't fight to0 much because that's painful...I've had to experience from my ~fRiEnDs~. Don't worry bout what anybody says bout you. Believe in yourself because there's people that won't believe in you. Good Luck staying in CMS for aNoThEr YeaR!:P

your such a fenuterface!*LoL* But yet you know that ~*dEeP doWN yOu TrULy HavE a pLaCe iN mY <3*~ This past year has been like a |_~roLLer CoaStER~_| I can't believe that we'll be SOpHmOreS next year! Do you know that I St|LL think yer...hmm...how can I put this? ~*~hOTT~*~ I know, I know your thinkin' "WTF?!" But yeah you know you want me! *LoL* I'm just fucking w/you...But I still think that you should |_.-*StOP pReTenDinG tHaT yOu Don'T LikE mE!!!.-*_|

«°•YoUr gonNa bE mY ¤B|±cH¤ 4 ThE sUmMeR wHeN yOu GeT YoUr LicEnSe!! And I also think that you have a BiG bOoTy!•°»

hALL do you I kNow YoU dOoooooO! HaHa (J/K)

AmAnDa, me and YoU wiLL me tHe besT EvEr tO bE iN ChOrUs!!