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Hello, there!

    This has been an interesting year for the Booths!  Lots of challenges, struggles and hurdles.  Satan has been trying to knock the door down for most of the year.  However, he will not succeed as Jesus is our Lord and SaviorHe has already won the VICTORY! 

    I am still looking for work—something that I can do from home!  Please pray that something will show up soon!  I have resumes all over Sumter and continue to send them out.   Looks like with as many as I have passed out—I would get hired for being persistent or for being a nuisance.

    I continue to try to keep up with the house, Jonathan, and David.  The latter is the hardest to keep up with.  The biggest thing in his life right now is that he will retire from the State of South Carolina in June.  I am sure he would be glad to tell you about it! 

    My folks are doing well!  My Daddy just turned 81 and has had a good year physically.   The first year in a long time that he has not been hospitalized.  He continues to remain cancer free—thanks to the prayers of many.  He continues to deal with heart problems making frequent trips to the doctor to have his blood thinner monitored but on a whole is doing well.  His biggest challenge now is taking care of Mother.  The Lord truly blessed us all by allowing him to quite work a number of years ago to stay home with her.  He has learned to cook, do laundry, clean the house, even do Mother’s hair.  We’re all very proud of him!  My Mama turned 83 in September and has recently recovered from pneumonia.  She was able to stay at home with Daddy nursing her back to health.  She is remarkable in that she is rarely sick and never complains. (Because she never complains, we have to be careful—making sure that she does feel all right.)  She told me years ago that she has always prayed that she would grow old gracefully.   Her prayers have truly been answered! I hope that I will be able to grow old as gracefully as she has.  Daddy becomes overwhelmed at times taking care of everything.  Please pray for them as time is taking its toll! 

    I continue to be very grateful for Alice Drive Baptist Church and our church family there.  It would be impossible at times to continue if it were not for them and their prayers.  

                                                                God bless you all,  Kay

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Page Updated:  Jan. 5, 03

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