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...::Welcome to the True Barcode::... The Bluetooth Clan was updated *August 03, 2004* Chronicles of Isaan updated *August 12, 2004* Gal'Riiah has new updates---Logo up at story index

Welcome to the True Barcode. My names Nick and I write a little. I have two stories in progress. You can go to my story index at "stories" to the right. Enjoy

I'm also making another story. It's based on Xion'Claw from Gal'Riiah. It will eventually connect with someone elses story.^_^ Ohh. Go to Matt's Site.

I'm writing a book called The Chronicles of Isaan. It's not very long, yet, but it will be. I've tried writing stories before, and never made a good strong one. But, by putting on this site, it gives me more incentive to write. Its a mixture of Sci-fi and fantasy, enjoy!

Hi. This is my site. And I have no idea what to put here. I have a Blog. Me and my friend Matt are making a text based RPG. Gal'Riiah is a work in progress, but is up and working. We really need more people to join. Anyone who likes text based Rpg's should go here.

October 14 2004

I just got a new camara phone. It's the LG VX6000. It's awesome. Plus I hacked it, so now I can have free ringtones, and other cool stuff. I put a Moblog, so everyone can see what I see. YEAH! Anyway, I've been working on the Chronicles of Isaan, and it's is getting pretty good. Anyways, look at my Moblog and I'll update C.O.I. soon.
August 30 2004

Hey, I'm back! Mwahahahaha! Just kidding. Anyway, I'll be able to update everything more often now that I'm back in Wahington.
August 22 2004

The chronicles and the Bluetooth are up. Ohh, Gal'Riiah has recieved some new updates. Check them out Here
August 05 2004

The Xion co. logo is up. You can see it at the sory index. It didn't quiet come out how I wanted it though.
August 12 2004

I'm still california and its awsome. Today, we hiked up this cliff and I could see the whole Bay area. The Chronicles of Isaan was updated today. Gal'Riiah has some updates like a chat room, and some Gambling. Also, anyone who can code, please sign up. Then PM or email me if you wish to become a admin/moderater. August 03 2004

I just updated The Bluetooth Clan. I also Rped on Gal'Riiah today. I'm also in the middle of making a avatar for Gal'Riiah. Ohh I'll have an icon up when I get back to Washington.

Contact me here

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