Sarah n MINGO!!! on PJ Day. We miss you mingo!!>
< Pat during Hat day... Might as well have been school colors, check out the patrioticness of his stuff. lol.

Dan, Alex and Josh S. las year on retro day.. Aww, I miss Josh!>

Above is Britt, Laura and Annie.. Laura and Annie, have fun at Waynflete!
Ben, Josh, Ryan and Ashleigh playing Twister!
Above is Pat with his MESSY locker!! That was on PJ day.. see, look at his slippers.

<Over here is Danielle Audet, Sarah, Brian R, Mingo and Lucas on Retro day.. That was in Science with Mr. L, wow, I guess we never did any work for him, even last year..

Below is Remick and Annie when they were going out.. That's PJ day..hehe.
Mingo's Hair.. LOL.
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